71. Mastication refers to:
a. Chewing
b. Swallowing
c. Burping
d. Digestion
72. An adult mouth has this many teeth;
a. 20
b. 32
c. 34
d. 30
73. The duct of the parotid gland is also known as:
a. Wharton’s duct
b. Stenson’s duct
c. Langley’s duct
d. ampulla of vater
74. The thin membrane like structure that connects the lower lip to the gum is known as:
a. Lower frenulum
b. Upper frenulum
c. pylorus
d. buccal mucosa
75. Deglutition is a term for:
a. Chewing
b. Swallowing
c. Burping
d. digestion
76. The esophagus delivers the swallowed food into the stomach by contractions known as:
a. Peristalsis
b. deglutition
c. borborygmi
d. housekeeping contractions
77. Once the food has been mixed with saliva and has been broken down, it is known as :
a. Chyme
b. Bolus
c. bile
d. gastric fluid
78. Digestion of which food is initiated by which enzyme in the saliva of mouth?
a. Lipids and Lipase
b. Starch and Amylase
c. Maltose and Amylase
d. Protein and Peptin
79. If a person has all of their teeth, they would have _____ incisors, _____ canines, _____ bicuspids, and _____ molars.
80. The muscular ridges on the inside of the stomach that allow the stomach to stretch when food is present are called ______.
81. When food mixes with the acid in the stomach it is now known as ------.
82. The largest salivary gland is the ______and is located near the ______muscle.
83. A dendrite conducts nerve impulses ------the cell body.
a. away from
b. toward
c. both toward and away from
d. around, bypassing
e. only inside
84. An axon conducts nerve impulses ------cell body.
a. Away from
b. toward
c. both toward and away from
d. around, bypassing
e. only inside
85. Which of the following is / are type(s) of neurons?
a. sensory
b. motor
c. internuerons
d. all of the above
86. Sensory nerve cells act as the decision making cells to sum up all signals for certain stimuli.
a. True
b. False
87. Neuroglial cells support and provide nutrition for the ------.
a. muscle cells
b. glands
c. neurons
d. nephrons
88. A sensory neuron of the peripheral nervous system takes nerve impulses from the sensory receptors to the ------.
a. motor neurons
b. interneurons
c. autonomic nervous system
d. central nervous system
89. Nerve impulses go from sensory neurons in sense organs directly to the muscle and glands that respond.
a. True
b. False
90. Schwann cells are one of several types of ------cells in the nervous system.
a. sensory
b. motor
c. association
d. neuroglial
91. The myelin that schwann cells produce provides nutrition for the dendrites .
a. True
b. False
92. Gaps in the myelin sheath are known as ------.
a. nodes of Ranvier
b. The synapse
c. axonal interstices
d. myelinoids
93. Nerve impulses create a change in voltage which is measured by and can be seen on a(n) ------.
a. Stethoscope
b. electrocardiogram
c. oscilloscope
d. laparoscope
94. Axoplasm is the ------.
a. blood plasma that nourishes a nerve
b. fluid external to the axon but inside the myelin sheath
c. cytoplasm of the dendrite
d. cytoplasm of the axon
95. The ------contains centers for heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure.
a. cerebellum
b. cerebrum
c. spinal cord
d. medulla oblongata
96. The main function of the cerebellum is ------.
a. consciousness
b. muscle coordination
c. homeostasis
d. sense reception
97. Neurons that conduct nerve impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system are:
a. motor neurons
b. efferent neurons
c. interneurons
d. sensory neurons
98. The portion of the nervous system that is considered involuntary is the
a. somatic nervous system
b. sensory nervous system
c. autonomic nervous system
d. motor nervous system
99. The different charge between the outside and inside of a neuron at rest is called
a. action potential
b. synaptic potential
c. resting membrane potential
d. equilibrium potential
100. Neurotransmitters are released at the
a. dendrite
b. axon terminal
c. cell body
d. myelin sheath
101. In the reflex arc, a muscle or gland is considered to be the
a. receptor
b. integrating center
c. motor neuron
d. effector
102. The term metabolism refers to:
a. All anabolic reactions
b. all catabolic reactions
c. all oxidation reactions
d. all the chemical reactions of the body
103. Glucose is stored in the liver as
a. Starch
b. fat
c. glycogen
d. ATP