Application Form: MAEVe/MSEI Seed Funding 2016
This document is to be read in conjunction with the Seed Funding Guidelines
- Complete the MAEVe/MSEI Seed Funding Application Form along with an accompanying 1 page (maximum) CV for each investigator, and 1 page letter of support from partner organization/s.
- Send application as a single .pdf document to by 5:00pm Friday 29 April 2016.No late applications will be accepted.
Project Title
Please list all researchers, internal and external, who will be involved in the project along with their expected contribution.
Chief Investigator / School/Department / Contact (email & phone) / Expected ContributionResearchers / School/Department / Contact (email & phone) / Expected Contribution
Example: Joe Bloggs / Department of Research / / Research Assistant
External Organisations
List any organisations/collaborators external to The University of Melbourne involved in the project and their contribution.
Collaborator / Organisation / Contact (email & phone) / Expected ContributionProject Summary (100 words)
Project Overview(500 words)
Expected Project Outcomes(max 200 words)
How does the project align with the priority areas of research?(max200 words)
How is the project interdisciplinary?(max 100 words)
How will the project attract future funding? (max 200 words)
Project Plan and Milestones(max 200 words)
Please indicate what level of funding you are seeking
Certification by Chief Investigator
In submitting this application, the Chief Investigator affirms that:
- The Chief Investigator bears full responsibility for the conduct of the activity.
- The Chief Investigator holds a salaried academic appointment at the University of Melbourne of at least 0.5 EFT to at least December 2017.
- The requested funds do not duplicate a project activity supported by another current internal University grant, external grant or research contract.
- All project team members have consulted appropriately with their Heads and/or Deans and all have the time and basic infrastructure resources to pursue the project concerned within the context of existing research, teaching and higher degree supervision responsibilities.
- If non-UoM team members are included in the project team, that intellectual property issues have been discussed and agreed, with appropriate agreements in place, if applicable.
Name: / Date:
MAEVe/MSEI Seed Funding Application Form 2016