English 364: Poetry Writing I (2010-2011)
Instructor: To Be Announced
Brief Description: English 364 is a workshop in writing poetry. The objective of this course is to give students a practical grounding in the techniques of writing contemporary poetry, while exploring the various possible ways poets engage with language, the world, and the self. Students are expected to read contemporary poetry and theory as part of their background work, and attend local readings outside of class time.This course requires critical acumen, editorial focus, and alarge amount of writing and reading.
Application Requirements: In order to be considered for a place in this course, potential students must submit to the English Department office (Social Sciences 1152, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4) by August 15, 2009:
1) a completed application form (either on the reverse side or following this page):
2) a 10-20 page writing sample (also known as aportfolio) that showcases the best of their writing skills. For the purposes of the course, it is probably best to submit poetry, but other kinds of writing samples will also be accepted. Do not exceed the 20-page limit. Put your name on a separate sheet only, not on each page of your portfolio. Keep copies of the writing you submit in case of loss, and include an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) if you wish this portfolio returned.
Students will be selected on the basis of this initial submission. The portfolio and application form must be submitted in an envelope marked “English 364 Submission, c/o Prof. Suzette Mayr” to the English Department main office.By September 1st, 2010, the English Department and the Registrar will have a list of all students who have been accepted into this class. Students will be notified via e-mail. If a student has been granted permission to register, the student can easily do so at that time. (You should, however, register in your second-choice course to avoid disappointment if you do not gain admission to 364.)
Pedagogy: This class will be conducted primarily as a once-a-week workshop, with students handing in assigned, poetry-related exercises andtheir own poetry on an ongoing basis. Students are expected to read published works as well as their classmates’ writing, and to come to class prepared to discuss this writing with constructive, informed, and intelligent criticism. Grades will be based on writing achievements, ability to critique, and on class participation.
Application and portfolio due: August 15th, 2010.
ENGLISH 364: Poetry WritingI– Application Form
Phone #:______Student ID#: ______
List previous English courses that may relate, and course instructor:
List all previous Creative Writing courses (including non-credit), and instructor:
Your reasons for wishing to enroll in this course:
List up to three books of contemporary poetry you most recently read: