Survey on Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS)

Senior Secondary Schools F4-F6

Please tick

1.  Is your school going to offer the subject?

Yes (22) No (0) No reply (11)

67% 0% 33%

2.  The number of groups that have been planned:

1 (6) 2 (14) 3 (2) 4 (0) 5 (0)

27% 64% 9% 0% 0%

3.  The elective that will be offered

Accounting Module (11) {48%}

Business Management Module (0)

Both Modules (12) {52%}

4.  The teaching sequence: SS1 SS2 SS3

Compulsory Part:

Business Environment 19 (90%) 2 (10%) 0

Introduction to Management 13 (62%) 8 (38%) 0

Introduction to Accounting 17 (77%) 5 (23%) 0

Basics of Personal Financial Management 10 (45%) 5 (23%) 7 (32%)

No Plan 2


A.  Financial Module

Financial Accounting 2 (7%) 17 (63%) 8 (30%)

Cost Accounting 0 6 (32%) 13 (68%)

No Plan 2

B.  Business Management Module

Financial Management 2 (17%) 3 (25%) 7 (58%)

Marketing Management 0 7 (58%) 5 (42%)

Human Resources Management 1 (9%) 4 (33%) 7 (58%)

No Plan 2

5. What are your major concerns regarding BAFS?

1. More materials are provided to assist teaching.

2. More Supplementary exercises should be provided.

3. Lack of teaching materials, concrete syllabuses, and sample papers.

4. The skills of teaching the new module, the in-depth which we should concern to teach the student for the public exam.

5. SBA (5 schools)

6. Teaching Materials available.

7. Teaching resources in Chinese.

8. Insufficient reference for the exam papers’ level of difficulty.

9. Students’ having insufficient exposure to the Business Environment prior to their SS1 level.

10. The suitability of students.

11. Staff allocation.

12. Content of course.

13. Width and depth.

14. How to maintain the quality of professional accounting in BAFS as a lot of accounting topics being cut?

15. The breath and depth of the BAS curriculum are the major concerns to be indoctrinated in the junior form S1-S3.

16. Regarding the Chinese version of Principal Accounts text book to be launched for the BAFS, we wish that there will be Chinese text book of PA for Chinese Medium Instruction School.

17. Manpower from school human planning in future allocation.

18. Public exam assessment.


Number of School received our letters. (120)

Number of School replied the survey & will attend the Seminar. (33)

Total number of teacher will attend the Seminar. (56)