Scientific Debate Assignment

Step 1: Pick a Topic to Debate from the list below:

Science and Technology Debate Topics

  • Should governments be involved in stem cell research?
  • Should performance enhancing drugs be banned in sports?
  • Should the genetic engineering of animals be disallowed?
  • Does the Internet cause more harm than good?
  • Should the United States expand its use of nuclear power?
  • Should we ban the development of genetically modified organisms?
  • Should Wind power be the primary focus of future energy supply?
  • Should we allow the patenting of genes?
  • Should we restrict the use of fracking to extract natural gas from shale?
  • Should the government subsidize biofuels?
  • Should we encourage offshore drilling?

*You will not know whether you will be PRO or CON until the day of the Debate, therefore you must prepare to debate both sides of the argument

Step 2: Research and begin to identify possible arguments for/against your issue

a)Find and Print three articles that will help you create and support 3 PRO arguments.

b)Find and Print three articles that will help you create and support 3 CON arguments

Step 3: Create Your 3 Arguments

a)Create a Claim Statement for each Argument

b)For each Claim statement make an index card that supports your argument with facts and statisticsfrom the articles you found in step 2


Topic:Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Claim StatementFor Argument 1:Global Warming is Causing Major Shifts in Climate that will have devastating effects on our environment.

Supporting Statements/Facts:

  • New York Times 1/3/2015: A study conducted by Smith and Jones Determined that the average temperature recoded on the Jackson Ice Sheet in Antarctica has increased by 3.5°C for each of the past 5 years causing a massive melting of glaciers (3.2 tons of ice in 2012)
  • Journal of Climatology 4/25/15: A study conducted by Williams and Lu determined that increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are causing drastic shift in ocean currents resulting winters in Europe that have be 11.6 °C colder that average over the last 10 years wreaking havoc on farmers (15% decrease in 2014 in grape production)
  • Nature Magazine 3/17/14: A study done by Yates has determined that 30 different species of evergreen trees in Yellowstone Nation Park will be wiped out due to insect infestations caused by higher than average temperatures over the last 7 years . (Yellow stone has had June Temperatures that are 6.2°C warmer than average over the last 7 years)

*Repeat this process 2 more times you have a total of 3 different arguments then order your arguments with the strongest one at the beginning

Step 4: Create an Opening Statement

  • A brief speech to grab audience’s attention before you move into making your 3 arguments (no longer than 2 minutes)

Step 5: Create a Closing Statement

  • You will have up to 2 minutes to make a closing statement
  • Briefly Summarize your three arguments
  • If you can, try to discredit your opponents main argument and sway the audience towards your side

Format for the Day of the Debate

1)Opening statement and argument 1 from PRO side

Rebuttal from Con Side

2)Argument 2 from Pro Side

Rebuttal from Con Side

3)Argument 3 from PRO side

Rebuttal from Con Side

4)Opening Statement and argument 1 from CON side

Rebuttal from PRO Side

5)Argument 2 from CON side

Rebuttal from PRO side

6)Argument 3 from CON side

Rebuttal from PRO side

7)2 minutes to adjust closing statements

8)Closing statement from PRO

9)Closing statement from CON

*Please remember we are not looking for gut-level opinions, but rather fact –based statements!!!