NUSTEP Human Biology 2015 – 2016 Last, First ______

1st marking period Research

Topic: Reprogrammed Immune Cells

Assignment Requirements:

  • Your final submitted project must be a Google slides presentation and a Google docspaper in APA format.
  • Both must be shared electronically (with right to comment); no paper.
  • Due ______


  • Read and annotate the article. Remember that re-reading is necessary at this level. ( 5 pts)
  • Highlight each term in the article. Make a Google slide presentation and describe the following terms. (10 pts)

Lackawanna High School4 + 22 = College and CareerReadyBe Here To Get There

NUSTEP Human Biology 2015 – 2016 Last, First ______


T cells



bone marrow


autoimmune disease

rheumatoid arthritis



B cell


killer T cell




chimeric (look up chimera)


memory T cell


immune globin


amino acid

epithelial cells

regulatory T cells


effector cells




Lackawanna High School4 + 22 = College and CareerReadyBe Here To Get There

NUSTEP Human Biology 2015 – 2016 Last, First ______

  • Write a 500 word summary of the entire article. Use Google docs. Information must be included from the beginning, middle, and end of the article. You must use your own words. No quotations. (10 pts)
  • Write a paragraph (minimum five sentences) that describes how this research can be relevant to you. (2 pts)
  • On your “References” page, include this article and the two articles listed at the end; must be in APA format. (3 pts)
  • You will complete a final task at Niagara University, in the Library, which must be handed in at that time. (5 pts)


1st marking period Research

To be completed and handed in at the Niagara University Library


Articles and Databases

scroll down to EBSCO Host


Advanced Search

Type the Title of the Journal and the Title of the article in two separate fields

Enter the published date

For the B.R. Blazar article, click Full Text

  1. How many authors? _____
  2. List each author’s name and the institute each works for.
  1. List five terms in the abstract that are unfamiliar to you.
  1. How would you contact one of the authors? ______
  2. How many figures are in this article? _____
  3. How many tables are in this article? _____
  4. How many references did the authors use? ______

For the D.W. Lee article, click Detailed Record

  1. How many authors? _____
  2. What institute do they work for? ______
  3. List five terms in the abstract that are unfamiliar to you:
  1. How many references did the authors use? (Count the “Cites”) ______
  2. What database did EBSCO Host find this article in? ______

Lackawanna High School4 + 22 = College and CareerReadyBe Here To Get There