BIOLOGY: Opinion Essay OR Posterboard Project

DUE: Wednesday, September 23rd

We’ve talked in class about how some basic knowledge of biology (or any science) can help you form opinions you can defend because they are based on facts and not just emotions. However, even having the facts can lead intelligent, clear-thinking people to come to different conclusions based on their religious or cultural biases. Appropriate use of new technologies, for example, is often challenging.

Please research the facts about one of the three topics below and form your own opinion about the issue. You can write an essay (at least three paragraphs) or you can make a poster to be shared with the class. You must:

-use reputable online sources to give your reader information that would help them form their own opinion on the issue

  • Remember to cite your sources; if we don’t know where you got the ‘fact’ we cannot evaluate its value

-Give both sides of the argument; be careful not to chose only data that supports your own point of view

-Tell us clearly what your opinion is after doing this research. If you have not formed an opinion, tell us what other information would be helpful to you.

1. Human Growth Hormones (HGH) are prescribed for children and adults for many reasons. Produced naturally they, along with genes and diet, control growth during childhood. Some doctors are prescribing HGH for children who have short parents and who will presumably be shorter than average themselves as adults. What has changed about the way we produce HGH? What are the risks/benefits of using artificial HGH? What is your opinion on the use of HGH to increase height in children?

2. A vaccine for the Human Papilloma Virus has recently been developed. Vaccination was mandatory for all seventh graders in Rhode Island this fall. One town in particular, Coventry, has a vocal and organized opposition to this mandate. What is their argument? If you lived in Coventry, what would your opinion be? You’ll need to research the safety of the vaccine, the danger of the disease and the reasons this age group has been selected for the new regulation.

3. Vaping, or the use of e-cigarettes, is a fairly new technology that enables smokers to enjoy the effects of nicotine without inhaling some of the other chemicals present in regular cigarettes. If you had a good friend addicted to smoking, what would you say when he/she talks about going over to vaping instead?

A poster or an essay should be structured around three main topics (paragraphs) or physical areas (poster): the ‘pros’, the ‘cons’ and your own conclusion.