Here are some descriptions of the pictures dennis for the web site on field day, no one else has sent me any shots, so we have to go with what I have,
40 meter tent Garry VE3XM guarding the station where Gord VE3RGG and Bill
VE3ETK are trying for contacts
Aj-art AJ, VE3ABZ and Art admiring the new Icom 7000 multi mode radio operated by Ken VE3MIX on 2 meter SSB.
Bonnie=bob2 Bonnie VA3BLM and Bob VE3XNB hard at work making contacts, Bonnie doing the computer logging while Bob handles the contacts
Club-sign Operations were from the Doon Pioneer Tent again this year, with the club sign displayed for visitors to see
Dave-ve3rba Dave, VE3RBA using the clubs radio is operating 20 meter CW.
Dcp05903 Picture of tent and mobile crank-up tower supplied by club member Ben VE3ST. All antenna’s were terminated from the tower making for a neet operating platform.
DCP05911 Interior of tent operations at Doon Pioneer Village.
Doon sign Visible for miles was the street sign that visitors seen approaching Doon Pioneer Village.
Garry-Bonnie Garry relieved Bob and assisted Bonnie operating during the contest. Bonnie observed some great tips from Garry’s technique of making contacts.
Garry-Gord1 Gord Hayward VE3EOS explaining the 160 meter set-up to Garry. Note the rather large receiver that Gord brought. It worked just super.
Gord-bill-40 meter tent Gord Gibson and Bill Graham teamed up to try their luck working the 40 meter SSB. Band conditions gave them over 200 contacts during the field day event. Great work boys!
Gord-many-controls Gord Hayward VE3EOS adjusts tweeks many controls to the two radio’s in preparation for the setting sun and band opening on 160 meters
Ken-ve3mix 2 meters came alive occasionally. Ken VE3MIX hard at work confirming 2 meter contacts, with his new icom 7000 radio.
Tower1 view of the mobile tower, can you count the number of antenna’s operating from this picture?
Photo’s by VE3ST Ben