Next Level Finishes and Handles Skill Workouts: Spring 2018

Fee: $139. Pay by check or pay online at:

Who: Male and female basketball players, grades 6+(players will be separated into male/female and by grade), who played organized basketball this past season

What:Regardless of size or position, EVERYONE should be able to handle the basketball.Players will work on ball-handling techniques under various circumstances including: pick and roll, isolation, full/half court pressure, and counter moves. We will also work on multiple ways to finish around the basket vs contact and help defenders along with passing. This will be a super fun and extensive program! This class will be lead by Coach Ray Smith

Location: The Norman Howard School, 275 Pinnacle Road, Rochester, NY 14623

Dates: Thursdays, April 12th- May 17th, 6:00 -8:00 PM

There will be a limit of10 participants/Group **Please indicate if your child has any medical issues/concerns. Please bring a basketball**

Check one: Group 1(grades 6-8)______Group 2 (Grades 9-12)______

More details and online registration can be found on For additional information call (585) 271-5726.

Mail registration and payment to: Next Level Hoops, 244 Tryon Estates, Rochester, NY14609

Make checks payable to: Next Level Hoops

Player NameAge Grade M/F


PhoneEmergency Phone______


WAIVER FOR PARTICIPATION: I hereby understand and acknowledge that there is some risk inherent in all recreational activities. I acknowledge that Next Level Hoops does not provide accident or medical insurance for program participants. I fully understand that I must provide proper medical insurance coverage for myself and/or my child. I give permission for a licensed physician or hospital staff to administer emergency medical care deemed necessary for person(s) listed below when parental permission is unavailable. My son/daughter is in good health and has no physical condition that would prevent him/her from participating in Next Level Hoops basketball activities. I agree to hold Next Level Hoops, its employees and officials harmless for any accident, and injury or other cause of action occurring while myself and/or my child participates in this program.

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: ______