A for: Apple:

An Apple a day can keepAlzheimer’s away. -Eating apple every day can make youwise and alert.

-Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and poly phenols both are powerful antioxidant.

  • Reduced risk of lung cancer, bladder cancer, stroke and heart disease.
  • Eating apple can prevent skin wrinkling and skin damage and hence helps to remainforever young and vibrant.
  • Flavonoids in it helps in improving lung functioning thereby reducing the incidents of coughing and breathlessness.
  • Eating an apple daily canlower cholesterol.
  • A study found that womenwho ate three applesor pears per daylost more weightwhile dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
  • Eating Tips: Eat the fruit with theskin on: The skin of apple contain pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system


  • Its minerals combined withasparagine, an active amino acid, gives the vegetable a diuretic effect and thus, helps the body get rid of excess water.
  • It is very useful in relieving premenstrual swelling and bloating. It also helps inrelieving irritability, fatigue and depression..The vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore, used in thetreatment of asthma, arthritis, and rheumatism.Intake of adequate asparagus, in the early stages of pregnancy, helps the body fight against certainbirth defects,like spina bifida (a neural tube defect).
  • Asparagus is a good anti-oxidant, a fact which makes it helpful in curing cancer, cataract and other eye problems.
  • The vegetable also helps in controlling blood sugar levels and therefore, is very beneficial for people with diabetes.
  • Eating Tips: Drinking a little amount of asparagus juice mixed with raw honey three times a day helps to strengthen a weak heart. You could eat steamed or boiled asparagus, roast in the oven, could be used in making soups, and other dishes.

Caution:Excessive intake of asparagus causes certain uric acid related problems, like gout and kidney stones.

B for:

Banana:“Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half”.

  • Bananas contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol.
  • Serotonin and norepinephrine in bananas may naturally help sufferers overcome depression.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and they are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.
  • The potassium found in bananas helps to regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Bananas also contain plenty of carbohydrates which are the body’s main source of energy. They are also easy to digest.
  • Eating Tips: Eat just as it is, make smoothie, used in making desserts.
  • Because of their great taste, they can be substituted for sweets and satisy sugar cravings.


  • It contains the bio active agentbetaine, which supports healthy liver function. When the liver is functioning properly, fats are broken down efficiently, aiding weight loss, and preventing fatigue and nausea.
  • Drinking beetroot juiceboosts your staminaand could help you exercise for up to 16% longer.
  • An excellent source of folic acid. They are a very good source of fiber, manganese and potassium. Beet greens and beetroot are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6.
  • Cholesterol Lowering: Beet fiber has been shown to have cholesterol lowering capabilities.
  • Antioxidants: Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beetroot its color, and has powerful antioxidant properties. Studies have demonstrated that red beet products used regularly in the diet may provide protection against certain oxidative stress-related disorders in humans.
  • Cancer Prevention:Preliminary tests suggest that beetroot ingestion can be one of the useful means to prevent lung and skin cancer. Other studies have shown that beet juice inhibits the formation of cancer causing compounds called nitrosamines.
  • It is known as natural blood building food.
  • Aphrodisiac-beet is rich in boron, our body uses boron for manufacturing the sex hormone, this increases the sexual desire. Skin, hair- beet is a good remedy for treating skin diseases. Boil beet root pieces in some water and use this water for treating inflammation, pimples and boils on the skin.
  • For hair- make a decoction of beetroot and mix it with some vinegar, apply this on scalp and this help you to get rid of dandruff.
  • Eating Tips: Drink Beetroot juice. Grated raw beets make a tasty addition to salads. For best flavor, bake beets instead of boiling or steaming. Wrap them in foil to avoid staining.

C for


  • Carrot containcarotene, a chemical that is converted into vitamin A by the body, it helps prevent night blindness.
  • Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk.
  • Carrot can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
  • When taken daily it canlower cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Raw carrot contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer.
  • Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys).
  • Carrot can help improve eyesight. Carrot can help increase menstrual flow.
  • Carrots can regulate blood sugar.Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.
  • Carotene in carrots is an anti-oxidant that is known to prevent degeneration of cells and is therefore, considered to have anti-aging effects. The high content of anti-oxidants also reduces the risk of quite a few cancers. Being a rich source of dietary fiber they also reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Eating Tips: Carrot juice is a wonder juice that can give you your daily requirement of Vitamin A and many other important nutrients that are required for good health. Make it a point to have a glass every day, plain or mixed with any other vegetable or fruit juice. Raw carrot juice lowers stress and restores normalcy to digestive function.

Chili Peppers:“Capsaicin is the name of the chemical in peppers that gives them their hot edge. It’s also the name of the thermogenic supplement in many weight loss pills“.

Chili peppers are extremely healthy for you, and should be included in your regular diet. Here’s why.-Chili Peppers fightmigraine headaches and sinus headaches. -They prevent sinusitis and relieve congestion. They fight cancer.

  • They help lower high blood pressure
  • They fight inflammation
  • They help soothe intestinal diseases
  • They can help you burn fat and lose weight
  • They help protect your heart
  • They have loads of Vitamin C
  • They can warm your feet
  • Do your feet get cold in the winter? Try this — sprinkle powdered cayenne in your shoes. It will keep you feet nice and warm during those cold winter nights.
  • Eating Tips: Will there be any house without Chili pepper in their refrigerator?

D for:

  • Constipation: Date is termed to be alaxative food. This is the reason that dates are beneficial for people suffering from constipation. For getting the laxative effect from dates, you need to soak dates for one full night in water. You should consume these soaked dates in the morning like syrup to get their actual advantages.
  • Intestinal Disorders: Thenicotinic contentthat is present in the dates is said to be beneficial for curing any kinds of intestinal disorders. Continuous intake of dates helps to maintain a check on the growth of the pathological organisms and thus, helps in the rise of friendly bacteria in the intestines.
  • Weight Gain: Dates are said to be a part of healthy diet. They consist of sugar, fats, proteins as well as many essential vitamins. If the dates are consumed with the paste of cucumber, one can easily come out from the problem of over-slimming. One kilogram of dates contains almost 3,000 calories. These calories alone are sufficient to meet the daily requirements of a human body.
  • Heart Wealth: Dates are quite helpful in maintaining your heart in healthy condition. When soaked for whole night and crushed in the morning and consumed, they prove to be quite advantageous for weak hearts. They help to fortify heart, if taken twice in the week.
  • Sexual Weakness: Dates are even beneficial for increasing sexual stamina in the human body. A handful of dates, when soaked in fresh goat’s milk for the night and then grinded in the same milk with the mixture of cardamom powder and honey, becomes a very useful tonic for increasing sex endurance and sterility due to functional disorders.
  • Diarrhea: Ripe dates contain potassium. Potassium is beneficial for controlling diarrhea. They are easily digestible, which helps to cope up with the problems of diarrhea.
  • Intoxication: Dates are known as an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. Dates provide quick relief in the case of alcoholic intoxication. They should be rubbed and soaked overnight for getting more nutritious values from them.
  • Abdominal Cancer: Dates are beneficial for curing abdominal cancer. They work as useful tonic for all age groups. They work as better as the medicines, and are natural and do not bear any side effects in the body. They can be easily digested and used for supplying extra and needed energy.
  • Eating Tips: Eat 5 dates per day, it’s a good source of iron.

Make date smoothie: In a blender, mix dates, milk and ice cubes to make a healthy smoothie.

You can make several desserts with dates. Try my Dates Cake.

E for:Eggplant:

  • How eggplant got its name?In the Middle Ages, traders brought a certain kind of eggplant to Europe, a rare white variety shaped just like a chicken egg. So the vegetable was called eggplant, and the name stuck, even when the familiar purple eggplant reached Europe years later.
  • The skin of an eggplant is contains a high amount ofphytonutrientsthat helps protect the lipids in your brain cell membranes.
  • Eggplant also contains lots of antioxidants.Nasuninis an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from free radical damage. Phenolic compounds are also antioxidants that help protect against oxidative stress and bacterial infections.
  • Eggplant has been used to helplower cholesterol levels.
  • Eggplant is extremely high in fiber and this can help prevent constipation, colitis and hemorrhoids.
  • Eggplant also helps lower yourrisk for coronary heart disease.
  • Eating Tips: Eggplants are very versatile and can be boiled, steamed, fried, grilled or baked.

F for:


  • It promotes healthy bowel function due to the high levels of fiber.
  • Figs are amongst the most highly alkaline foods, making them useful in balancing the pH of the body. They are a good source of potassium, important in helping to regulate blood pressure.
  • Studies have shown the ability of fig leaves to lower the levels of triglycerides. Triglycerides are the major form of fat produced and stored in the body, and elevated levels of triglycerides are commonly linked to obesity and heart disease.
  • Fig leaves have anti-diabetic properties, and reduce the amount of insulin needed by diabetics.
  • Eating Tips: Eat dried figs as ahealthy energy snack.Add figs to baked goods such as muffins , cakes and cookies.
  • Add dried or fresh figs to porridge, oatmeal or breakfast cereals.Add chopped fresh figs to rice, couscous dishes.

G for:


  • Good blood and body builder, it is also a quick source of energy.
  • Grape juice is easily assimilated and called the “nectar of the gods”. It is indicated in cases of constipation, gout, rheumatism, skin and liver disorders.
  • This alkaline fruit helps greatly to decrease the acidity of the uric acid and lends itself further in aiding the elimination of the acid from the system, thus benefiting the kidneys greatly.
  • Studies shown that grape juice, red wines and raisin tea showed strong antiviral activity against polio virus, herpes simplex virus.
  • Helps reduce platelet clumping and harmful blood clots.
  • This fruit is naturally high in vitamins A, C, and B6, along with folate, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, and iron, all of which are necessary for human health, especially in people who are active. The high vitamin and mineral content makes grapes a great supplement to a healthy diet, especially if people follow the rule of eating five servings of different colored fruits or vegetables a day, ensuring a diverse intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Eating Tips: Try all kinds of grapes, rinse them and eat them.
  • Most of the times the grape juice available in the market is not pure. Therefore buy fresh grapes from the nearest fruit stall and prepare the juice yourself.



  • Guava is a very good source of vitamins, fibers as well as minerals. -Being rich in Vitamin C; guava is effective in treating male infertility caused by sperm clumping, adhesion and other abnormalities.
  • -Guava has been associated with healing of wounds, when applied externally.
  • -Guava has generalhaemostatic propertiesand can be used for treating bleeding nose, gums and minor internal hemorrhaging.
  • Guava helps cure dysentery, by inhibiting microbial growth and removing extra mucus from the intestines.
  • Guava helps the body in combating free radicals produced during metabolism and aids in preventing age-related chronic diseases, such asAlzheimer’s, cataract and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Guava is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber and thus, is good for those suffering from constipation.
  • Guava strengthens and tones up the digestive system and even disinfects the same.
  • Guava, having high content of roughage, no cholesterol & less digestible carbohydrates, is good for those trying to lose weight.
  • Guavas can improve the texture of skin and help avoid skin problems. For the purpose, you can either eat it raw or make wash your skin with a decoction of its immature fruits and leaves.
  • Juice of raw and immature guavas or decoction of guava-leaves is known to bring relief in cough and cold.
  • Researches have shown that guava is pretty effective in preventing cancer and even heart diseases in people.
  • The presence of complex carbohydrates and dietary fibers in guava makes it effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • The presence of Vitamin C and other phytonutrients, such as caretenoids, isoffavonoids and polyphenols, in guava has led to it being an effective antioxidant.
  • Eating Tips: You can eat both the raw and ripe fruit. Make Guava smoothie: In a blender, mix ripe guav and milk , add sugar if needed.Spicy Guava: Rub the inside of guava slices with some chili powder, this tastes incredible, spicy and sweet.

H for:Honeydew:

  • Honeydew is a great source of foliate that has become well known for its power to forbid birth defects and is of great importance to women of childbearing age
  • It is fat-free, cholesterol free, low in sodium, yet delivers 100 percent on the critical energy component found in functional foods. The nutritional value of honeydew melon makes it an excellent choice for both weight control and general health.
  • It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer
  • Contain potassium, this mineral helps keep your muscles from cramping.
  • Contain plenty of water which keeps us hydrated.
  • It is a great source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent many diseases.
  • Eating Tips: Cut honeydew melons with seeds make an excellent healthy snack.Honeydew melons can be dried and kept like raisins and its seeds can be roasted.Honeydew melons can also be made into lip-smacking kebabs.

I for: Iceberg lettuce:“The name comes from the way lettuce was originally packed and transported on crushed ice, making the heads look like iceberg”, now this make sense.

  • Iceberg lettuce has high water content and is low in calories. Therefore, it is good in weight loss.
  • Folate content in iceberg lettuce helps in fighting heart diseases and strokes. Even though it is low in nutrition, this one adds the crispiness and texture for a great salad.
  • Eating Tips:A salad made with one part iceberg and one part romaine along with other salad veggies gives the salad a juicy crispness which is from the iceberg lettuce.

J for:Jackfruit: “An excellent vegetarian substitute for meat. In fact, canned jackfruit (in brine) is sometimes referred to as “vegetable meat”. The fruit is made of soft, easily digestible flesh (bulbs) with simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that when eaten replenishes energy and revitalizes the body instantly.