Automated Data Exchange Documentation

2009 CSAP, CSAPA, and 11th Grade Alternate
Student Biographical Data File Layout and Field Definitions
File Name: sbd####.nna
Field Name / No. of
Bytes / Begin
Pos. / End
Pos. / Field
Type / Change
from 2008 SBD? / Examples / Updateablefor SBD
Sequence # / 7 / 1 / 7 / Numeric / No / 0000001
Valid digits are 0-9 / NO
Content / 3 / 8 / 10 / Alpha / No / SRW, RW, R, W, M, S or TRW (CSAPA only) / NO
District Number / 4 / 11 / 14 / Numeric / No / 0010
(CDE assigned district code) / NO
District Name / 30 / 15 / 44 / Alphanumeric / No / Mapleton / NO
School Code / 4 / 45 / 48 / Numeric / No / 0798
(CDE assigned school code) / NO
School Name / 30 / 49 / 78 / Alphanumeric / No / Bertha Heid Elementary / NO
Grade / 2 / 79 / 80 / Numeric / No / 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 / NO
State Student ID (or SASID) / 10 / 81 / 90 / Numeric / No / 1234567891 / YES
Local Student ID (or district ID) / 10 / 91 / 100 / Numeric / No / 1234567891 or blank / YES
Last Name / 20 / 101 / 120 / Alpha / No / Smith / YES
First Name / 9 / 121 / 129 / Alpha / No / Joe / YES
Middle Initial / 1 / 130 / 130 / Alpha / No / K / YES
Birth Date / 6 / 131 / 136 / MMDDYY Date format / No / 090669 / YES
Gender / 1 / 137 / 137 / Alpha / No / F or M / YES
Ethnicity / 1 / 138 / 138 / Numeric / No / 1-5 / YES
Language Background / 1 / 139 / 139 / Numeric / No / 0,1,2 / YES
Language Proficiency / 1 / 140 / 140 / Numeric / No / 0,1 2,3 / YES
Bilingual / 1 / 141 / 141 / Numeric / No / 0,1,2,3,4,5 / YES
ESL / 1 / 142 / 142 / Numeric / No / 0,1,2,3,4,5 / YES
Colorado Continuously / 1 / 143 / 143 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Date Most Recently Enrolled in US / 6 / 144 / 149 / MMDDYY Date format / No / 090101 / YES
ELL Continuously / 1 / 150 / 150 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Continuous in District / 1 / 151 / 151 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Continuous in School / 1 / 152 / 152 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
OctoberNew to School / 1 / 153 / 153 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
IEP / 1 / 154 / 154 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
504 Plan / 1 / 155 / 155 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Title 1 / 1 / 156 / 156 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Migrant / 1 / 157 / 157 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Immigrant / 1 / 158 / 158 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
Gifted/Talented / 1 / 159 / 159 / Numeric / Yes / 0,1,2,3,4 / YES
District Use only D (Homeless) / 1 / 160 / 160 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
District Use only A (Expelled) / 1 / 161 / 161 / Numeric / No / 0,1 / YES
District Use only C (Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible) / 1 / 162 / 162 / Numeric / No / 1,2,3 / YES
(State Codes) / 2 / 163 / 164 / Alphanumeric / No / 00,01,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10, 13,14 / YES
Test Invalidation 1
(Reading, Math & Science) / 1 / 165 / 165 / Alphanumeric / No / 0-2, 4-9, B or blank
See Definitions! / YES
Test Invalidation 2 (Writing) / 1 / 166 / 166 / Alphanumeric / No / 0-2, 4-9, B or blank
See Definitions! / YES
Accommodations 1 (Reading, Math & Science) / 1 / 167 / 167 / Alphanumeric / No / Reading: 0-3, 5-8, A
Math: 0-9, A,B,C
Science: 0-3, 5-9, A,B,C;
or blank / YES
Accommodations 2 (Writing) / 1 / 168 / 168 / Alphanumeric / No / 0-3, 5-9, A,B,C;
or blank / YES
Test Type / 1 / 169 / 169 / Alphanumeric / No / CSAP=C, CSAPA=A, 11th Grade Alternate=O / NO
Vendor Record # / 7 / 170 / 176 / Numeric / No / Vendor Student Record ID / NO
CSAPA Test Invalidation / 1 / 177 / 177 / Alphanumeric / No / 0,4,5,6,9, A,B or blank / YES
Barcode Present / 1 / 178 / 178 / Numeric / No / 0=No; 1=Yes / NO

Student Biographical Data Elements and Definitions
(The following criteria must be met before further validation of the file will occur)

File Names

Data File Name - SBD####.nna

SBD - Indicates Student Biographical Data

#### - Is your District/BOCES code

.nn - Is the data file revision number (01, 02, 03, 04.... 99) Note: the data file revision number will be increased by one for each submission.

a - Is the file format

Record Sizes-- All records submitted should be fixed-width ASCII.

The record size for the Data File (sbd####.nna) must be 178 bytes.

For ALL records:No blanks are allowed except where specified!

Student Biographical Data Definitions

Sequence Number

A unique record identifier.

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.


Refers to the CSAP, CSAPA or CSAPA Online test content area.

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

Code / Description / Applies to Grade(s)
R / Reading / 3
SR / Spanish Reading / 3
W / Writing / 3
SW / Spanish Writing / 3
RW / Combined Reading and Writing / 4-10
SRW / Spanish Combined Reading and Writing / 4
M / Math / 3-10
S / Science / 5,8,10
TRW / Spanish Translation of CSAPA Reading & Writing / 3,4

District Number: CDE assigned district/BOCES code. Refer to School District/BOCES Codes.

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

District Name: The name of your school district.

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

School Code CDE assigned school code.

oSee Appendix A.1, School Building Codes Table

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

School Name: The name of your school.

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

Grade: A two digit code that which represents the grade level of the student. Valid grades are: 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, (11 for alternate assessment only).

Do NOT change this field. If changed, this will result in a FATAL error that will stop all processing of your file.

Student State ID (SASID)

o10 digit field.

oThe State Assigned Student ID.

District (or Local) ID

o10 digit field.

oThis is the district, or local ID, and was submitted as “Record Number” in the October Count/Pre-coded Labels data submissions. There was no place to record it on the student data grid on the test booklets, therefore, students who did not have a pre-coded label will show a blank.

oMay be filled with a 10-digit numeric code or blank.

Last Name

o You MAY change this field.

o Will be only 20 characters in length, contains no punctuation

First Name

o You MAY change this field.

o Will only be 9 characters in length, contains no punctuation

Middle Initial

o You MAYchange this field.

o Will only be 1 character in length. May be blank.

Birth Date

oMust be a valid date in the MMDDYY format.


oA 1-character field, valid values are F or M.


oA 1-digit field, valid values are 1-5

o1 = American Indian or Alaskan Native

o2 = Asian or Pacific Islander

o3 = Black (not Hispanic)

o4 = Hispanic

o5 = While (not Hispanic).

Language Background

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1, 2

o0 = English

o1 = Spanish

o2 = Other

Language Proficiency

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3

o0 = Not Applicable

o1 = NEP

o2 = LEP

o3 = FEP

ELL Program - Bilingual

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

o2 = Re-designated Monitored Y1

o3 = Re-designated Monitored Y2

o4 = Exited Y3

o5 = Parent Choice

ELL Program - ESL

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

o2 = Re-designated Monitored Y1

o3 = Re-designated Monitored Y2

o4 = Exited Y3

o5 = Parent Choice

In Colorado Continuously Since 3/12/2006

(For Grade 11 records, use 4/26/06)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

Date Most Recently Enrolled in US

  • Must be a valid date in the MMDDYY format

In ELL Continuously Since 3/12/2006

(For Grade 11 records, use 4/26/06)

  • A 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1
  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes

In District Continuously since 3/10/2008

(For Grade 11 records, use 4/23/08)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

In School Continuously since 3/10/2008

(For Grade 11 records, use 4/23/08)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

October New to School

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes


oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

504 Plan

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

Title I

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes


oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes


oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

Gifted and Talented

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4

o0 = No

o1 = Language Arts

o2 = Mathematics

o3 = Both Language Arts and Mathematics

o4 = Other

District Use D (Homeless)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = No

o1 = Yes

District Use A (Expelled)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 1

o0 = Enrolled (not Expelled)

o1 = Expelled

District Use only C (Free Reduced Lunch)

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 1, 2, 3

o1 = Free lunch eligible

o2 = Reduced lunch eligible

  • 3 = Not eligible for Free or Reduced lunch


  • A 2-digit field, valid values are 00, 01, 03-14
  • 00 = None
  • 01 = Limited intellectual capacity
  • 03 = Emotional disability
  • 04 = Specific learning disability
  • 05 = Hearing disability
  • 06 = Visual disability
  • 07 = Physical disability
  • 08 = Speech/language disability
  • 09 = Deaf-blind
  • 10 = Multiple disabilities
  • 13 = Autism
  • 14 = Traumatic Brain Injury

Test Invalidation 1 (Reading, Math & Science ONLY)

oApplies only to CSAP; CSAPA & 11th Grade Alternate records will be blank

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0-2, 4-9, B, or blank

o0 = Student Tested all Sessions

o1 = Unable to test due to language

o2 = Taking CSAP Alt. Assessment (valid for all grades)

o4 = Parental refusal

o5 = Test not completed

o6 = Withdrew before completion

o7 = Extreme frustration

o8 = Non-approved accommodation/modification

o9 = Misadministration

oB = District Educational Services

Test Invalidation 2 (Writing)

oApplies only to CSAP; CSAPA & 11th Grade Alternate records will be blank

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0-2, 4-9, B, or blank

o0 = Student Tested all Sessions

o1 = Unable to test due to language

o2 = Taking CSAP Alt. Assessment (valid for all grades)

o4 = Parental refusal

o5 = Test not completed

o6 = Withdrew before completion

o7 = Extreme frustration

o8 = Non-approved accommodation/modification

o9 = Misadministration

oB = District Educational Services

Accommodations 1 (Reading, Math & Science)

oApplies only to CSAP; CSAPA & 11th Grade Alternate records will be blank

oA 1-digit field, valid values are: Reading: 0-3, 5-8; Math: 0-9; Science: 0-3, 5-9; or Blank

o0 = None

o1 = Braille version

o2 = Large-print version

o3 = Teacher-read directions only

o4 = Use of Manipulatives (math only)

o5 = Scribe

o6 = Signing

o7 = Assistive communication device

o8 = Extended timing

o9 = Oral presentation of entire test(math and science only)

  • A= Approved nonstandard accommodations
  • B= Translated oral script (math and science only)
  • C= Word-to-word dictionary (math and science only)

Accommodations 2 (Writing)

oApplies only to CSAP; CSAPA & 11th Grade Alternate records will be blank

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0-3, 5-9 or Blank

o0 = None

o1 = Braille version

o2 = Large-print version

o3 = Teacher-read directions only

o5 = Scribe

o6 = Signing

o7 = Assistive communication device

o8 = Extended timing

o9 = Oral presentation of entire test

  • A = Approved nonstandard accommodation
  • B = Translated oral script
  • C = Word-to-word dictionary

Test Type

oA one digit field identifying whether the data were obtained from files for CSAP (C), CSAPA (A), or 11th Grade Alternate (O).

oNo change is permitted to this field.

Vendor Record Number

oa seven digit unique identifier provided by the vendor (CTB element number, etc.)

oNo change is permitted to this field.

CSAPA Test Invalidation

oApplies to CSAPA and 11th Grade Alternate ONLY--Will be blank for CSAP records

oA 1-digit field, valid values are 0, 4, 5, 6, 9, A, B

o0 = Student Tested all Sessions

o4 = Parental refusal

o5 = Test not completed

o6 = Withdrew before completion

o9 = Misadministration

oA = Taking CSAP Assessment

oB = District Educational Services

Barcode Present Identifier

oa one digit field indicating whether data came from a file with a barcode or not

oApplies to CSAP and CSAPA; 0=No; 1=Yes; 11th Grade Alternate will always be '0'

oNo change is permitted to this field.

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Last Modified: 05/08/09
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