2012-2013 Wellness Yearly Report

Fall Quarter Contents/Overview

Introduction: Diana Grandi, Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Fall 2012

This report covers all of the major Nutrition and Physical Activity projects that Diana Grandi, Cathy Huang, and Christian Servera focused on during the Fall 2012 Quarter under the direction of their supervisors Polly Paulson and Lindsay Wetzel. These projects can all be found in the 2012-2013 Quarterly Reports under the 2012-2013 Folder.


  1. Wellness Jeopardy


  1. Wellness Carnival
  2. Letter to the Editor

Projects- Nutrition

  1. Harvest Garden
  2. UCDFM
  3. Future Projects/Notes

Projects- Physical Activity

  1. Wellness Carnival (Planning)
  2. PA Campaign
  3. Physical Activity Map
  4. Future Projects/Notes


  1. Wellness Jeopardy
  1. Facilitated by Diana & Cathy on Oct. 24th with an attendance of 8 people.
  2. The group was small and energetic who seemed to enjoy themselves.
  3. The program was conducted as half its length due to poor attendance.
  1. Facilitated by Diana & Chris on Nov. 1st with an attendance of 20 people.
  2. The participating group was very active and responsive while answering many questions correctly. The RAs also enjoyed participating in a minor role along with their students.
  3. The RAs had to retrieve attendees from the hallways which bothered some students and final jeopardy seemed too difficult for most of the students to answer.
  4. Notes
  5. A good portion of Cathy’s first couple of weeks at HEP were spent editing and practicing for Wellness Jeopardy. Diana and Cathy went through all of the questions and chose the ones that needed to be changed. Cathy, Kathleen Yumul (Sleep, Stress and Mental Health Student Assistant), and Chris made a few edits to some of the questions while changing the question altogether for others. The introduction is a little different. Diana sent in a marketing request to get those new cards printed out and ready for next quarter. Lastly a new final jeopardy question was created. Diana and Chris tried it out once, but it seemed to be too difficult still. Diana worked on a new one and we will test it out next quarter when we get a program request.


1. Wellness Carnival

  1. Time, Date, Location
  2. 1/16/2013 at 5:30pm-7:30pm at the ARC Lobby
  1. Student Assistants Involved
  2. Diana Grandi, Cathy Huang, Christian Servera
  1. Description of event
  2. Wellness Style: The 6th Annual Wellness Carnival was an interactive event co-sponsored by Campus Recreation and Unions and Health Education and Promotion (HEP). The main purpose was meantfor students to learn about campus resources that encompass the Wellness Portal along with its 7 Realms of Wellness. The event was designed to have fun interactive activities by student/campus organizations to help student participants learn how to live a balanced lifestyle along with giving out free prizes.
  1. Data/Numbers
  2. Participants attended: Estimated at 400
  3. Passports handed out: Approximately 279
  4. Passports turned in: 79
  5. Number of participating organizations: 20
  1. Letter to the Editor
  2. Chris and Cathy wrote a (positive!) response to an article regarding the benefits of physical activity that was in the California Aggie on October 10th, 2012. The letter was featured in the Aggie the day after we emailed them.
  3. File Name and Path
  1. ../Letter to the Editor-Fit and happy.docx
  2. Aggie Article:

Projects- Nutrition

1. Harvest Garden

  1. Activities
  2. Prepared the fall garden for planting of the fall crops by pulling up the old plants from the summer garden and amending the soil. Diana created a planting plan based on where previous plants had been planted, which produce HEP wanted in the garden, and where they should be located based on sun exposure. Made a trip to Ace Hardware to pick up organic soil amendment and the seedlings starts.Requested volunteer help for all gardening events.
  3. Planted the garden with chives, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, beets, Swiss chard, beets, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, scallions, oregano, and tarragon. Some plants stayed in the garden from previous plantings because they were still doing very well. These include: peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, lemon verbena, thyme, and sage. The produce has not been harvested yet, the plants are growing much slower than in the previous year. But some are looking pretty mature, so we should be harvesting soon. And when that does happen the fresh produce will be placed at the front desk with a sign and bags letting people know that it is free, fresh, organic produce for them to take.
  4. Diana showed the volunteers where to find the garden log and task list, and the shed key. The volunteers also toured the garden and were shown the tool shed and everything that was available to them for working.
  5. Signs for all the produce in the Harvest Garden were created and requested by the marketing department. Most of the plants in the garden are plants we haven’t planted before so a lot of research was done to find the nutritional information and facts about the produce. The Harvest Garden website was updated and all the new produce in the “What’s Growing” section was listed. Diana wrote up an entire “How-To” guide for the Harvest Garden. This includes prepping the garden, panting the garden, maintaining the garden, making signs for the garden, and maintaining the garden.
  1. Data/Numbers
  2. Plants in ground planted: 81
  3. Different types of plants: 12
  1. Meetings
  2. Diana attended a volunteer meeting to introduce the volunteers to the Harvest Garden and the types of tasks they will be doing while working in the garden.
  1. Future Plans/Goals
  2. The garden will be left on it’s own over winter break, but will picked right back up in January. Harvesting the garden will be a top priority and then the garden will be maintained as best as possible until spring planting takes place. Once the signs for the Harvest Garden are printed out and returned to HEP, they will be put in the garden. As soon as the produce is mature and ready to pick Diana will put up the “Please Pick” signs. Also, Diana will be talking to MerrilLavezzo(Social Medial Coordinator) about putting some information about the Harvest Garden in either the listserve or the Facebook page or both. Lastly, Diana and Lindsay can get the ball rolling on getting a sign for the whole Wellness Garden.On that note, if that ends up taking place, Diana will be conducting a focus group to get student input of what types of things they would like to see in the sign.
  1. Important Documents
  2. Timeline-HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Harvest Garden:Harvest Gardena and Nutrition Timeline Fall 2012.docx
  3. How to Manage/Maintain Wellness Garden- HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Harvest Garden:How To Manage and Maintain the Harvest Garden.doc
  4. Sign Preparations- HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Harvest Garden:How to Prepare the Signs for the Harvest Garden.docx

2.UC Davis Farmer’s Market

  1. Description of project activities and progress
  1. Holly updated the UC Davis Farmers Market vouchers to better match the style of the whole market, vouchers were re-ordered, and Diana requested grant money from the EPPC for HEP’s voucher program – HEP was given $300 for the year. Normally is given money quarterly, but EPPC changed it this year. Also, HEP is receiving a little less money than normal, but they’re funds have been cut down drastically.
  2. At volunteer training Diana facilitated the Farmers Market tabling activity to help orient them to what it is like tabling at the Farmers Market. Also, before the first market took place Diana went into a Thursday meeting to let them know about the market, where to find the supplies, and everything they needed to know before going out and tabling.
  3. Requested from Tamara to reprint the voucher stickers with a new expiration date. The vouchers are now good until the end of spring quarter. This is a change from previous years when the vouchers expired after the end of the quarter.
  4. Had difficulties with the table reservation situation at the Farmers Market for the first few weeks. HEP was reserving the table through the MU Information desk – which is a new process as of this year. They hadn’t worked out all the kinks yet and had doubled book the table with us and another club. Diana talked to Dani Lee, (Manager of UCD Farmer’s Market) about solutions to this problems and ways to avoid it again if possible. Because HEP is an official sponsor of the UCDFM, they are actually given a table within the Farmers Market. Diana worked out the kinks with the information desk and all was resolved.
  5. There were difficulties getting enough volunteer help at the Farmers Market. They all seem to have class right at the time we need them to table at the market.
  6. The voucher program played out differently this year than it has in past years. Last spring quarter HEP handed out 480 vouchers and had 56% redemption rate. However, this fall quarter HEP only handed out 156 vouchers and had a redemption rate of 11.5%. This is a dramatic difference and HEP needs to go a little deeper in determining what was different and how it can be improved.After the markets ended HEP received the vouchers back and Diana recorded their tracker numbers and calculated statistics for the vouchers. This includes determining how many vouchers (and which numbers) were handed out at each event ranging from the market, to Wellness Jeopardy, to Ryann’s cooking classes. Then Diana tallied the number of vouchers redeemed from each event and calculated the redemption rate for each one individually. Then Diana calculated a total redemption rate. These stats are important because the can be used in helping request grant money from the EPPC for vouchers in following years.
  7. The Rapid Market Assessment also ended up not happening this quarter. This was due to the fact that the markets ended November 14th – nearly 4 weeks before the quarter ended. Diana didn’t realize it was coming so fast and didn’t have time to prepare the volunteers for conducting the assessment. Volunteers were guided through “how-to” guides and detailed instructions, but no assessments were filled out.
  8. Created a whole “How-To” guide for the UC Davis Farmers market from facilitating the farmers market activity for the volunteers, to reserving the table at the silo, to printing and explaining the voucher program.
  1. Data/Numbers
  2. Vouchers handed out: 156
  3. Vouchers turned in: 30
  1. Future Plans/Goals
  2. Next quarter the Farmers Market will not be taking place. Diana will focus more on brainstorming some better ways to distribute vouchers that will increase redemption rates. Diana will also be in contact with Dani in regard to which table placement she thinks is better for HEP to be at.
  3. Diana would also like to reorient the volunteers to tabling. They may have had a hard time grasping the concept of what it means to table and the different tasks they should be performing at the market. Diana plans to clear things up and improve the tabling all around and therefore increase voucher distribution and redemption.
  1. File name and path of important documents
  1. Why We Table at the Farmer’s Market-HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Diana:Why We Table at the Farmers Market.docx
  2. How to Table at UCD Farmer’s Market- HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Diana:How to Table at the UC Davis Farmers Market.docx
  3. How To Prepare For Tabling at UCD Farmer’s Market- HEP:Health Ed:Wellness:2012-13:Diana:How to Prepare for Tabling at the.docx
  1. Future Projects/Notes
  2. Diana
  3. Sometime next quarter a meeting should be set up between Diana, Linda Adams, and Dani Lee to discuss furthering the Happy, Healthy Apple logo into the Coffee House. Also, Diana would like to hear about any updates on the vending machine progress.
  4. Next quarter Diana will begin work on the Fruit Tree Map. Diana plans on adding this to the already existing Fruit and Vegetable Map.
  5. This task will require a lot of research and environmental scanning by the volunteers, so Diana will be working closely with them next year.

Projects- Physical Activity

1. Wellness Carnival

  1. Planning Process
  1. Timelines
  2. The first step of the quarter was to create an outline for the Wellness Carnival and make sure it was spaced out in a timely way and adjusted for at 2 extra weeks in case anything went. Cathy and Chris set aside a few office hours directly focused on this timeline and finished it within week 2 of the quarter. They referred to the timeline of the physical activity student assistant PASA) from last year, but had to adjust for the change in calendar dates.Timelines can be seen underC.File name and path of important documents.
  1. Meetings (include dates and persons in attendance)
  1. 10/11/12
  2. Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Polly Paulson, Brian Luu, Danielle Briscoe
  3. Document: ../Wellness Carnival/Meetings/Agenda for Meeting with Campus Recreations.docx
  4. 10/25/12
  5. Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Polly Paulson, Brian Luu, Danielle Briscoe
  6. Document: ../Wellness Carnival/Meetings/Agenda for 2nd Meeting with Campus Rec.docx
  7. 11/8/12
  8. Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Polly Paulson, Brian Luu, Danielle Briscoe
  9. Document: ../Wellness Carnival/Meetings/Agenda for 3rd Meeting with Campus Rec.docx
  10. 11/29/12
  11. Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Lindsay Wetzel, Brian Luu, Danielle Briscoe
  12. Document: ../Wellness Carnival/Meetings/Agenda for 4th Meeting with Campus Rec.docx
  13. 12/06/12
  14. Cathy Huang, Christian Servera, Lindsay Wetzel, Brian Luu, Danielle Briscoe
  15. Document: ../Wellness Carnival/Meetings/Agenda for 5th Meeting with Campus Rec.docx
  1. Important steps
  1. Meeting with Campus Recreations & Unions
  1. Cathy & Chris have been working with Danielle and Brian, who are both new to their positions, and have not taken part in organizing any of the previous WC’s. They have been very helpful and seem as equally excited as the PASAs are about this event. There were a total of 5 formal meetings with them this quarter, and the meeting details are kept in the server under “Meetings.” The meetings included discussion about location, time, and appropriate marketing slogans. Everyone also went over each department’s role, where HEP was to gather promotional items, participants, and plan out the majority of the event. Campus Recreation & Unions decided to organize the raffle, set up the location, meet with Band-Uh!/Gunrock, and assist with marketing. The communication between HEP and Campus Recreations & Unions went very smoothly and any questions were emailed before each meeting to be added to each meeting agenda.
  1. Focus Group and Promotional Item
  2. Cathy and Chris organized a focus group with the Mental Wellness Student Assistant Kathleen. The main purpose of the focus group was to find out what themes, times, and promotional items would best suite the carnival this year. Multiple drafts of a script for the focus group were created and tested out with the HEP volunteers at their Oct. 18th meeting. They suggested that the PASAs do either the “Wellness Style” theme based off of the Gangnam Style or “Game of Wellness” based off of the Game of Thrones and have simple promotional item useful for winter or related to the theme. Potential themes included the following:
  3. Game of Realms
  4. A Realm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
  5. Don’t Worry, Be Healthy
  6. Dance DanceREALMolution
  7. Got Wellness?
  8. Wellness Style

Ultimately the PASAs decided that a focus group wasn’t necessary to finalize the details of the carnival because we had enough information from the volunteer meeting. The “Wellness Style” theme was decided upon with the promotional item to be sunglasses after consulting with Polly and Holly about budget and familiarity to the theme.

  1. After researching different possibilities, the PASAs decided on sunglasses with white frames and blue sides because they go well with our theme. The sunglasses were chosen as an exclusive promo item, and only the first hundred participants who complete a passport will get one. The rest will receive our awesome flying discs.
  1. Gathering Participants
  1. It was surprisingly difficult to get organizations to participate in the WC. For the first month and a half or so after sending out the application, Cathy and Chris were barely getting any responses. After sending out several emails through HEP’s gmail account, Cathy realized that the emails might have been going into people’s spam folders. Cathy then decided to resend them through her personal UCD gmail account and extended the deadline several times. Every week, Cathy gathered a new list of emails (about 20-30 emails) from different organizations and sent them the participant application.
  2. At two weeks before finals week, the PASAs only had about 10 participants. Cathy personally asked her friends who are in clubs to talk to their Presidents and sent out the application to as many organizations in Davis as she could. Links were added to the Aggie article about the 2012 WC as well as a link to AggieTV’s coverage of the 2011 WC in order to raise interest and give orgs a better idea of what the WC is. Now it is finals week, and there are over 20 organizations signed up! The only one that PASAs are still struggling with is the environmental realm, so Chris and Cathy will continue to email organizations throughout Winter break.
  1. The PASAs emailed applications to over 50 school organizations and departments with the assistance of the Campus Student Involvement website. The PASAs wanted to focus on campus only student orgs and departments to emphasize the resources students have here. After the initial email the deadline was extended at least 3 times for a total of 3 weeks. The breakdown of organizations and applications is listed below.
  • 1st & 2nd Deadline (11/14/12 & 12/4/12)
  • Colleges Against Cancer
  • Physical Therapy and Massage services
  • New Dawn Treatment Centers-not a campus org and encouraged to apply with ABiDE
  • Mind Spa
  • Student Nutrition Association
  • Cross Cultural Center
  • The Pantry
  • Sodexo
  • EXB Club
  • Camp Kesem
  • 3rd & 4th Deadlines (12/10/12 & 1/3/13)
  • Robert & MargritMondavi Center for the Performing Arts
  • The House
  • Diabetes Advocacy & Awareness Group (DAAG)
  • KDVS
  • March of Dimes
  • So K-Pop
  • CA House
  • Association for Body Image and Disordered Eating
  • Willow Clinic
  • Public Health Club
  • Student Recruitment & Retention Center (SRRC)
  1. Further notes
  1. Main Components of the Wellness Carnival included:
  • Meet with Campus Recreation & Unions and supervisor
  • Creating applications for organizations who want to participate
  • Creating a list of orgs to contact and making emails to invite them to apply for the event.
  • Brainstorming promotional items, themes, and slogans for focus group.
  • Developing a time and place for the event in collaboration with Campus Recreation and Unions.
  • Creating a timeline specifically for the volunteers and Holly for marketing, along with content for the marketing materials
  1. File name and path of important documents
  2. Content Blurbs-../Wellness Carnival/Content Blurb for WC.docx
  3. Emails for Wellness Carnival-../Wellness Carnival/Emails/Emails for WC.docx
  4. Wellness Carnival Layout-../Wellness Carnival/WC Layouts/WC layout for participants(editted with tablecloth).docx
  5. Wellness Carnival Instructions for Volunteers-../Wellness Carnival/Instructions for the Wellness Carnival 2013.docx
  6. Wellness Carnival Checklist-../Wellness Carnival/Wellness Carnival Checklist.docx
  7. Wellness Carnival Timeline-../Wellness Carnival/Timelines/Timeline final.docx
  8. Final Application Page-../Wellness Carnival/Incoming Apps.xlsx
  9. Organization Contact Sheet -HEP:Health Ed;Wellness:2012-12:Wellness Carnival: Org Contacts 2012-2013.xlsx
  10. Organization Application- - gid=0
  1. Future Plans/Goals
  2. The PASAs will continue to email and keep in contact with everyone involved. They will also market the event through social media with Merril and Campus Recreation & Unions.

2. PA Campaign