Week of: Apr. 21-25 Teacher: T. Moser Team: English II Pre-AP

Monday – 4/21 / Objective: Students will construct a rhetorical analysis outline in preparation for writing an AP rhetorical analysis essay.
·  Warm-Up – TWM Writing Prompt: “Why do we bother with all the distractions?”
·  Rhetorical Strategy Terms Quiz #2
·  Rhetorical Analysis SOAPSTone and T-Chart – “George W. Bush 9/11 Speech”
Materials: Handouts, highlighter, post-its, pen, pencil
Homework: Independent Book Project Logs #1&@ due to Edmodo on Tuesday; TWM Quiz #2 on Wed./Thur. Rhetorical Strategy Outline and Introductory Paragraph due Friday
Tuesday – 4/22 / Objective: Students will read for comprehension and author’s use of rhetorical strategies in preparation for AP rhetorical analysis essay.
·  Warm-Up – TWM Writing Prompt: “The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves…”
·  Read Tuesdays With Morrie (TWM) or Independent Book Selection
·  Complete TWM Study Questions
·  Frayers for Rhetorical Terms #3
Materials: Handouts, highlighter, post-its, pen, pencil
Homework: Study for TWM Quiz #2 on Wed./Thur. Independent Book Project Logs #1&2 due today.
Wed/Thur – 4/23-24 / Objective: Students will use their rhetorical analysis outlines to construct the opening paragraph of a rhetorical analysis essay.
·  Warm-Up – Parallelism Worksheet #3
·  Tuesdays With Morrie Quiz
·  Rhetorical Analysis Outline review
·  Draft rhetorical introductory paragraph and thesis statements
Materials: Exam, Worksheets, Outlines
Homework: Rhetorical Strategy Terms Quiz#3 on Friday. TWM quiz today.
Friday – 4/25 / Objective: Students will write a 15-minute timed rhetorical analysis essay in preparation for major grade timed essay in three weeks.
·  Warm-Up – Journal Prompt
·  Rhetorical Strategies Terms Quiz #3
·  Rhetorical Analysis – President George W. Bush 9/11 Speech – timed writing
Materials: Handouts, Outline
Homework: Independent Book Project Log #3 – Tuesday. Rhetorical Strategy Quiz today.