The Association of Corporate Counsel Georgia Chapter Inc. (“ACC-Georgia”) appreciates your interest in our sponsorship program. ACC-Georgia sponsorships are tied to substantive programs to be presented to our members at luncheons or special meetings for longer programs involving CLE credit. It is expected that members of the sponsoring organization will present these programs, and we feel that providing sponsors with an opportunity to showcase their expertise and experience to our members provides a substantial benefit to our sponsors. Sponsorship costs paid by sponsors provide funding for these programs and for ACC-Georgia’s community outreach programs, such as providing internships for deserving diverse law students.
The information requested in this Application will assist us in evaluating your firm or company as a potential sponsor. Please be aware that submitting an application for sponsorship does not guarantee that there will be space available or that your area of expertise will be a good fit with ACC-Georgia’s program needs. Selection of sponsors is at the sole discretion of ACC-Georgia.
Acceptance of your Application will constitute an Agreement between ACC-Georgia and your firm or company for sponsorship of the program designated below.
Please provide the following information on the firm or company applying for a sponsorship and how we can contact you.
The above named firm or company is referred to in the Application and Agreement as the “Applicant.”
Please summarize the type of organization (law firm, accounting firm, business entity, etc) and practice area or business of the Applicant in the space below.
Please list in the space below the names of the individuals who you propose for making program presentations:
Please attach biographies for individuals listed above as proposed presenters.
Is Applicant a State Bar of Georgia Accredited Sponsor for CLE? Yes No
Please indicate below the sponsorship level for which you are applying. Refer to the ACC-Georgia Sponsorship Guidelines and Standards (“Guidelines”), a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, for a summary of the rights and benefits of sponsorship applicable to each sponsorship level. If accepted, Applicant in accordance with the Guidelines shall sponsor and present the program (“Sponsored Program”) and pay the applicable sponsorship cost selected below:
Gold (Spring Program)
Ethics and Professionalism
Two hours CLE and social event
Cost: $7,500
Gold (Fall Program)
Employment Law Update
Two hours CLE and social event
Cost: $7,500
Silver – Type A
Lunch Programs (8-10 Available Per Year)
Cost: $6,500
Silver – Type B
Special Programs (Several Available at Various Times During Each Year)
Cost: $3,500 directly to ACC-GA plus Sponsor pays all venue, food and beverage costs for the program itself and an after-program reception anticipated to approximate $3,000
Networking/Social Gathering
(Several Available at Various Times During Each Year)
Cost: $2,000 directly to ACC-GA plus Sponsor pays all venue, food and beverage costs for the event
Cost: $5,000-10,000
Young Lawyers Council Event
Cost: $ To be determined.
Career Enhancement Committee Event
Cost: $ To be determined.
Technology Committee Event
Cost: $ To be determined.
Cost: $ To be determined.
This Application and Agreement and the sponsorship cost payable to ACC-Georgia are applicable only to the Sponsored Program selected above.
Note that ACC-Georgia does not warrant or guarantee (i) the number of ACC-Georgia members that will be in attendance at the Sponsored Program or (ii) any results from the opportunity for Applicant to sponsor or present the Sponsored Program.
For Silver Type A and Type B level sponsorships, please summarize below the program topic or topics that your firm or company could present at an ACC-Georgia luncheon (Type A) or an ACC-GA Special Program (Type B).
Attach additional sheets as necessary, including program materials, if available.
For Silver Type A (lunch program) sponsorships, if you have a preference for the month for which you wish to sponsor a program, indicate the preference below.
If selected to sponsor a Gold or Silver level program, Applicant will bear all of its own costs and expenses of preparing for and presenting the Sponsored Program, including the costs for any reproductions and printed materials. ACC-Georgia will bear the following costs and expenses for a Gold or Silver Type A level (lunch program) programs: (i) meeting room, (ii) food, (iii) beverage and (iv) standard audio-visual equipment. The Silver Type A Sponsored (lunch) Programs will be presented from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Maggiano’s Little Italy, 1601 Cumberland Mall, Atlanta, GA 30339-3162 or such other location as determined by ACC-Georgia. If the Sponsored Program is a Silver Type A (lunch) program, ACC-Georgia will select the menu. If the Sponsored Program is a Silver Type B (special) program, the Sponsor will select the menu and cover the cost of food and beverage to be served at the program. If the Sponsored Program is not a Silver Type A or a Silver Type B program and involves a social event, ACC-Georgia will select the menu in consultation with Applicant, considering cost and quality of the event.
If there is other information that you believe would help ACC-Georgia in evaluating your application, please provide it in the space below or as an attachment.
This Application and Agreement shall be construed under and governed by Georgia law without giving effect to its conflicts of laws rules. This Application and Agreement shall become an agreement between the Applicant and ACC-Georgia only upon written signature by the VP, Sponsorships and Programs, or in the case of a Silver Type B (special) program by the VP, Special Programs, in the acceptance block provided below on the original of this Application and Agreement.
Submit the original and one copy of the completed Application and attachments (or a pdf file of the entire Application and attachments) to:
Wanda M. Morris, President
ACC-Georgia Chapter
The Home Depot
2455 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Bldg. C-20
Atlanta,GA 30339
(770) 384-2169
With a copy to:
Rachel Gervin, Vice President, Sponsorships and Programs
ACC-Georgia Chapter
Sage North America
1715 N. Brown Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
(678) 280-5107
or, in the case of a Silver Type B (special) and/or a Networking/Social Gathering program to:
Key A. Wynn, Vice President, Special Programs
ACC-Georgia Chapter
YKK Corporation of America
1850 Parkway Place, Suite 300
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 261-6137
Name of Sponsor: ______
Signature of Sponsor Representative: ______
Print Name of Sponsor Representative: ______
Date: ______
Signed to indicate acceptance of the Application and Agreement effective this ___ day of ______, 2014.
Association of Corporate Counsel Georgia Chapter Inc.
By: ______
Title: Rachel Gervin
VP, Programs and Sponsorships
Key A. Wynn
VP, Special Programs (for Silver Type B and/or Networking/Social Gathering Programs)
Exhibit A
Association of Corporate Counsel - Georgia Chapter
Sponsorship Guidelines
The Georgia Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (“ACC-Georgia”), also known as the "in-house bar association,” is pleased that you have agreed to sponsor one of our Chapter events. ACC-Georgia has over 800 in-house counsel members from a broad range of area corporations and is the leading source of information and networking opportunities for in-house counsel in the Georgia and Atlanta area. Our Chapter events are designed for the professional development and camaraderie of our members.
As a sponsor, your organization will assist the ACC- Georgia in achieving our primary sponsorship objectives: to raise funds for causes that benefit the legal profession, including the funding of a diversity law student internship and to promote our Chapter’s mission. In addition, your organization will receive many benefits, including name recognition at the sponsored event and in the ACC-Georgia Newsletter in the Fulton County Daily Report. We sincerely hope that you will find that the benefits of sponsorship of one of our events make it a worthwhile endeavor.
ACC-Georgia Silver Type A (lunch) programs typically are held at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Cumberland Mall located at Maggiano’s Little Italy, 1601 Cumberland Mall SE, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30339. Lunch Programs are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of every Month from 11:30p.m. to 1:30p.m. The meeting begins at noon with Chapter business and announcements followed by the title program. Presentations should last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour with time for questions.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Sponsorship (Maximum 2 Sponsors)
- Cost: $7,500
- Choice of one of the following:
- September CLE Program (2 hours minimum)
- Spring CLE Program (professionalism/ethics program)
- Sole presenter of CLE Program
Event coverage in ACC-Georgia newsletter
- Option to place article of up to 1000 words in the ACC Chapter newsletter
- Posting of presentation materials on the ACC Chapter website, and if accepted by ACC National, posting in the ACC National virtual library.
- Attendance by eight (8) organization members at event
- Announcement of Sponsor organization at the beginning and end of Program
- Acknowledgement for role in funding Internship
- Pre-approved marketing materials/handouts on tables at event
Silver Sponsorship Type A(Maximum 10 Sponsors)
- Cost: $6,500
- Monthly Georgia Chapter Lunch program sponsorship
- Sole presenter of CLE Program
- Event coverage in ACC-Georgia newsletter
- Option to place article of up to 500 words in the ACC Chapter newsletter
- Posting of presentation materials on the ACC Chapter website, and if accepted by ACC National, posting in the ACC National virtual library.
- Attendance by four (4) sponsoring organization representatives (in addition to presenters from sponsoring organization). At the discretion of the Program Committee, additional sponsor organization representatives may attend at the ACC Guest Member rate
- Announcement of Sponsor organization at the beginning and end of Program
- Acknowledgement for role in funding ACC-GA legal community initiatives (e.g. law student internship)
- Pre-approved marketing materials/handouts on tables at event
Silver Sponsorship Type B (Several Available at Various Times During Each Year)
- Cost: $3,500 directly to ACC-GA plus Sponsor pays all venue, food and beverage costs for the program itself and an after-program reception anticipated to approximate $3,000
- Sole presenter of Program
- Announcement of Sponsor organization at the beginning and end of Program
- Pre-approved marketing materials/handouts on tables at event
- Event coverage in ACC-Georgia newsletter
- Acknowledgement for role in funding ACC-GA legal community initiatives (e.g. law student internship)
Networking/Social Gathering
- Several available at various times during each year
- Cost: $2,000 directly to ACC-GA plus Sponsor pays all venue, food and beverage costs for the event
- Sole Sponsor/presenter at the event
- Announcement of Sponsor organization at the beginning and end of the event
- Pre-approved marketing materials/handouts on tables at the event
- Event coverage in ACC-Georgia newsletter
- Acknowledgement for role in funding ACC-GA legal community initiatives (e.g. law student internship)
Luncheon Speaker
- Cost: No Sponsorship Fee (No speaker fees, travel fees, or other expenses paid by ACC-Georgia)
- Sole or shared role as speaker (at Program Committee’s discretion) at one Monthly Georgia Chapter Lunch program.
- Two (2) Sponsor organization representatives at event at Presenter’s expense. These representatives will be charged the ACC Guest Member rate.
- Electronic-only newsletter coverage at Program Committee’s discretion
- Posting of presentation materials on the ACC Chapter website, and if accepted by ACC National, posting in the ACC National virtual library.
- Marketing materials/handouts on table outside the meeting room
Intern Sponsor
- Cost: Actual cost of internship (estimated $5,000 to $10,000)
- Joint or exclusive sponsorship of an ACC summer law student intern for in-house internship
- Participation with ACC in recruitment and interview process
- Mentions in electronic-only newsletter of sponsorship
- Mentions in President’s Letter of Sponsorship
- Posting of materials on ACC-Georgia website
- Option to have intern “split” summer at firm (minimum 50% of summer spent in in-house internship with balance spent at law firm).
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
1. Submission of an application for sponsorship does not guarantee a sponsorship. The ACC-Georgia will review all applications for sponsorship and determine, in its sole discretion, the granting of sponsors.
2. ACC-Georgia’s Program Committee will at all times control the selection of topics, and the quality and content of speakers and program materials. The Program Committee will work closely with selected sponsors and their speakers to select topics and create appropriatematerials to ensure that the program is meaningful and adds value to our membership.
3. Selection of program topics, sponsors or speakers; direction and development of program content; approvals given by ACC-Georgia; or other involvement in the program or event does not imply endorsement or agreement of the Chapter to any program content or of any sponsor.
4. Sponsors and speakers may not market their services or organizations in connection with the event or program, except that sponsors may hand out firm brochures and handouts may include the sponsor’s logo, name and contact information, speaker bios, and a summarized description of the organization’s products and services. For this reason, applications for sponsorship from vendors and suppliers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
5. Presentations should contain practical advice on matters of interest to in-house counsel. Materials should be useful, substantive, and relevant from the perspective of the in-house lawyer. More detailed information on presentation content and approach is included in the Speaker’s Guide that will be made available to you.
6. PowerPoint presentations along with substantive handouts are preferred.
7. Sponsors of presentations for which CLE credit is being given to ACC-Georgia members will be responsible for submitting the requisite information with the State Bar of Georgia unless the ACC-Georgia Program Committee agrees to make the submission. Payment of associated CLE fees and Professionalism fees is optional on the part of the Sponsor.
8. ACC-Georgia will not share any proprietary information with sponsors or speakers. ACC-Georgia does not provide a list of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and/or email addresses of its members to third parties, including without limitation speakers and sponsors of ACC-Georgia programs and events. Upon request and subject to ACC’s policies and guidelines, ACC-Georgia may provide, at its discretion, a sponsor the names and company of ACC Georgia members solely for use in advertising and promoting the sponsored program to Sponsor’s clients only whose names appear on the ACC member list. In no event may the list be used for any other purpose, nor may it be disclosed or otherwise provided directly or indirectly to any other party.
- A projector and screens for PowerPoint presentations, podium, stage (if applicable) and microphones will be provided at no additional cost provided two (2) week advance notice is given to the Georgia Chapter Administrator.
10. A brief Program description and bios of the panelist and, if applicable, moderator must be submitted to the Program Committee Chairperson at least two (2) weeks prior to the Program for inclusion in our Program meeting notice and other promotional materials.
11. Applicant will pay to ACC-Georgia the applicable sponsorship cost for the selected program within 30 calendar days after both parties have signed this Application and Agreement. ACC-Georgia’s invoice for the sponsorship cost is set forth in Exhibit B and is to be treated as transmitted to Applicant upon ACC-Georgia’s acceptance of this Application and Agreement. If the sponsorship cost is not received by the specified date, ACC-Georgia may withdraw the granting of the sponsorship and award the sponsored event to another applicant.
Payment of the sponsorship cost may be made by forwarding a check payable to ACC Georgia Chapter to:
Nancy K. Kumar, Treasurer
ACC-Georgia Chapter
241 Ralph McGill Boulevard
BIN 10180
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
(404-506-6064) (phone)
12. The Sponsors agree that (a) it shall use ACC and/or the Georgia Chapter’s name, logo, service marks or trademarks (“ACC Marks”) solely in connection with the sponsored program/event, (b) ACC Marks shall be exhibited and displayed in the exact form provided by ACC-Georgia, (c) it shall not have the right to authorize others to use ACC Marks, and (d) all uses of any materials incorporating ACC Marks shall be subject to ACC-Georgia’s prior approval. All right, title and interest in and to ACC Marks, including all associated goodwill, or in any copyright or other proprietary right now existing or hereinafter created, shall remain vested in ACC.
13. ACC-Georgia does not allow a Sponsor to obtain a co-sponsor or otherwise broker, subdivide or otherwise share in a sponsorship unless ACC Georgia receives a benefit and gives its prior written approval.
14. Applicant warrants and represents that Applicant owns the intellectual property rights (“Rights”) in all materials presented by Applicant during the Sponsored Program. ACC-Georgia expressly disclaims and waives any Rights in such materials, it being expressly understood and agreed that such Rights are retained by Applicant, provided that Applicant hereby grants a non-exclusive license to ACC-Georgia and its members to retain and use for their own purpose and benefit one copy of all program materials distributed or made available by Applicant in connection with the Sponsored Program. Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ACC-Georgia and its parent and affiliated companies and their respective officers, directors, members, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Party or Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, arising out of or resulting from any and all claims that an Indemnified Party’s possession and/or use of materials distributed or made available by Applicant in connection with the Sponsored Program infringes on another party’s intellectual property rights.