2017-2018 Leaders in a Global WorldLiving Learning Community

Staff Advisor: Dana Pursley, Associate Director of the Center for Leadership

Campus Box: 2993Email:

Office Location: Center for Leadership 101DOffice Phone: 336-278-5323

Staff Advisor: Mark Dalhouse, Director of Study USA and Assistant Professor

Campus Box: 2375Email:

Office Location: Global Commons 360Office Phone: 336-278-6700

Resident Advisor: Maria Barreto ’19Email:

Room Number: Global A 308

Living Learning Community Student Ambassador: Maria Ramirez ‘20Email:

Room Number:Global A 325

Residence Life Advisor: Kaila Price, Community Director of the Global Neighborhood

Campus Box: 2980Email:

Office Location: Global Commons 101Office Phone: 336-278-7339


The Leaders in a Global World (LGW), affiliated with the Center for Leadership,offers a unique living and learning environment for Elon University students interested in exploring leadership. Through regular house activities such as dinners, discussion, common readings, movie viewings, and on- and off-campus events, LGW residents will begin to examine leadership by exploring themselves and learning more about the kind of leader they wish to become.


The Leaders in a Global World Living Learning Community creates, cultivates, and sustains an atmosphere for leadership exploration in tandem with living in a multicultural environment. The LGW community is intentionally focused on facilitating interactions between residents with diverse life experiences, backgrounds, and worldviews, fostering awareness of and appreciation of cultural differences. As a member of the Leaders in a Global World community, you will engage in an exploration of your personal leadership style from a multicultural and global perspective.

Residence Life LLC Goals

Residential Living Learning Communities at Elon University include a rich variety ofintentional student communities designed to connect students, faculty and staff around curricular and co-curricular themes and interests.Through shared purpose thesecommunities support and enhance students’ academic, personal and social development and success.

Elon’s Residential Living Learning Communities strive to:

  • Create partnerships between Academic Departments and Student Life that integrate in-class and out-of-class learning experiences in order to cultivate intellectually stimulating environments.
  • Provide academic &social programsto developclimate fostering close-knit residential communities.
  • Engage students in developing and leading their own Living-Living Learning Communities.

Residence Life and Global Neighborhood Events and Programs

As a member of the Global Neighborhood, it is an expectation that you are involved in and attending the Residence Life Living Learning Community and Global Neighborhood monthly events and programs. Additional events, particularly in the Spring, will be communicated to you at a later date.

House Dinners

House Dinners are an ideal opportunity for fellowship and fun! Global residents will come together for dinner together. The goal of house dinners is to provide a relaxing atmosphere for you to spend time with your fellow residents and friends! Faculty and staff sit at each table to serve as discussants.

House Ambassador Events

House Ambassador events are those planned byyour student peers! The goal of these events is to get residents interacting across different Global buildings and LLCs. These are fun, interactive events to socialize and enjoy each other’s company.

Global Neighborhood Film Series

The Global Neighborhood hosts a film series. Following each film, a faculty or staff member will lead a conversation about the film and ask for your thoughts and reactions. The goal is to get students talking about global issues presented in film.

Leaders in a Global World Living Learning Community Goals

The Leaders in a Global World Living Learning Community seeks to enhance the experience of students by:

  • Increasing self-awareness through the exploration of values, beliefs, culture, and identity.
  • Learning group roles, dynamics, and decision making to function constructively in groups.
  • Building an awareness of leadership issues facing our communities and society.
  • Developing a personal philosophy of leadership.
  • Understanding what it means to be a leader at Elon.
  • Understanding one’s self, those around them, and how to be an effective leader while working with others.
  • Developing strategies for implementing leadership concepts on a daily basis.
  • Developing skills for how to create opportunities for themselves and others in areas of interest.
  • Increasing awareness that leadership is not only “how to do it, but how to be it.”

Leaders in a Global World Events and Programs

As a member of the Leaders in a Global World LLC, it is an expectation that you are involved in and attend the LGW events. At least once a month, LLC Advisor, Dana Carnes, will plan something for the community. These events will include a variety of programs, ranging from fun activities off campus, such as bowling, to guests from Elon discussing leadership-related topics, to group discussions on leadership-related articles and videos. These experiences will serve as an enriching part of your leadership development at Elon. Additionally there are a number of events and program sponsored by the Center for Leadership. As a leadership-themed LLC, you are encouraged you to get involved in the CFL in ways outside of the LLC.

University-Wide Events and Programs

As a member of the Elon University community, it is an expectation that you are involved in and attend major university-wide events. These eventsinclude traditions and staples of the Elon experience, such as Fall and Spring Convocation, SURF Day, the Intersect Conference, and Cultural Calendar events. In order to fully engage and participate in the Elon community, you are encouraged to attend the wide variety of events, programs, and opportunities offered to you!

Intersect: Diversity and Leadership Conference

The Intersect Conference is a free two day opportunity that provides 200+ students, faculty, and staff with an unprecedented look at the disciplines of diversity, leadership, and the cross-sections of the two. Participants engage in dialogue and reflection through keynote speakers, educational sessions, and roundtable discussions. Intersect will take place in the Moseley Center on Friday and Saturday November 10th and 11th. The conference pillars, oppression, social change, power & privilege, and organizational change, work to inspire participants to create positive change for the common good in their organizations and community.As a member of the LGW community, you are strongly encouraged to attend the Intersect Conference. Intersect is free for Elon students to attend. You can find more information at

LGW Peer Mentoring

Mentorship is a purposeful and personal relationship in which a more experienced person mentor) facilitates growth and development of a less experienced person (mentee). More specifically, mentoring is a developmental relationship based on collaborative partnerships and critical dialogue that advances mentees towards self-reflection, self-development, and action. Every first-year LGW resident will be paired with a sophomore LGW resident to serve as a peer mentor for the year. Additionally, mentors will be provided mentorship training and resources.

LGW Leadership Positions

As a community focused on leadership development, the LGW advisors and RAs have created several leadership positions in an effort to engage members of our community, provide opportunities for residents to demonstrate their leadership skills, and support the programmatic efforts of the advisors and RAs. If you are interested, you will have the opportunity to nominate yourself and the community will vote to select the coordinators.

- Community Service Coordinator (coordinates and communicates opportunities for service for LGW residents)

- Wellness Coordinator (assists in creating intramural teams, Sunday yoga sessions, and promotes campus wellness events)

- LLC Challenge Points Coordinators (2) (submits LLC Challenge points; one first-year student and one sophomore)

- Calendar Coordinator (uses LGW calendar and remind residents of upcoming events and programs)

- Mural Coordinator (facilitates the design, concept, and painting schedule for the LGW mural)

- LLC Video Coordinator (facilitates the design, concept, and creation of the LGW video)

- Mentor Coordinator (assists in the pairing of mentors/mentees and encourages LGW residents to engage in meaningful development of their mentor relationship)

LLC Recruitment Video

All Living Learning Communities are being asked to create a 1 to 2 ½ minute video that can be used for general LLC recruitment purpose for returning and new students. The focus of the video should be to highlight your LLCs purpose and how that can impact or has impacted a student’s experience. Videos will be used for future recruitment and will be housed on your LLC webpage and social media platforms.Video equipment can be checked out from Media Services in Belk Library. Please work with Aliana Harrison if you or your team need any assistance.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be in the form of QuickTime files, and may not include copy protected material. Videos are due Thursday, November 2nd, 2017.

*Note: Residence Life reserves the right to disqualify any submission that it deems inappropriate. Also please keep in mind that any/all submissions may be posted on the Elon University website.

The LLC Challenge

The LLC Challenge is a year-long competition among all of Elon’s Residential Living Learning Communities. Monetary prizes ($300,$200, and $100) are awarded to the three LLCs that have accumulated the greatest number of points.


  • To support the LLC “key concepts” of Community & Collaboration
  • To provide LLCs with opportunities to build inclusive communities
  • To foster interaction and healthy competition between all Living Learning Communities
  • To provide leadership opportunities for LLC members
  • To foster a sense of belonging and uniqueness
  • To provide opportunities to demonstrate skills gained from living in LLCs
  • To foster the intellectual climate of Living Learning Communities
  • To supplement the activities of individual LLCs


Points are awarded for participation and success in a variety of living learning community “challenges” that occur throughout the semester. Points are also awarded for attending the Common Reading Lecture and Fall Convocation. Additional “spur-of –the-moment” opportunities to gain points may occur throughout the semester.


Active participation by faculty advisors is encouraged to foster participation by students and help to build community early in the year. Advisors should keep in close contact with the student team leader(s) who are responsible for organizing the community team and help communicate plans for participating in the challenge events.

Points Breakdown

5 Point /
  • Invite Learning Community to departmental event, speaker, etc.
  • LLC hold or attends event as a group
ie. Movie Night, Volleyball game
  • Advisor meets with Community Director
  • Co-sponsors Living Learning Community Event with non-LLC RAs
  • Advisor attendance at LLC Advisor meetings
  • Partner with another LLC for event
  • Partner with neighborhood council for event
  • Submit pictures with points request: 1 point per picture

10 Points /
  • Inform departmental faculty of LLC events and invite their participation (departmental meeting minutes or departmental e-mail)
  • Advisor presents at LLC Event, or attends an event with LC
  • LLC holds or attends an event directly related to LC focus as a group
  • LC host a one-time event for the campus community

15 Points /
  • 50% of LLC attend major campus speakers
  • Additional 3 points if LLC allocates time to reflect on take-a-ways from the event
  • Have departmental faculty/staff other than advisor attend event
  • 50% of LLC attends Neighborhood Association Event
  • LC host a one-time event for the campus community

20 Points /
  • Retreat or training event with LLC (Must be at least three hours)

30 Points /
  • LLC hosts/co-hosts campus theme week related to LLC focus

One Time Points /
  • Advisor turns in syllabus (5 points)
  • Timely completion of LLC recruitment video (40 points)
  • IRC Banner competition participation (15 points, 10 additional points if mural relates to LLC theme)
  • Homecoming participation (5 point per event)
  • Identify student community leader(s) or point keeper for LLC Challenge (5 points)
  • Participation is LLC End of Year Showcase at the EOY reception (100 points)

To Get Points
To submit for points please have your Points keeper update the GoogleDoc that ONLY they will have access to. Points should be submitted during the month of the activity. Points submitted outside of the month of occurrence will not be counted.

Include the following information:

  • Name of the event you attended/ hosted and the date
  • Number of LLC members in attendance (if applicable)
  • What qualifies for points (i.e. We hosted a faculty member who discussed a theme related to our topic)
  • Attach pictures if you have any (1 point for any number of pictures)


Sustainability Living Learning Community
Attendance at Fall Convocation
Fifty percent of the LLC went to a campus event and our advisor came with us!
Included: Picture of LLC members with the Fall Convocation Speaker


If you have any questions, comments, need support planning an activity, need help coming up with activities, or have ideas on a Challenge contact Aliana Harrison, Associate Director for Residential Education and Community Development at .

Follow us on Facebook at Living Learning Communities at Elonfor reminders, Challenge updates, and more!

Fall 2017Leaders in a Global World and Global Neighborhood Events and Programs

Friday, August 25th / 7:30-10:30pm / Neighborhood Welcome, First Floor Meeting, & First Night Elon
Tuesday, August 29th / 6:30pm / LLC Kickoff / McKinnon Hall
Wednesday, August 30th / 5:00-7:00pm / Global Neighborhood BBQ
Wednesday, August 30th / 7:00-8:30pm / What Happened This Summer? News Update / McKinnon Hall
Tuesday, September 5th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
Tuesday, September 5th / 7:00pm / Reflections on Charlottesville / Whitley Auditorium
Friday, September 8th / 4:00-6:00pm / Student Organization Fair / Young Commons
Saturday, September 9th / 8:30am, 11:00am / Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Event / McKinnon Hall
Wednesday, September 13th / 7:00pm / Active Citizen Series: Listening Across the Aisle - How to Find the Truth Somewhere in Between / Moseley 215
Tuesday, September 19th / 7:00pm / Global Film Series / Global Media Room 103
Mon-Sat September 18th-23rd / Phoenix Leaders Week!
Sunday, September 24th / 9:00am-2:00pm / Leaders in a Global World Retreat / Challenge Course
Thursday, September 28th / 4:15-5:00pm / Sophomore Mentorship Discussion / Global A 110
Saturday, September 30th / 11:00am / Global Sports Festival and Tailgate
Wednesday, October 4th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
Thursday, October 5th / 3:30pm / Fall Convocation – Former Prime Minister David Cameron / Alumni Gym
Fri-Sun October 6th-8th / Family Weekend
Saturday, October 7th / 12:00-2:00pm / CFL Tailgate – stop by with your families! / Bank of America Drive
Fri-Tues October 13th-17th / Fall Break – enjoy!
Tuesday, October 24th / 4:15-5:45pm / Active Citizen Series: Writing for Action - Writing Persuasive Letters to Elected Officials and Newspapers / Moseley 215
Tuesday, October 24th / 7:00pm / Global Film Series / Global Media Room 103
Friday, October 27th / Global Fall Festival
Thursday, November 2nd / LLC Videos Due!
Fri-Sun November 3rd-5th / Homecoming
Saturday, November 4th / 12:00-2:00pm / CFL Tailgate – stop by! / Bank of America Drive
Monday, November 6th / 5;30pm / Active Citizen Series: A Conversation About the Intersection of Religion and Politics / McBride Gathering Space
Tuesday, November 7th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
TBD / 7:00pm / Global Film Series / Global Media Room 103
Fri & Sat November 10th & 11th / Intersect Conference / Moseley Center
Tuesday, November 14th / 4:15-5:15pm / Post-Intersect Conversation / Global A 110
November 17th-26th / Thanksgiving Break – enjoy!
December 15th-January 2nd / Winter Break – enjoy!
Residence Life / Global Neighborhood / LGW LLC / Center for Leadership / University-wide event

Spring 2018 Leaders in a Global World and Global Neighborhood Events and Programs

Wednesday, January 10th / 6:00pm / Author Wes Moore / McCrary Theatre
Wednesday, February 7th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
Tuesday February 20th / 7:00pm / Global Film Series / Global Media Room 103
Tuesday, March 6th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
March 16th-25th / Spring Break – enjoy!
Tuesday, March 27th / 7:00pm / Global Film Series / Global Media Room 103
Wednesday, April 4th / 5:45-7:00pm / Global House Dinner
Thursday, April 5th / 3:30pm / Spring Convocation, Angela Duckworth
Tuesday, April 17th / 7:00pm / Global Film Series
Cannon Celebration
LGW End of the Year Banquet
Residence Life / Global Neighborhood / LGW LLC / Center for Leadership / University-wide event

*Please note: additional Spring 2018 events will be provided to you as we approach the new semester.

Leaders in a Global World

Living Learning Community


Syllabus and Resident Agreement

As a member of the Leaders in a Global World Living Learning community, I agree to:

  • abide by the Elon University Honor Code at all times;
  • be involved with and attend LGW LLC events;
  • be involved with and attend Global Neighborhood weekly Tuesday evening events, which include but are not limited to: House Dinners, Student Mentor Events, Academic Affiliations, and Film Viewings;
  • attend theIntersect: Diversity and Leadership Conference on November10th and 11th;
  • participate in Elon University, Global Neighborhood, LGW, and Center for Leadershipeventsand programs that the advisors deem important.;
  • communicate with the advisor if I am unable to attend an event due to an academic conflict;
  • engage in programs, events, and discussions that will assist in my leadership development;
  • expand my knowledge and understanding of cross cultural leadership and diverse communities; and
  • be respectful of all members of the LGW LLC and the greater Global Neighborhood community.

As a mentor, I agree to: