Peer Review: Observation of Teaching Practice

Report Template for Academic Promotion Applications

Instructions to Peer Reviewer

Bring a copy of this form to the pre-observation meetingand complete the appropriate sections and details (select applicable dimensions)with the Reviewee.Use your CSU email account to submit the completed Peer Review: Observation of Teaching Practice Reportto your peer. Please submit your typed and signedreport no later than two weeks after the peer review is completed.

Peer Reviewer details:

Reviewer’s name
Reviewer’s School/Faculty/Division
Reviewer from same Faculty ☐
Reviewer not from same Faculty ☐ / Discipline expert ☐
Learning and teaching expert ☐

To be completed during the pre-observation meeting:

Reviewee’s name
Subject code and name
Year level
Type of session: face-to-face/online
(e.g. lecture/tutorial/lab/clinic/workshop)
Number of students enrolled
in subject
Date and time of session
Length of session
Part of session observed
Dimensions chosen for peer review (minimum of six)
Dimension 10 (optional)

To be completed after the peer observation:

Number of students in the session
Comments if an optional post-observation meeting took place
Date peer review report signed and submitted

Peer ReviewReport:Observation of Teaching Practice

  1. General comments

Dimensions of learning and teaching activity: / Quantity and quality of evidence
  1. Students are actively engaged in learning
Your examples and comments / No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Students’ prior knowledge and experience is built upon
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Teaching caters for student diversity
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Students are encouraged to develop/expand their conceptual understanding
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Students are made aware of key learning outcomes
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Actively links theory and practice through research, professional/ industry or discipline examples.
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Uses learning environments, educational resources and techniques appropriately
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Presents material logically
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Seeks feedback on students’ understanding and acts on this accordingly
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Other areas as determined by the reviewee
  2. Your examples and comments
/ No apparent examples
☐ / Some examples
☐ / Many examples

Effectiveness not clear
☐ / Effective
☐ / Very effective

  1. Any other comments (optional)


Peer Reviewer’s Title:

Advisory notes on the Dimensions of Teaching
(Not to be submitted with the Observation of Teaching Practice Report)

This form is part of the suite of forms available to support the Peer Review of Educational Practice:

Teaching Practice

  1. Observation of Teaching Practice

Subject Design Practice

  1. Assessment for Learning
  2. Learning Resources
  3. Learning Activities
  4. Learning Support

Course Design Practice (coming soon)

Peer review is framed around nine core Dimensions of Teaching.A tenth dimension can be included to provide an opportunity for applicants to prepare a single sentence statement composed for their particular approach to teaching in face-to-face and online teaching environments. The dimensions and descriptors illustrate what is expected to demonstrate effective teaching in face-to-face (synchronous) and online (asynchronous) teaching.

Applicants should nominate a minimum of six Dimensions of Teaching.

The range of teaching strategies listed below serves as a guide. While the dimensions are fixed, you may add your own points to expand on any of the dimensions to document your observation of the class. CSU’s Online Learning Model should be used as a resource for evidence of practice in the Interact2 subject site.

Dimension 1: Students are actively engaged in learning

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • fostering a supportive, non-threatening teaching/learning environment
  • encouraging students to express views, ask and answer questions, and allow time and opportunity for this to occur or contribute to fora or discussions
  • using questioning skills or prompts which encourage student engagement
  • providing immediate and constructive feedback where appropriate
  • demonstrating enthusiasm for teaching and learning
  • (for smaller groups) fostering extensive interaction
  • (for very large groups) presenting in such a manner as to achieve maximum engagement
  • fostering interaction between students and with the content in the online mode through, for example,
  • collaborative small group projects
  • online student interaction strategies/activities (e.g. students responding to each other on the discussion board)
  • online reflective journals including video or audio blogs, allowing peer comments and feedback
  • co-operative inquiry-based or problem-based learning activities
  • co-creation of authentic learning products

Dimension 2: Students prior knowledge and experience is built upon

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • being fully aware of and/or determining students’ prior knowledge and understandingand developing the learning activities from this perspective
  • building on students’ current knowledge and understanding, and taking them conceptually beyond this level
  • where appropriate, using and building upon student contributions and preparation

Dimension 3: Teaching caters for student diversity

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • demonstrating an appreciation of the different levels of knowledge and understanding in a group
  • addressing, as appropriate, different learning needs and styles within the group
  • focussing on building confidence, enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation
  • fostering students’ responsibility for their own learning, encouraging them towards being self-directed learners (as distinct from teacher-directed learners)
  • using appropriate strategies for different needs, balancing discursive interactive strategies with those that are more didactic (where simple transmission of knowledge is needed)
  • recognising, at times, the need for teacher-directed strategies such as explaining, and being able to implement these effectively
  • exercising balance between challenging and supporting students
  • designing activities/tasks that allow students of differing abilities to participate/engage and demonstrate/enhance their learning
  • providing examples or opportunities for discussion that cater for cultural diversity
  • subject site is accessible to students and staff by integrating blended learning, assistive and inclusive technologies

Dimension 4: Students are encouraged to develop/expand their conceptual understanding

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • helping students bridge the gap between their current conceptual understanding and the next “level”
  • helping students become aware of what the next levels are
  • encouraging students to become self- directed learners by using the “lecture”/presentation as the stimulus for individual study/learning
  • challenging students intellectually e.g. by extending them with question/answer/discussion components where students’ conclusions must be justified to the teacher and peers. This usually involves questions such as “What do you think is going on”; “Why”; “What if…?” etc.
  • encouraging students to summarise or “construct “ their individual conceptual understanding (ultimately the learner must be responsible for his/her own learning)
  • encouraging deep (intrinsic) rather than surface (extrinsic) approaches to learning
  • working cooperatively with students to help them enhance understanding
  • clearly demonstrating a thorough command of the subject matter

Dimension 5: Students are aware of key learning outcomes

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • ensuring students are progressively aware of key learning outcomes
  • focussing on learning outcomes at key points in the presentation
  • ensuring a synthesis of key learning outcomes is emphasised towards the conclusion of the session so that individual student follow-up work is well focussed
  • encouraging each student to accept responsibility for learning issues to follow-up and consolidate
  • ensuring students are aware of the link between key learning outcomes and assessment (formative and summative), as appropriate

Dimension 6: Actively uses links between research or industry and teaching

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • emphasising, where appropriate, links between research outcomes, industry or professional examples and learning
  • using research, industry or professional links appropriately, given the level of student conceptual development
  • raising students’ awareness of what constitutes the needs or priorities of research or industry or the relevant profession
  • interaction with the professions

Dimension 7: Uses education resources and techniques appropriately

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • using IT techniques effectively (e.g. multimedia, audio, simulations, presentations of a professional standard)
  • providing relevant online formative and summative tasks
  • supplying resources, materials and literature to support student learning
  • using, as appropriate, a range of classroom/online resources, tools and strategies to support student learning effectively
  • evidence of adaptivity in learning design, online teaching and student support made possible by technologies providing timely data on learners’ knowledge, perceptions and study behaviour
  • using specific educational strategies and techniques in the design and delivery of teaching sessions, to achieve key objectives
  • interactive learning resources provide a place for experiential engagement and experimentation with content and interaction with peers and teachers
  • e-assessment to demonstrate professional practice

Dimension 8: Presents material logically

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • providing an early brief structural overview of the session
  • developing this structure in a coherent manner, ensuring students are constantly aware of the development of the session
  • providing time for reviewing at key stages, including closure
  • establishing closure, aiming at helping students draw together and understand major issues and identify individual learning needs and short-comings

Dimension 9: Seeks feedback on students’ understanding and acts on this accordingly

Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:

  • seeking feedback progressively during the session, for example, through constant observation of interest level and engagement and by using specific questions to test understanding
  • modifying the activity to accommodate feedback messages
  • subject site provides opportunities for student questions and feedback and teacher responses
  • subject site provides opportunities for students to seek feedback from each other
  • seeking feedback towards the conclusion of the session to assist student to determine individual work to be consolidated

Dimension 10: Other areas determined by the reviewee

An additional dimension may be composed by the reviewee for their particular approach to teaching.

Dimensions of Teaching Context Comparisons

Peer review is framed around nine core Dimensions of Teaching. A tenth dimension can be included to provide an opportunity for applicants to prepare a single sentence statement composed for their particular approach to teaching in face-to-face and online teaching environments. The dimensions and descriptors illustrate what is expected to demonstrate effective teaching in face-to-face (synchronous) and online (asynchronous) teaching.

Applicants should nominate a minimum of six Dimensions of Teaching.

The range of teaching strategies listed below serves as a guide. While the dimensions are fixed, you may add your own points to expand on any of the dimensions to document your observation of the class. CSU’s Online Learning Model should be used as a resource for evidence of practice in the Interact2 subject site.

Face-to-face or synchronous online teaching / Asynchronous online subject
Dimension 1: Students are actively engaged in learning
Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:
  • fostering a supportive, non-threatening teaching/learning environment

  • using questioning skillswhich encourage student engagement
  • using promptswhich encourage activestudent engagement

  • providing immediate and constructivefeedback where appropriate
  • providing constructivefeedback where appropriate

  • demonstrating enthusiasm for teaching and learning

  • (for smaller groups) fostering extensive interaction
  • fostering interaction between students and with the content in the online mode through, for example:

  • (for very large groups) presenting in such a manner as to achieve maximum engagement
  • collaborative small group projects
  • online student interaction strategies/activities (e.g. students responding to each other on the discussion board)
  • online reflective journals including video or audio blogs, allowing peer comments and feedback
  • co-operative inquiry-based or problem-based learning activities
  • co-creation of authentic learning products

Dimension 2: Students prior knowledge and experience is built upon
Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:
  • being fully aware of and/or determining students’ prior knowledge and understanding
  • being fully aware of and/or determining students’ prior knowledge and understanding

  • clearly establishing any expectations related to prior knowledge and class preparation and developing the learning activities from this perspective
  • clearly establishing any expectations related to prior knowledge and class preparation and developing the learning activities from this perspective

  • building onstudents’ current knowledge and understanding, and taking them conceptually beyond this level
  • providing opportunities for building onstudents’ current knowledge and understanding, and taking them conceptually beyond this level

  • where appropriate, usingand building upon student contributions and preparation
  • providing opportunities forbuilding upon student contributions and preparation

Dimension 3: Teaching caters for student diversity
Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:
  • demonstrating an appreciation of the different levels of knowledge and understanding in a group
  • demonstrating an appreciation of the different levels of knowledge and understanding in a group

  • addressing, as appropriate, different learning needs and styles within the group
  • addressing, as appropriate, different learning needs and styles within the group

  • focussing on building confidence, enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation
  • focussing on building confidence, enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation

  • fostering students’ responsibility for their own learning, encouraging them towards being self-directed learners (as distinct from teacher-directed learners)
  • fostering students’ responsibility for their own learning, encouraging them towards being self-directed learners (as distinct from teacher-directed learners)

  • using appropriate strategies for different needs, balancing discursive interactive strategies with those that are more didactic (where simple transmission of knowledge is needed)

  • recognising, at times, the need for teacher-directed strategies such as explaining, and being able to implement these effectively

  • exercising balance between challenging and supporting students
  • exercising balance between challenging and supporting students

  • designing activities/tasks that allow students of differing abilities to participate/engage and demonstrate/enhance their learning
  • designing activities/tasks that allow students of differing abilities to participate/engage and demonstrate/enhance their learning

  • providing examples or opportunities for discussion that cater for cultural diversity
  • providing examples or opportunities for discussion that cater for cultural diversity

  • subject site is accessible to students and staff by integrating blended learning, assistive and inclusive technologies

Dimension 4: Students are encouraged to develop/expand their conceptual understanding
Indicative teaching strategies for demonstrating this dimension may include:
  • helping students bridge the gap between their current conceptual understanding and the next “level”
  • helping students bridge the gap between their current conceptual understanding and the next “level”

  • helping students become aware of what the next levels are
  • helping students to become aware of what the next levels are

  • encouraging students to become self- directed learners by using the session as the stimulus for individual study/learning
  • encouraging students to become self-directed learners by designing activities that stimulate individual study/learning

  • challenging students intellectually, for example, by extending them with question/ answer/ discussion components where students’ conclusions must be justifiedto the teacher and peers; this usually involves questions such as “What do you think is going on”; “Why”; “What if …?” etc.
  • challenging students intellectually, for example, by extending them with question/ answer/ discussion components where students’ conclusions must be justified

  • encouraging students to summarise or “construct” their individual conceptual understanding (ultimately the learner must be responsible for his/her own learning)
  • encouraging students to summarise or “construct” their individual conceptual understanding (ultimately the learner must be responsible for his/her own learning)

  • encouraging deep (intrinsic) rather than surface (extrinsic) approaches to learning
  • encouraging deep (intrinsic) rather than surface (extrinsic) approaches to learning

  • clearly demonstrating a thorough command of the subject matter
  • clearly demonstrating a thorough command of the subject matter