Accessibility Advisory Committee

October 25, 2006

7:00 PM

CAO’s Boardroom

Attendees:Councillor David Pickles

Bill Boyes

Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development

Kelly Collins

Lori Murray

Prem Noronha Waldriff

Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary)

Absent:Chris Del Duca

Stephen Little

Sandra Stanton

Item /
# / Details & Discussion & Conclusion(summary of discussion) / Action Items / Status
(include deadline as appropriate)
1.0 / Welcome
  • Councillor Pickles thanked Neil Carroll, the Director of Planning & Development for attending tonight’s meeting.

2.0 / Adoption of Minutes
  • Minutes from the September 27, 2006 meeting were adopted.
  • Follow up to last meeting. Councillor Pickles would like to see the Accessibility Plan for 2006-2007. He would also like to see more accessible parking spots and suggested perhaps an amendment to the Traffic & Parking By-law.
  • Prem stated that she was also looking at the location of parking spaces that are too far away from entrances. This is something that will be followed up with in the coming year.

3.0 / Neil Carroll - Director, Planning & Development
  • Began his discussion of accessibility by describing a staff research project relating to how Pickering compares with other municipalities with respect to parking spaces. What has been documented so far is that we are not as aggressive as other municipalities with respect to the provision of accessible spots but we are still doing well.
  • Doing this project will help us establish a more specific number, which could help us when amending the by-law. To amend the by-law the Committee should request this research project and take the collaborated results to Council. Neil suggested a future agenda item could be the comparison of a future parking by-law and discussion of site plan guidelines.
  • Neil then gave an overview of Seaton development and the Central Pickering Development Plan. Thus far, the plan does not speak to accessibility. Though neighbourhood planning policies may be developed that relate to accessibility.
  • There is a concern with accessibility and Seaton as the development will mostly be concentrated high density townhouses.
  • Neil suggested some ideas for providing accessibility. One was that when developers submit their designs, the City could require that a certain percent of the models be accessible, or that the model can easily be amended. However, the higher the density of an area, the less likely it is to be accessible so it is best to make accessibility a requirement upfront. So far, developers have expressed extreme concern but are open to discussion relating to accessibility.
  • Sustainability issues – discussion surrounding doing a ‘lead neighbourhood’ which will give neighbourhoods certain points for development and/or sustainability issues.
  • Unfortunately, Neil has no concrete provisions for accessibility as of yet, however he will include this in the discussion with developers, and will keep Prem informed on his developments.
  • Neil has suggested that he revisit the Committee in the New Year to discuss any changes and updates.

4.0 / Update – 2006-2007 Annual Accessibility Plan
  • Prem went over the plan briefly and reviewed outstanding items.
  • Councillor Pickles asked if all changes had been incorporated, and inquired about the Claremont item.
  • The Claremont item is still under review. It was priced at $8000 last month and is still under review by Everett.
  • Budget – the budget’s money has not yet been spent ($35,000), however the plan is to spend it on Eastshore to make the back end accessible. This project is not likely to be completed by the end of December but when it is finished the Committee will move on to complete Westshore. Budget money that is not spent this year will be carried over to next year.
  • Prem will be meeting with City staff on a bi-monthly basis to determine which needs will be focused on next.

5.0 /

Other Business & Adjournment

  • Site Plan Review for the Old Mill in Whitevale will be done by Kelley. Kelley to provide an update in upcoming meeting.
  • Councillor Pickles brought in a package from the CNIB that contained information relating to accessible signs. Prem suggested that it would be good for the Committee to spend some budget money on equipment that could help people with disabilities (i.e. a “kurzweil”, national reader).
  • Bill Boyes provided a follow up to his item. He has attempted to contact other Committees regarding accessibility successes but has yet to receive a reply. Will follow-up with individual group members.
  • Prem pointed out that it might be difficult for members to get back to Bill as accessibility is usually not their main job.
  • Lori brought in an accessibility flyer from an Ajax meeting with thoughts of creating one for our City. Councillor Pickles suggested that the Committee examine the mandate and then build on it for this flyer. Lori and Prem will draft a flyer up and then discuss at the next meeting.
  • Lori also brought in a flyer regarding an emergency plan for people with disabilities. She believes that it contains some very valuable information and that we should consider drafting one up. Councillor Pickles suggested that Prem speak with Joe Hunwicks regarding an accessible emergency plan.
  • Lori also followed up regarding her education and accessible awareness ideas. She would like to generate some logo that is specific to this Committee and have children create this logo. Lori really likes the term ‘inclusive’.
  • Councillor Pickles cautioned that this might conflict with the Race Relations mandate. He also stated that if the Committee wishes to build on the idea that Pickering is accessible, then we should build on the principle, like Sustainable Pickering has done.
/ Kelley to action.
Lori & Prem to action.
Prem to action.
6.0 / Next meeting
  • November 22, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.