Dana Jenkins
September 15th-October 15th: Hispanic Heritage Month
Exploring the Art of Pablo Picasso
Timeline: 6 class periods
Grade: 6th -8th
Abstract Portraits: Looking at Pablo Picasso
The students will describe artwork in writing using the art elements of design.
The students will create an abstract self -portrait based from Pablo Picasso painting.
The students will learn about Pablo Picasso.
The students will describe a work of art in writing using the art elements of design.
The students will create an abstract self- portrait.
The students will learn how to sign artwork like an artist.
Day 1
The students will look at Pablo Picasso’s The Three Musicians, Weeping Woman, and Self Portrait.
The students will learn about cubism.
The students will choose from the “menu” what activities they would like to complete.
Days 2-6
The students will choose what writing assignment they would like to complete. In each writing sample students will use the art elements of design to describe the work of art.
Using the art elements, write a short story describing what you see in Picasso’s painting The Three Musicians.
Be an Art Detective! Find shapes in Picasso’s paining The Three Musicians, and describe how he uses them.
The Main Course
The students will choose the style in which they will create a self- portrait in the cubist style.
Create a portrait in Picasso’s style using MrPicassoHead.com. Print your drawing, and use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
Choose one (1) of five (5) different face, eye, ear, nose, and mouth shapes to create your Picasso style portrait. Cut out each of the shapes, and glue onto construction paper to create your portrait composition. Then use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
* Teacher will have a conversation with students about the importance of scissor safety.
Create a Picasso like portrait creating the shapes of the face free hand using a pencil. To complete your drawing, use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
The students will complete one of the following writing assignments:
Write a letter to Picasso.
Interview Picasso: Create a set of five (5) questions and answers you would like to ask Picasso and how you think he will answer.
Create a cinquain poem describing Picasso’s The Three Musicians.
Differentiated Instruction:
The students will be able to choose what art activities they would like to participate in.
To create their Cubist Portrait the students will choose what materials they would like to use: computer, cut and paste, drawing free hand.
Visuals examples and hands on direction will be provided.
The students will be working on their projects individually, but will be in diverse cooperative learning groups and can ask for help and model peers.
Students can map out tasks using a flow chart.
Step-by-step instruction will be provided.
Worksheets will be provided to get students started.
Local Connection:
Students can visit The Philadelphia Museum of Art (donations on Sundays) or attend art galleries open late on First Friday of each month.
Vocabulary/ Word Wall Words:
Pablo Picasso: Spain born artist (25 October 1881– 8 April 1973), Co-founder of the Cubist Movement.
Cubism:an artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes.
Analytical Cubism: the early phase of Cubism
Synthetic Cubism: the late phase of Cubism
The Art Elements: helps us describe a work of art
Line: A continuous make made on a surface by a moving point. It can be 2-D, 3-D, or implied.
Shape: An enclosed space defined and determined by another art element such as line or color, or texture.
Form: An art element that is 3-D; has height, width, and depth. Ex: Cubes, Cylinder, and pyramids.
Value: The lightness or darkness of a color.
Texture: The surface quality or the “feel” of an object.
Color: Hue, Value, and intensity are the three properties of color; a color’s name, its lightness and darkness and its brightness and dullness.
Space: The distance or area between, around, below, above, or within things. Space can be 2-D or 3-D.
The students will use: Computer, Printer, Scissors, Erasers, Pencils, Erasers, Colored Construction Paper, Writing Lined Paper, Crayons, Markers,and Colored Pencils.
Assessment of Student Art Work:
- Level of Expressiveness
- Evidence of Experimentation
- Evidence of Imagination/Invention
- Relationship between art work and lesson
- Level of Skill
Pennsylvania Standards:
9.1 Production, Performance, and Exhibition of Art
A. Elements in each art form
C. Vocabulary within each art form
H. Safety in art
J. Technologies in art
9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts
C. Styles and Genre in the Arts
9.3 Critical Response
D. Vocabulary for Criticism
E. Types of Analysis
9.4 Aesthetic Response
B. Aesthetic Interpretation
D. Artistic Choices
Welcome to the Starving Artist Café! You are going to dine with Pablo Picasso. You are going to choose and complete one (1) course/activity from each of the following categories on the menu: Appetizer, Main Course, and Dessert.
Using the art elements, write a short story describing what you see in Picasso’s painting The Three Musicians.
Be an Art Detective! Find shapes in Picasso’s paining The Three Musicians, and describe how he uses them.
Main Course:
Create a portrait in Picasso’s style using MrPicassoHead.com. Print your drawing, and use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
Choose one (1) of five (5) different face, eye, ear, nose, and mouth shapes to create your Picasso style portrait. Cut out each of the shapes, and glue onto construction paper to create your portrait composition. Then use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
* Teacher will have a conversation with students about the importance of scissor safety.
Create a Picasso like portrait creating the shapes of the face free hand using a pencil. To complete your drawing, use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color, add depth, and patterns to your portrait.
Write a letter to Picasso.
Interview Picasso: Create a set of five (5) questions and answers you would like to ask Picasso and how you think he will answer.
Create a cinquain poem describing Picasso’sThe Three Musicians.
Your order is coming up!
In each box, fill in what items you chose from the menu.
Main Course
Name: ______Room #: ______
Cinquain Poem
Artist: ______
Title: ______
Directions: Create a Cinquain Poem describing a work of art.
Line 1 = a noun relating to what the artwork
Line 2 = two adjectives that describe the artwork
Line 3 = three ing words that describe what the subject of the artwork
(e.g, ruling, playing, scoring)
Line 4 = a four-word phrase that relates to the subject of the artwork
Line 5 = a noun relating to the artwork
Name: ______
Be An Art Critic
Art Title: ______
Artist: ______
I see: ______
This artwork reminds me of: