YVSC Community Meeting Agenda

January 7, 2015, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Rm 113-114

Inspiring our Community for Future Generations

I. Call to Order

III. Approval ofMinutes from November and December 2014

IV. YVSC Updates

1.  Talking Green – upcoming events below

2.  Waste Diversion – recycling event below, YVR meets tomorrow, see those minutes for more

3.  Green Building/Energy – passive house event in Feb below, and SIGA workshop in March, YVEA rebates to launch soon (Jan 15) for both lights and energy, more energy to follow. CEC Solar Garden has connected up and running!

4.  Sustainable Schools - meeting today at 3:30 pm at Middle School to get the Greenhouses back up and running! EMS launches Tower Garden this month!

V. Partner Updates

1.  City of Steamboat Springs – Kenny Reisman – A. Bear Ordinance second reading, regulations regarding trash: strengthening the commercial ordinance for locking (due to high cost on consumer), keeping residential cans same for now, city to tighten up their own can/receptacles to be all bear/animal proof.
B. Sustainability Strategic Objectives: potentially going with STAR program (rating), pending cost updates; reviewing transportation upgrades; looking at options and asking our help on river health awareness and care, such as potentially hiring position of River Ranger

2.  Sasha Nelson -
1 - State Legislature's work begins this week. Will provide more on good and bad bills next month.

2 - Greater Sage Grouse Tours will run fromMarch 20-April 5th. We will let you know once registration is live.

For now if you have a group of 10+ people and would like to reserve the lek for a day, please contact 970-824-5241

3 - Thank you to all those who donated on Colorado Gives Day. If you donated to Conservation Colorado and will be in Denvernext Wednesdaywe would love for you to join us for a pancake breakfast as we embarrass our boss, Pete Maysmith. Contact Sasha for more 970-824-5241

3.  Karen Massey – Extension Office - Homelink Magazine highlighted Energy Masters program, will run next year again if interest (in even years). Know of any local food projects send them to Extension Office. Master Gardeners class is close to full, starts January 28th. Radon Awareness month, extension office kits are just $5 – if you’re in a new home or a home that hasn’t been tested, do it now!

4.  Heather Savalox – May 16th Saturday Highway Cleanup Day – 9th year, save the date

VI. Presentation

1.  Food Waste – Jessie Burley, High Country Conservation Center, Summit County
Summit County Increased tax in Nov that will provide expansion for 911 communications and a water quality component that also includes free HHW and Ewaste for residents in county.
First EWaste event on Jan 31. Also town cleanup day in May 16th
Compost Program summary (PPT document also included in minutes): Compost program started in 2007, spurred by need to utilize the beetle kill, as well as using biosolid waste from two waste water facilities. Started Zero Waste events at major events (~30,000 visitors), but logistics weren’t working, and collaborated on grant through USDA (finalizing this year) (this is part of that outreach requirement). Used some symbols from our SSRC Ski Area, and marketing videos included. [Showed video on lawn and garden “High Country compost” usage. All Summit Enviro videos here] Concerns and testing continuing for quality and toxic levels in compost – pharmaceuticals, microplastics, and biosolids.
Project is included in HC3’s greenhouses (products go to market), community gardens, CSA
Food Scraps come from many businesses and restaurants in Sustainable Business Programs, HC3 has collection program through a toter at each recycle center ($15/mo), Whole Foods overhauled back of house with compactor – diverting 10 tons the first month!, Copper Mountain has own compactor (emptied 3x/yr), Keystone collects at base area and conference center.
But it’s mostly biosolids and beetle kill, only 5-10% food waste.
Grant: $57,000 and matched to about $100,000 budget for project.

VII. Open Forum

VIII. Upcoming Events

1.  Electronics Recycling Event – January 10th 9:00 – 12:00, Alpine Bank

2.  Growing Cities – January 15th 6:30p Library Hall

3.  Passive House – February 2nd 5:30 – 7:00p TBD

Next meeting

February 4, 2015
11: 30-12:30 pm, Centennial Hall room 113-114