Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting

August 29th, 2016

Senate Chambers 6:30 PM

Chairman: Christopher Jordan

  1. Call To Order

Meeting called to order 7:02 pm.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call

Quorum established with seven voting members: Beaucham, Grinold, Spear, Platts, Myers, Mistretta, and Kazdin.

  1. Approval of the minutes


Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from July 13th, 2016. Second. All in favor. Approved.

  1. Approval of Agenda


Senator Platts: Motion to strike Becky Purser under guest speakers. Second. All in favor. Approved.

Senator Spear: Motion to limit speakers to three minutes. Second. All in favor. Approved.

Senator Myers: Motion to move SB-16F-3039 ahead of SB-16F-3038. Second. All in favor. Approved.

Senator Platts: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Approved.

  1. Guest Speakers
  2. Chairman Report and Account Totals

2016-2017 Fiscal Year

Travel Requests / Special Requests
Now / $32,609.16 / $306,599.93
After / $23,846.20 / $259,696.71
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. New Business

A)Travel Requests

  1. SB-16F-3035 Transportation and Logistics Society: Senator Spear

Senator Spear: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3035. Second. Presentation followed.

Representatives explained why they should be approved for funding to travel to the IANA Intermodal Expo in Houston, TX. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion. Roll call vote 7-0-0. SB-16F-3035 approved for the amount of $1,993.93.

  1. SB-16F-3037 The Financial Planning Association: Senator Beaucham

Senator Beaucham: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3037. Second. Presentation followed.

Representatives explained why they should be approved for funding to travel to the national Financial Planners Association conference in Baltimore, MD. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion. Roll call vote 7-0-0. SB-16F-3037 approved for the amount of $2,000.

  1. SB-16F-3041 Healthy Ospreys Club: Senator Smith

Senator Smith: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3041. Second. Presentation followed.

Representative explained why they should be approved for funding to travel to the First Coast Heart Walk in Jacksonville, FL. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion. Roll call vote 0-0-7. SB-16F-3041 dies.

  1. SB-16F-3043 Organic Project Club: Senator Ogbugo

Senator Ogbugo: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3043. Second. Presentation followed.

Representatives explained why they should be funded for a camping trip. Questions and answers followed.

Senator Kazdin: Motion to amend SB-16F-3043 so that line 24 reads “$73.33,” line 25 “$568.06,” and the totals reflect those changes.Discussion.

Senator Beaucham: Motion to amend the amendment to SB-16F-3042 so that line 24 reads “110.00”, line 25 reads “$752.07,” and the totals reflect that change. Discussion. Roll call vote 5-0-2.

Roll call vote on the main motion. Roll call vote 6-0-1. SB-16F3043 approved for the amount of $862.07.

  1. SB-16F-3039 Lauren Mickler: Senator Myers

Senator Myers: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3039. Second. Presentation followed.

Ms. Mickler explained why she should receive funding for the Presidential Interfaith and Community Service Event in Washington D.C. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion. Roll call vote 7-0-0. SB-16F-3039 approved for the amount of $480.00.

  1. SB-16F-3038 Kalilah Jamall: Senator Myers

Senator Myers: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3039. Second. Presentation followed.

Ms. Mickler represented Mr. Jamall and explained why he should receive funding for the Presidential Interfaith and Community Service Event in Washington D.C. No questions.

No discussion. Roll call vote 7-0-0. SB-16F-3038 approved for $480.00.

***Ten Minute Recess***

  • Motion to remove ten minute recess from the agenda; second, approved.
  1. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
  2. New Business Cont’d

B)Special Requests

  1. SB-16F-3040 Student Homecoming: Senator Beaucham

Senator Beaucham: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3040. Second. Presentation followed.

External Assistant Director of Osprey Productions Ashley Ashe explained why OP should receive funding for Homecoming. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. SB-16F-3040 approved for $44,000.

  1. SB-16F-3041 Club Alliance: Senator Myers

Senator Myers: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3041. Second. Presentation followed.

Club Alliance Director Zachary Mease explained why Club Alliance should receive funding for additional wages for coordinators. No questions.

Discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. SB-16F-3041 approved for $2,903.22.

C)Title VIII Changes

  1. SB-16F-3036 Encumbrance Rollover Clarification Act: Senator Jordan

Chairman Jordan presented. Senator Beaucham presided as chair.

Chairman Jordan explained encumbrances and changes to Title VIII.

Chairman Jordan: Motion to amend SB-16F-3036 so that on page 2, line 29, change the word “penalize” to “impact.” Second. No discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. Approved.

Chairman Jordan: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3036 as amended. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 6-0-0. SB-16F-3036 approved.

  1. Announcements
  2. Final Roll Call

Quorum re-established with six voting members: Beaucham, Grinold, Spear, Platts, Myers, and Mistretta.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm.

Minutes taken by Vice Chairman Beaucham

Minutes amended by Chairman Jordan