Addendum #1
January 14, 2013
Alameda County Social Services Agency
(Social Services Agency – CFS, WBA and Department of Probation)
Request for Proposals (RFP)
This is Release #1 issued January 14, 2013
For All Agencies Interested in this Alameda County SSA RFP
Please read the following RFP Addendum
· Pg. 8 - Education Incentives and Bonuses
Added the following sentence: “All educational incentives and bonuses can be achieved through youth participation in middle school, high school, community college, university, or other approved non-traditional educational setting”.
· Pg. 15 – Points of Contact for Youth Participant Eligibility
Delete 1) DCFS contact. This will be updated with the award of contracts.
· Exhibit B – Budget Bid Form
- In the initial paragraph after the sentence, “No alterations or changes of any kind are permitted”; add this sentence “Exceptions to this include adding lines under the “Budget Detail” column sections for Staff Salaries and Subcontractor Staff Salaries; as needed but within bid restrictions.”
- Delete the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period from 5/1/13 – 6/30/14. Replace it with the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period as 5/1/13 – 6/30/13
- Delete the “n/a” listed under Participant Costs in column A for “Start-up Costs (5/1/13 – 6/30/13)”
· Exhibit R – Fiscal Online Report
- Delete the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period from 5/1/13 – 6/30/14. Replace it with the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period as 5/1/13 – 6/30/13
- Delete the “n/a” listed under Participant Costs in column A for “Start-up Costs (5/1/13 – 6/30/13)”
A new updated (as of 1/14/13) Exhibit M has been prepared as part of this Addendum with the following revisions:
· Pg. 2 revised (Service Region bidding on)
Includes four additional lines for Agency name, printed name, signature, and date.
· Pg. 7 correction – Project Staff
- Delete the following statement: “Complete the boxes below for up to 6 employee classifications to be involved in the foster youth mentoring services program”. Replace it with: “Complete the boxes below for up to 6 employee classifications to be involved in the Summer and Afterschool Youth Employment and Education Program”
· Pg. 10 and 11 correction – Exhibit B: Budget Bid Form
- Delete the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period from 5/1/13 – 6/30/14. Replace it with the dates listed for Start-up Costs and Period as 5/1/13 – 6/30/13.
- Delete the “n/a” listed under Participant Costs in column A for “Start-up Costs (5/1/13 – 6/30/13).”
January 8th & 9th, 2013 – Oakland and Hayward
January 8, 2013 Q&A from Oakland:
1) Q: On the bid form breakdown for 50, 100, 150, 200 youth, is this breakdown by placement or by youth? For example, some youth may participate in both a summer and afterschool placement over 14 months.
A: The breakdown is by youth.
2) Q: Is Alameda County ILSP an inherent partner for all contracted agencies/collaboratives? Will intent for collaboration be incorporated into upcoming ILSP RFP?
A: Not necessarily, but some youth will be referred by ILSP. There is no formal partnership. The majority of the ILSP youth will not participate in SASYEP. As ILSP youth may already receive similar services, the chosen Contractor will leverage the resources of SASYEP and ILSP.
3) Q: GED is not included in the education bonus schedule, can we bonus for pass tests?
A: Yes, the RFP on pg.8 (g) specifies a bonus for obtaining a diploma or its equivalent.
4) Q: How do you recommend subcontractor staff if it exceeds 3 spaces and we can’t edit the form?
A: You can add more lines. Can use word or excel as long as the format stays the same.
5) Q: Can each contractor have two subcontractors, and three subcontractors for North County, separate from contractor?
A: Yes
6) Q: Can we provide incentives/bonuses for community college participation?
A: Yes. On pg.8 of the RFP under the allowable bonuses, such as high attendance, the bonuses that reference high school participation, would also apply to community college or university participation.
7) Q: Are indirect costs to be built into the staff salaries and administrative costs?
A: Yes
January 9, 2013 Q&A from Hayward:
8) Q: If the agency, ACOE, serves students in a school that is in one area, but lives in another part of the County, do we apply for where they live or where they’ll work?
A: Where they live; based on eligible participant residency.
9) Q: If you apply for 150 youth in total in regions, but youth will be in each region, do we apply for a number of youth in each region?
A: As per the RFP specifications bidders must separate proposals for each service region of interest and the expectation is to serve 150 youth per region. If intending to serve less than 150 per service region the bidder may indicate a preference to serve an optimum number of youth and indicate this in their proposal and state the rationale for it.
10) Q: We would not propose to serve more than 100 youth, is it expected that we still provide cost to serve 150/200 (pg.10 of Response Package/Exhibit B-Bid Form)?
A: Yes, please complete the budget bid form completely. You should not indicate that you will only serve 100 youth, but you should indicate that this is your preference.
11) Q: On the line item budget, do we need to provide details on all four columns or can we describe in detail column D (to serve 150 youth) and then reference the economy of scale or variances between columns?
A: Please provide cost details in all four columns. As indicated on the budget bid form, the County reserves the right to negotiate a pro-rated final cost and units of service as necessary.
12) Q: Is childcare included as an item under support services?
A: No, the available funding and service mandates do not allow for this cost. The CalWORKs and CalLearn youth have childcare provided as part of their participation in those programs.
13) Q: Are livescan costs allowable under this contract?
A: Yes, you can include those costs for staff in the budget under the Administrative Costs – Recruitment and Advertising line item.
14) Q: Does the worksite supervisor have to be “livescanned”? Does Probation require this?
A: No they don’t. However, the Probation Department may request this option for specific work sites.
15) Q: Can the County serve as a reference?
A: Yes
16) Q: Will agency staff be required to attend regularly scheduled meetings with the County? If so, how often?
A: We do not currently have a required schedule for the next year’s program. This year’s countywide program meets on a monthly basis. The County would ask that providers make themselves available as necessary.
17) Q: Vendor Qualifications/Specific Requirements – Does subcontractor and lead contractor need to meet all the vendor qualifications?
A: No, only the lead contractor.
18) Q: Can an agency be a subcontractor for more than one service area?
A: Yes
19) Q: Usually in June, summer employment training begins. Therefore, there will be youth training, travel, and food costs in June 2013 under start-up costs. Please confirm that we can put an amount in those lines under start-up.
A: You can bill for youth training costs and support services during the start-up period, we will remove the n/a from that column on the budget sheet in the addendum. It is expected that the summer internships and educational services will not begin until the start of July 2013 for the summer program. However, the orientations and pre-employment trainings can begin before then.
20) Q: When bid and copies are submitted loose leaf, how should be separate the bid and copies?
A: Please refer to the complete bid submittal requirements detailed in the RFP. We prefer 3 ring binders, non-bound. The proposal sections should be separated by tabs.
21) Q: What is the expected number of youth to be served in each geographic area?
A: This is based on funding availability; it is the County’s desire to have up to 300 youth served per service region. Each service region may have up to two contractors serving 150 youth each.
22) Q: Will there be zip code service region restrictions for youth and providers?
A: There will be lists of eligible youth residing in each service region provided to the contractors covering those regions, however, after a maximum of two weeks the complete list for each region will be provided to all contractors for that service region.
23) Q: Are exhibits available either in word/excel/pdf that have an enterable format?
A: Some of the exhibits have an enterable format.
Q: For the two contractors per service region, will they each serve only a particular area in that service region?
A: No, there will no such restriction.
24) Q: Once a youth is placed at a worksite and working, can they jump to another program?
A: No, except for specific reasons to be discussed on a case by case basis.
25) Q: Are indirect costs allowed?
A: No
26) Q: Is there a % of administrative costs allowed?
A: There is no set % for administrative costs allowed. It is up to each bidder to complete the Exhibit B budget bid form based on their projected administrative costs inclusive of staff salaries, benefits, and administrative costs.
27) Q: Do lead agencies have to be providers in each service region that they will subcontract in to qualify as leads for each region? Can a lead that provides services in one region and subcontract agencies to provide services in another region where the youth live?
A: Yes to your question. The lead agency can be located in another location outside of the service region, but as per RFP specifications – must also provide direct services in the region – not just fiscal management and administrative assistance. That may be accomplished by having their staff co-located with one of the sub-contractor sites, or in another location in the specific service region.
1st Bidders Conference Attendees 1/8/13 from 9am-12pm at 675 Hegenberger Rd., OaklandName / Organization / Phone / Email
Jim Berry / East Bay Youth and Family Initiatives / 925-455-1551 /
Belia Martinez / East Bay Youth and Family Initiatives / 925-518-7500 /
Richard de Jauregui / Oakland Private Industry Council / 768-4476 /
Rayna Lett-Bell / Oakland Private Industry Council / 768-4494 /
Kate Durham / Beyond Emancipation / 667-7692 /
Nicole Lewis / Manpower / 835-2424 /
Michele Clark / Youth Employment Partnership / 533-3447 /
Maria Barragan / Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation / 261-7839 /
Nancy Melero / Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation / 388-7160 /
Jackie Anderson / East Oakland Youth Development Center / 569-8088 /
2nd Bidders Conference Attendees 1/9/13 from 1pm-4pm at 24100 Amador St., Hayward
Name / Organization / Phone / Email
Tracy Vo / Lao Family Community Development / 533-8850 /
Vince Pham / Lao Family Community Development / 533-8850 /
Nichole Hawkins / The Refuge, Inc. / 209-327-6936 /
Jason Henderson / The Refuge, Inc. / 301-5809 /
Ali Knight / Youth Uprising / 777-9909 /
Rory Brown / Youth Uprising / 777-9909 /
Jahmil Lacey / Youth Uprising / 777-9909 /
Ron Oarino / Soulciety / 676-7367 /
Aaron Horner / Soulciety / 453-3884 /
Larry Ewings / YFS - Union City / 453-6538 /
Greg Steward / YFS - Union City / 453-6956 /
Aaron Ortiz / East Bay Youth and Family Initiatives/BACS / 925-961-8045 /
Rashidah Grinage / PUEBLO / 535-2525 /
Chris Boyntor / Project EPT (ACOE) / 670-4539 /
Muang Saepham / Brighter Beginnings / 903-7535 /
Cynthia Fong / Brighter Beginnings / 903-7521 /
Delfina Geiken / City of Berkeley / 981-7551 /
Michele Clark / Youth Employment Partnership / 533-3447 /
Rose Hansen / Eden Youth & Family Center / 887-1146 /
Kelly Carlisle / Acta Non Verba / 972-3276 /