Bug 8335 – Lead Management Security Group Changes

Test Plan

Test File Name: / Bug8335_LeadMgmt_SG_Changes_TP_v1.0.doc
Description: / User access to the correct Lead Management reports must be maintained when a user changes company types.
Test Run Number: / 1 / Execution Date: / 10/27/2009
Tester Name: / Rick Ruth
Test Environment: / Development Staging Production
Overall Test Result:
If actual results reflect the expected results or all test problem reports have been resolved, check PASS, else check FAIL / PASS FAIL

Change History

Version / Date / Changed By / Reason for Change
1.0 / 10/27/2009 / Richard Ruth / Initial Version and results of Test Run 1 in Staging.


1 Test Case Summary 3

1.1 Test Run Summaries 3

1.1.1 Test Run 1 – Staging – Fail 3

1.2 Test Summary Table – By Script 3

1.3 Test Summary Table – By Step 3

2 Test Setup 4

3 Test Cases 5

3.1 Verify That Lead Management Security Groups Are Gone For All User Types 5

3.2 Verify That Correct Lead Management Reports Are Found At New Paths For All User Types 6

3.3 Verify That Lead Management Reports Remain Correct When Internal Users Change Company Type 7

3.4 Verify That Lead Mgmt Reports Remain Correct When Distributor Users Change Company Type 8

3.5 Verify That Lead Management Reports Remain Correct When Dealer Users Change Company Type 9

1  Test Case Summary

1.1  Test Run Summaries

Below is a summary of all test cases. The total number of tests is 15.

Run 1 / Comments
Number Of Tests Executed: / 15
Tests Passed: / 11
Tests Failed: / 4 / Problems with missing Distributor_ID and Dealer_ID properties. See below for details.
Tests Unable To Perform: / 0

1.1.1  Test Run 1 – Staging – Fail

Test Run 1 was performed on 10/27/2009 and was a Fail. The failures are serious enough that this week’s promotion will be delayed. The error messages say there are missing Distributor_ID and Dealer_ID properties in cases where a user is moved into an Internal company or a Distributor company. Moves into a Dealer company appear to be OK.

1.2  Test Summary Table – By Script

Test Script / Pass/Fail / Date Executed / Comment /
3.1  / Pass / 10/27/2009
3.2  / Pass / 10/27/2009
3.3  / Fail / 10/27/2009 / Reports failed after moving Internal user to Distributor company.
3.4  / Fail / 10/27/2009 / Management Report failed after moving Distributor user to Internal company. Unassigned Dealer Report fails for Year To Date but is OK for Current Month and Previous Month.
3.5  / Fail / 10/27/2009 / Management Report failed after moving Dealer user to Internal company. Unassigned Dealer Report fails for Year To Date but is OK for Current Month and Previous Month.
Reports failed after moving Dealer user to Distributor company.

1.3  Test Summary Table – By Step

Test Case / Pass/Fail / Comment /
3.1 / Pass / 10/27/2009
3.1.1  / Pass
3.1.2  / Pass
3.1.3  / Pass
3.2 / Pass / 10/27/2009
3.2.1  / Pass
3.2.2  / Pass
3.2.3  / Pass
3.3 / Fail / 10/27/2009
3.3.1  / Pass
3.3.2  / Fail / Reports failed after moving Internal user to Distributor company.
3.3.3  / Pass
3.4 / Fail / 10/27/2009
3.4.1  / Pass
3.4.2  / Fail / Mgmt Report failed after moving Distributor user to Internal company. Unassigned Dealer Report fails for Year To Date but is OK for Current Month and Previous Month.
3.4.3  / Pass
3.5 / Fail / 10/27/2009
3.5.1  / Pass
3.5.2  / Fail / Mgmt Report failed after moving Distributor user to Internal company. Unassigned Dealer Report fails for Year To Date but is OK for Current Month and Previous Month.
3.5.3  / Fail / Reports failed after moving Dealer user to Distributor company.

2  Test Setup

Any necessary set-up will be described as part of the affected test script.

3  Test Cases

3.1  Verify That Lead Management Security Groups Are Gone For All User Types

Requirements Tested:

Verify that Lead Management Security Groups are no longer found in HVACpartners for Internal, Distributor, or Dealer users. (This is a regression test.)

Tester: RLR

Date Executed: 10/27/2009 Pass/Fail: Pass

No. / Action / Expected Result / Actual Result / Pass/Fail /
1.  / Log in as an Internal admin (e.g., tester) and go to User Details for an Internal user. Check for presence of the Lead Management security group Report Administrator. / The Report Administrator security group is absent. / Username=rruth
OK / Pass
2.  / Go to User Details for a Distributor user. Check for presence of the Lead Management security group Report Administrator – Partner. / The Report Administrator – Partner security group is not present. / Username=distribute
OK / Pass
3.  / Go to User Details for a Dealer user. Check for presence of the Lead Management security group Report Administrator – Customer. / The Report Administrator – Customer security group is not present. / Username=carrier
OK / Pass

3.2  Verify That Correct Lead Management Reports Are Found At New Paths For All User Types

Requirements Tested:

Verify that the Lead Management reports are found at the new paths for all user types and for Carrier and Bryant. Verify that the correct report types are available for Internal, Distributor, and Dealer users.

Tester: RLR

Date Executed: 10/27/2009 Pass/Fail: Pass

No. / Action / Expected Result / Actual Result / Pass/Fail /
1.  / Log in as an Internal user with no admin security groups, but with Residential Package.
Verify Carrier LM reports for Internal users (Mgmt Report, Report of Unassigned Dealers) at Residential > Carrier Residential Marketing > Advertising & Promotions.
Verify Bryant LM reports for Internal users (Mgmt Report, Report of Unassigned Dealers) at Residential > Bryant Residential Marketing > Programs & Promotions. / Carrier LM reports for Internal are found at the correct Carrier path.
Bryant LM reports for Internal are found at the correct Bryant path. / User selsner1.
Carrier path OK.
Bryant path OK. / Pass
2.  / Log in as a Bryant/Carrier Distributor user with no admin security groups, but with Residential Package.
Verify Carrier LM reports for distributor users (Distributor Report, Dealer Report) at Residential > Carrier Residential Marketing > Advertising & Promotions.
Verify Bryant LM reports for distributor users (Distributor Report, Dealer Report) at Residential > Bryant Residential Marketing > Programs & Promotions. / Carrier LM reports for Carrier distributors are found at the correct Carrier path.
Bryant LM reports for Bryant distributors are found at the correct Bryant path. / User=sarok1, from #2008
Carrier path & reports OK.
Bryant path & reports OK. / Pass
3.  / Log in as a Bryant/Carrier Dealer user with no admin security groups, but with Residential Customer Package security group.
Verify Carrier LM reports for dealer users (Dealer Report) at Residential > Carrier Residential Marketing > Advertising & Promotions.
Verify Bryant LM reports for dealer users (Dealer Report) at Residential > Bryant Residential Marketing > Programs & Promotions. / Carrier LM report for Carrier dealer is found at the correct Carrier path.
Bryant LM report for Bryant dealer is found at the correct Bryant path. / User=dabrams, Abrams Air, LLC, Florida
Carrier Dealer report OK.
Bryant Dealer report OK. / Pass

3.3  Verify That Lead Management Reports Remain Correct When Internal Users Change Company Type

Requirements Tested:

When Internal users change company type to Distributor or Dealer, the Lead Management reports available to them should reflect the new company type, not the Internal company type.

Tester: RLR

Date Executed: 10/27/2009 Pass/Fail: Fail

No. / Action / Expected Result / Actual Result / Pass/Fail /
1.  / Identify two Internal users, U1 and U2, that have no admin security groups. / Users are identified. / U1=candrews
Both from #1601 / Pass
2.  / Move Internal user U1 to a Bryant/Carrier distributor company.
Verify that the Internal reports are no longer available to the user, but the appropriate Distributor and Dealer reports are, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Internal reports are no longer available, but Distributor and Dealer reports are available. / U1 to Florida Distribution, Orlando, LE, #2008
Carrier report fails.
Bryant report fails.
Both give “Databinding: ‘System.Data.DataRowView’ does not contain a property with the name ‘Distributor_ID’.” / Fail
3.  / Move Internal user U2 to a Bryant/Carrier dealer company.
Verify that the Internal reports are no longer available to the user, but the appropriate Dealer reports are, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Internal reports are no longer available, but Dealer reports are available. / U2 to Abrams Air, LLC, #78322.
Carrier path & report OK.
Bryant path & report OK. / Pass

3.4  Verify That Lead Mgmt Reports Remain Correct When Distributor Users Change Company Type

Requirements Tested:

When Distributor users change company type to Internal or Dealer, the Lead Management reports available to them should reflect the new company type, not the Distributor company type.

Tester: RLR

Date Executed: 10/27/2009 Pass/Fail: Fail

No. / Action / Expected Result / Actual Result / Pass/Fail /
1.  / Identify two Distributor users, U3 and U4, that have no admin security groups. / Users are identified. / U3=sbaum, #70858, Peirce-Phelps, Philadelphia, LE
U4=mcorey1, #70858 / Pass
2.  / Move Distributor user U3 to an Internal company.
Verify that the Internal reports are now available to the user, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Internal reports are now available: Management Report (Distributor and Dealer) and Unassigned Dealers. / U3 moved to #1601
Management Report:
Carrier report fails with missing Distributor_ID property.
Bryant report fails same.
Unassigned Dealers:
Carrier report fails with missing Dealer_ID property for Year To Date.
Bryant report fails same.
Both Bryant and Carrier are OK for Current Month and Previous Month for Unassigned Dealer Report. / Fail
3.  / Move Distributor user U4 to a Bryant/Carrier dealer company.
Verify that the Distributor reports are no longer available to the user, but the appropriate Dealer reports are, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Distributor reports are no longer available, but Dealer reports are available. / U4 moved to Fritch, Inc, #4578
Carrier path & report OK.
Bryant path & report OK. / Pass

3.5  Verify That Lead Management Reports Remain Correct When Dealer Users Change Company Type

Requirements Tested:

When Dealer users change company type to Internal or Distributor, the Lead Management reports available to them should reflect the new company type, not the Dealer company type.

Tester: RLR

Date Executed: 10/27/2009 Pass/Fail: Fail

No. / Action / Expected Result / Actual Result / Pass/Fail /
1.  / Identify two Dealer users, U5 and U6, that have no admin security groups. / Users are identified. / U5=tadams3 from #70968
U6=dabrams from #78322 / Pass
2.  / Move Dealer user U5 to an Internal company.
Verify that the Internal reports are now available to the user, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Internal reports are now available: Management Report (Distributor and Dealer) and Unassigned Dealers. / Move U5 to #1601, RLCS
Management Report:
Carrier report fails with missing Distributor_ID property.
Bryant report fails same.
Unassigned Dealers:
Carrier report fails with missing Dealer_ID property for Year To Date.
Bryant report fails same.
Both Bryant and Carrier are OK for Current Month and Previous Month for Unassigned Dealer Report. / Fail
3.  / Move Dealer user U6 to a Bryant/Carrier distributor company.
Verify that Distributor reports are now available to the user, for both Bryant and Carrier. / Distributor reports are available to the user. / Move U6 to #2298.
Carrier report fails with missing Distributor_ID property.
Bryant report fails same. / Fail
R:\eMarketing\HVACpartners\Application\Testing\scripts-RLR\8335 Lead Management SG Changes\Bug8335_LeadMgmt_SG_Changes_TP_v1.0.docx / Page 1 of 9