SCT Banner YES Student Team
Meeting Minutes
1 Meeting Logistics
Item / DescriptionDate / March 15, 2007
Time / 10:00 am
Location / Kilcawley, Breshanhan I and II
2 Attendees
Role / NameFacilitator / Jeanne Herman
Note Taker / Mary Beth De Luco
Participants / Jayne Caputo, Marie Cullen, Carol Chen, Bill Countryman, Beth Yeatts, Marilyn Ward, Dona Madasci, Donna Wainio, Jonelle Beatrice, Debbie Garchar, Sue Davis, Judy Richards, Todd Pilipovich, Tina Weintz, Danny O’Connell, Jeanne Herman, Mary Beth De Luco
Not Present / Jack Fahey, Mary Bodnovich, , Marayamah Hassan, Tom Masters, Jody Patrick, Becky Geltz
3 Minutes
Topic / NotesMinutes – 03/15/07
1. Update on Synch Banner and M204 / Synch is an on-going process.
Problems with information moving from Banner to M204 are being worked on, starting with those students in the ‘Early’ program.
Let Jeanne know of any problems in Banner and M204.
The Computer Center is working on an audit program that will identify key general person, admission and test score information from both systems and show any discrepancies.
2. Business Process Analysis / Tom Masters and Jeanne are working on a timeline for Student Accounts, Records, Registration, Admissions and Financial Aid to identify the business process. Jeanne will share this when it is completed.
3. Reporting / Please identify to Jeanne your key reports that are needed.
4. Status Update on 3rd Party Software / Touchnet: Beth Yeatts said it is on hold (except for Admissions) until we go live next year.
Astra: Carol Chen said she has been having regular meetings with the Astra work team.
BOSSCARS: A reference check is being made with Notre Dame, Southwest Missouri State University and Albany State University.
Placement Test Scores: Carol said the first meeting is scheduled for next week. Amy has brought the software REMARK to our attention. Jeanne said she would rather explore doing Placements Test Scores internally if there is minimal information needed rather than bring in another 3rd Party Software. It must be determined what the needs are.
5. Update on Transfer/DARS / Marie reported of regular meeting.
DARS needs t be conformed to Banner.
Marie wondered if there is a time frame regarding duel entry or should they continue loading from M204 to DARS.
Sharon is entering the information into M204. Things are not ready to enter only into DARS.
They will test when the volume of transfers is low.
6. Instance Set Up / Jeanne said everything needs to be out of TEST and into PRODUCTION by March 23.
3 out of 4 tables for Marie could not be moved.
Jeanne will talk to Tom Masters about the set up specs for Mock.
Pre-reqs are being manually loaded into Banner. We definitely want to test pre-reqs.
7. Other Issues / Mock Registration was reviewed. The final and most visible Mock should be in October or November rather than December or January.
Debbie Garchar asked if name or address changes should be made in Banner or M204 since the Synch is not working properly. It was decided to make the changes in both. A weekly report of those students making address changes via self-service will be done and edited.
Marilyn Ward said there are open issues regarding faculty workload. She will let Jeanne know what those are.
Marie asked if pre-reqs are in STMP and that it would be helpful to her if they were.
Jeanne explained that they are trying to clean everything out of TEST, TRAIN, etc and keep it in one place (PROD).
TEST belongs to everyone and STMP is for Student only.
Beth Yeatts said there needs to be clarification made between the financial aid year vs. the regular year. Financial Aid needs to provide correct ISR records.
Judy Richards discussed several issues regarding the athletes: (1) Some information is loaded into M204 and rolled over to Alumni for future reference. (2) Being that she now uses Document Control, how will she run her reports when we are no longer using it? (3)How and where will information be place into Banner? What and how will information be captured? (4)A separate day will be needed to load athletes.
Jeanne said there is no way in Banner that we can stop an athlete who tries to withdraw. The solution is to put a ‘hold’ on every athlete’s record and he will need to see an advisor before any changes can be made. Sue Davis said the same will be necessary for International students.
Carol Chen went over IPED codes and said there will be some testing before it goes into Production.
Work is continuing on an interface in Banner With Financial Aid and the Bookstore. It also needs to be set with the Library, the Rec Center, Athletic Tickets and FPA tickets.
Donna Wainio said there is a training schedule set for March and April. Web Focus is being used by some. It is more user friendly than Focus.
Sue Davis told Carol Chen there needs to be an Emas ‘clean-up’.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 29th.
Action Items
Action Item / Owner / Due Date / StatusAction items and issues from <date>
YES Implementation Minutes Page 4