Upper Lachlan Shire Council Determined Development Applications
Pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 the following development applications have been determined. A record of the determinations is available for inspection without charge at the Environment and Planning Section of Council during normal office hours.
1 September 2009 to 30 September 2009
DA Number Development Type Property Information
4/2008 / Dwelling (2x Townhouses) / Lot B DP 383367 Cowper Street, Crookwell82/2008 / Subdivision / Lot 136 DP 753067, Yewrangara, Parish
169/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 133 DP 753015, Bolong Parish
170/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 150 DP 753015, Bolong Parish
178/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 7 DP 112021, 183 Glenleigh Road, Golspie
179/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 8 DP 112021, 183 Glenleigh Road, Golspie
180/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 9 DP 112021, 183 Glenleigh Road, Golspie
182/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 1 DP 1092823, Hillas Parish
184/2008 / Dwelling / Lot 1 DP 700283, 183 Glenleigh Road, Golspie
40/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 11 DP 1083842, Corcoran Place, Crookwell
57/2009 / Rural Fire Shed / Lot 169 DP 754128, Manton Parish
62/2009.2 / Garage/Carport – Modification / Lot 14 DP 25515 & Lot 2 DP 508534, Crown Street, Crookwell
88/2009 / Shed as a Dwelling / Lot 4 DP 1127172, Jerrong Rd, Wiarbourough
92/2009 / Dwelling & Garage / Lot 2 DP 1046667 Taralga Rd, Taralga
99/2009 / Extension of Stockyards / Lot 4 DP 524712, East Street, Crookwell
108/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 5 DP 720193, Goulburn Street, Collector
111/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 2 DP 720193, Goulburn Street Collector
114/2009 / Garage/Shed / Lot A DP 332227, Wade Street, Crookwell
115/2009 / Garage/Shed / Lot 18 DP 1095649, Towrang Rd, Greenwich Park
116/2009 / Garage/Shed / Lot 18 DP 1095649, Towrang Rd, Greenwich Park
120/2009 / Relocation of Dwelling / Lot 2 DP 1077084, Saxby Street, Gunning
122/2009 / Garage/Shed / Lot 6 Sec 2 DP 758335, Dalton
123/2009 / Dwelling/Transportable / Lot 2 DP 1097831, Wombat Street, Gunning
126/2009 / Dwelling Additions/Alterations / Lot 15 DP 28434, Elizabeth Street, Crookwell
129/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 7 DP1089684, Chapmans Lane, Tarlo
132/2009 / Education Establishment – Multi Purpose School Hall / Lot 2 Section 22 DP 758308, Wade Street, Crookwell
133/2009 / Dwelling Alterations & Additions / Lot 21 DP 807423, Laver Place, Crookwell
134/2009 / Temporary Wind Monitoring Mast / Lot 2 DP 1074987, Woodhouselee Rd, Wayo
135/2009 / Temporary Wind Monitoring Mast / Lot 3 DP 588100, Crookwell Rd, Pejar
136/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 93 DP 1111842, Tait Street, Crookwell
137/2009 / Dwelling / Lot 92 DP 1111842, Tait Street, Crookwell
139/2009 / Dwelling Additions & Alterations / Lot 1 DP 64411, Gurrundah Rd, Gurrundah
141/2009 / Dwelling Additions & Alterations / Lot 1 DP 867732, Off Collector Rd, Lerida
143/2009 / Dwelling Additions & Alterations / Lot 2 DP 1009137, Little Plains Rd, Gunning
145/2009 / Dwelling Additions & Alterations / Lot 35 DP 753025, Bridge Creek Rd, Binda
146/2009 / Dwelling Additions & Alterations / Lot 10 DP 847998. Middle Arm Rd, Roslyn
147/2009 / Garage/Shed / Lot 36B DP 161174, Macarthur Street, Taralga
199/2005.2 / Subdivision – 2 Lots with Dwelling Entitlements - Modification / Lots 272, 299, 300, 306, 358, & 361 DP 750052, Lot 1 DP 986339, Lots 88, 117, 118, 136, 331 & 360 DP 750042, Lots 3 & 4 Section 10 DP 758660 and Lot 2 Section 11 DP 758660, Roslyn Rd, Roslyn
268/2007.2 / Subdivision – 2 Agricultural Lots – Modification / Lots 1, 2 & 3 DP 5063, Lot 1 DP 1004347, Lot 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 DP 784346, Woodhouselee Rd, Woodhouselee