Winchester, KY 40391 / Phone 870-723-3236
Courtney Thrower
Education / May 2014Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science, Univ. of Arkansas - Monticello (UAM)
Majors: Political Science- Cum Laude / Criminal Justice- Cum Laude; Minor: Modern Languages (German)
Cumulative GPA: 3.66
Distinctions / Chancellor’s List, Spr. 12
Dean’s List, Fall 10, Spr. 11, Fall 11, Fall 12, Spr 13, Fall 13, Spr 14
Academic Achievements
Student Organizations / Speaker, June 2013, Law and Society annual (nationally-based) conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Speaker, March 2013, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual (nationally-based) conference, Dallas, Texas.
Speaker, March 2013, Arkansas Political Science Association annual (state) conference, Conway, Arkansas.
Speaker, March 2012, Arkansas Political Science Association annual (state) conference, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Speaker, January 2014, Southern Political Science Association annual (regional) conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Complete Research Projects:
· The International Eugenics Movement
· The Competing Interests of International Law and State Sovereignty
Research Assistant, Fall 2012, Rejena Saulsberry
Intern, Office of Emergency Management, Monticello, Arkansas, 2013
Worked as a secretary by answering the phone, organizing paperwork, and creating excel documents.
Other Academic Achievements:
UAM delegate, 2011, Pennsylvania Model Student Congress, Philadelphia, PA
UAM Delegate, 2013, AACTA Student Congress, Arkansas State Capital, Little Rock, Arkansas. Achievements: Authored a Bill that passed through committee.
Participant, UAM Horizons Field Study Program (Dublin, Ireland, Spring 2013)
Participant, UAM Horizons Field Study Program (London, England, Spring 2012)
Participant, UAM Horizons Field Study Program (Washington D.C., Spring 2012)
Vice-President, Pi Sigma Alpha, UAM (Political Science Honor Society)
General Member, Vikette, UAM (Community Service Organization)
Academic References / Volunteer, Vikette ‘clean-up’ day at UAM, Fall 2012
Volunteer, Vikette ‘clean-up’ day at Park, Fall 2012
Volunteer, Boys and Girls Club, Spring 2013
Dr. Carol Strong, Associate Professor, Political Science/Associate Dean, Social and Behavioral Sciences, UAM; 1-870-460-1687.
Dr. Chris Wright, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Social and Behavioral Sciences, UAM; 1-870-460-1189.
Ms. Rejena Saulsberry, J.D., Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, Social and Behavioral Sciences, UAM; 1-870-460-1687.