
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses focus on competency-based training which involves students undertaking both study at school and work placements with employers. The students’ competencies are assessed to industry standards and the courses provide students with an opportunity to gain Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificates or Statements of Attainment.

These courses provide a clear pathway to employment and further education. They also articulate with Apprenticeships and Traineeships.


1. To provide a wide range of industry based courses that will enhance the students’ employment opportunities and contribute to the HSC and where applicable the ATAR

2. To provide opportunities for all students to participate in the widest possible range of VET courses.

3. To have appropriate systems and procedures in place to ensure all VET requirements are met.


These courses can only be delivered by accredited trained teachers within a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that must be registered with the Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board (VETAB).

All VET teachers must complete quality assurance requirements each year. This includes information on teacher qualifications, student work placement, student assessment, units of competency being delivered/assessed and a checklist of resources and equipment. This is collated by the VET Co-ordinator and sent to district VET co-ordinator

It is essential that accurate records be kept for each student. This includes:

-  regular updating of student achievement of competencies

-  completion and filing of student workplace records in accordance with DET requirements (student placement records, code of conduct agreement and confidentiality agreement)

VET teachers will need to provide this information to their Head Teacher for entry into the BOS records early in Terms 1 and 4. This information must be supplied to the Deputy ( Vet Coordinator)

Work placement of 70 hours is MANDATORY for all VET subjects. Students who do not meet this requirement must be given an N award for this subject. Work placement dates are organised by CareerLinks, these should be entered in the school diary, the front office should be informed and students should notify all their other teachers before going to work placement.

Students Studying VET Courses in Year 11 will complete the preliminary exam, and in Year 12 will complete the trial HSC exams.

The HSC examination is mandatory for those students who wish to count a VET Course as a part of the calculation for an ATAR Students who do not want an ATAR need not sit the HSC exam in their VET Subjects.

School based VET meetings and industry based district meetings are held each term to ensure all VET teachers are informed and are participating in validation of assessment events

Peter Sheargold