CMRPL Fall Kick-off

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 24, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Meeting Facilitator: Carrie Cargill, League Secretary

Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance 7:05pm

Roll call- quorum met, all teams represented except Ionia Rifle and Jackson Rifle

2014-2015 meeting minutes were presented along with the Secretary and Treasurer’s report. The motion was made by Randy Tomac to approve, the motion was seconded by Jean Wank. Minutes were approved.

Pistol Director’s Report-Randy Tomac gave update.

Rifle Director’s Report- Mike O’Connor was not present.

Old business to review. Dennis Schmidt said the plates for the pistol trophies haven’t been updated. He will get them to Carrie who will get them engraved.

Under new business there was discussion of:

The Annual Banquet- Bob Brown made a motion to have the banquet at Sportsmen’s, seconded by Jean Wank. (vote 3 yes, 2 no). Gordon made a motion to have the banquet at Tony M’s (vote 1 yes, 4 no). Dennis made a motion to have the banquet at the Demmer Center (vote 1 yes, 4 no). Sportsmens’s club brought to light that there is now a $150 cleaning charge to use the range for pre-event cleaning. Randy Tomac made a motion to nullify the prior vote, Bob Brown seconded, motion passed.

Tony M’s Demmer Sportsmen

Motion Gordon Dennis Jean

Seconded Bob Ron Don

Yes 4 1 1

No 1 4 4

The vote chose Tony M’s for the location. Randy made a motion to have the banquet on April 22, 2016, seconded by Bob. Motion passed. Bob made a motion to have a back up date of April 29 in case the first date is unavailable, seconded by Jean, motion passed.The Banquet will be Friday, April 22, 2016 at Tony M’s. The budget for the event including tax and tip is $1,500.00.

The Dennis Willing Commemorative Pistol tournament-Dennis made a motion to have the tournament on February 20th (back-up February 27th) at the Demmer Center, seconded by Ron, motion carried. Dennis Schmidt will communicate with Randy Tomac the official date when it’s booked.

Team Fees - Please send in payments by Jan 31, Feb 28, April 5 at a minimum. Teams that have not sent in payments by the dates will not have scores recorded until they are up to date. Only teams that have paid all of their dues will be allowed to win awards at the banquet.

The address is:

Carrie Cargill

6515 N Welling Road

St. Johns, MI 48879


Chairman: Randy Tomac nominated Dick Miles, George Allen seconded and Dick was elected.

Secretary Treasurer: Randy Tomac nominated Carrie Cargill, George Allen seconded and Carrie was elected, Secretary duties were delegated to Mike Shorna. When Dick Miles updated the bylaws the role will be formally split into Secretary and Treasurer.

Pistol Director: Dennis Schmidet nominated Randy Tomac, George Allen seconded and Randy was elected.

Rifle Director: Jean Wank nominated Mike O’Connor, Don Knisely seconded and Mike was elected.

Jean Wank made a motion that the league donate $250 to the NRA-ILA. Gordon Elliott seconded and the motion passed.

Bob made a motion to maintain the current rates (Pistol- $3 adult, $1 juniors $12 minimum. Rifle- $4 adult, $2 juniors $16 minimum), seconded by Gordon, motioned passed

Randy Tomac made a motion that we close the general meeting and start the Pistol and Rifle meetings. Bob Brown seconded, the motion passed and the general meeting ended.

Pistol Division Meeting

Don started discussion on changing course of fire. Carrie made a motion to keep the current course of fire, Randy seconded, motion carried.

Dennis made a motion that we change the 3 minute dry fire to a 5 minute live fire prep period, Janice seconded, motion carried.

Janice Raymond made a motion to open the Dennis Willing match, league members will use league classification, and use NRA classifications for non-league for the match. All unclassified shooters will shoot at High Master. Dennis seconded. Motion passed with one dissent from Bob Brown.

George Allen made a motion that if a team only has 3 shooters for a match they can use a ‘ghost shooter’ (figured by taking team averages from last year, removing high and low average and then averaging the rest, the shooters used must have shot at least 10 matches), Randy seconded, motion carried.

Randy made a motion to end the meeting, George seconded the motion passed and the meeting ended.

Rifle Division Minutes-submitted by George Masinda

1.  The annual awards should be a mixture of gifts (the same as last year).

2.  Start 1st week of December; no shoot over the 2 weeks of Christmas holiday. Finish last week of March with 15 matches total.

3.  League will keep the postal format

4.  Remain at 4 person teams per week., will use ‘ghost shooter’ (figured by taking team averages from last year, removing high and low average and then averaging the rest), if a team only has 3 shooters for a match.
