ELA – Grade 11-12 - Unit 2 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language NeededSLO: 1
CCSS: RI.11.1
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read and cite explicit evidence using adapted text, Cornell note taking sheet, and L1 support. / VU: Literary evidence, infer
LFC: Modals (would, could, might), compound tenses, elements of quoting,
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read and cite explicit evidence from L1 informational texts and/or match phrase citations from leveled texts to visual representations. / Read and cite explicit evidence from L1 informational texts and/or by match sentence citations from leveled texts to visual representations. / Read and cite explicit evidence from adapted informational texts using simple sentences with repetitive grammatical structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Read and cite explicit evidence from informational texts within grades 9-11 complexity level using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read and cite explicit, evidence from grade level informational text using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Cornell note taking sheet
(completed by teacher)
Leveled text
Phrase and sentences citations
L1 support
Word and phrase citations
Word/picture bank / Cornell note taking sheet
(semi-completed by teacher)
Leveled text
Phrase and sentence citations
L1 support
Word/picture bank / Cornell note taking sheet
Adapted text
Word bank / Cornell note taking sheet
Informational texts within grades 9-11 complexity levels
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 2
CCSS: RI.11.1
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read and distinguish between explicit, inferential, and uncertain evidence using adapted text, graphic organizers (i.e. T-chart), and L1 support. / VU: Evidence, infer, uncertain
LFC: Modals (would, could, might), compound tenses, elements of quoting,
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read and distinguish inferential evidence in L1 informational texts and/or match phrase citations from leveled text to visual representations of the text. / Read and distinguish inferential evidence in L1 informational texts and/or match sentence citations from leveled text to visual representations. / Read and distinguish inferential evidence from adapted informational texts using simple sentences with repetitive grammatical structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Read and distinguish inferential evidence from informational texts within grades 9-11 complexity level using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read and distinguish inferential evidence from grade level informational texts using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Cornell note taking sheet
(completed by teacher)
Leveled text
Phrase and sentences citations
L1 support
Word and phrase citations
Word/picture bank / Cornell note taking sheet
(semi-completed by teacher)
Leveled text
Phrase and sentences citations
L1 support
Word/picture bank / Cornell note taking sheet
Adapted text
Word bank / Cornell note taking sheet
Informational texts within grades 9-11 complexity levels
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 3
CCSS: RI.11.2
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text, the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop using graphic organizers, visual representations, and L1 support. / VU: Interact, complex, central idea, themes
LFC: Transitional phrases
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop in L1 and/or using leveled texts, match phrase and word strips to visual representations of the theme. / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop in L1 and/or using leveled texts, match phrase or sentence strips to visual representations of the theme / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop using simple, related sentences with repetitive grammatical structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read and analyze how two or more themes develop using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Cornell note taking sheet
(completed by teacher)
Phrase and sentences citations
L1 support
Word and phrase citations
Word/picture bank / Cornell note taking sheet
(semi-completed by teacher)
Phrase and sentences citations
L1 support
Word/picture bank
Sentence frames / Cornell note taking sheet
Adapted text
Word bank / Cornell note taking sheet
Informational texts within grades 9-11 complexity levels
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 4
CCSS: RI.11.3
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events using Cause/Effect graphic organizer and L1 support. / VU: Transitional words, interact, complex, central idea
LFC: Complex sentences, conditional clauses,
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events in L1 and/or using a leveled text, use a single word, gesture or phrase to match visual representations. / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events in L1 and/or using a leveled text, use phrases that represent key ideas to complete formulaic structures. / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events in an adapted text using simple, related sentences with repetitive structures and key, content- based vocabulary. / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events in texts within grades 9-11 complexity levels using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read and analyze ideas or events in order to explain the interaction and development of individuals, ideas or events in a grade level text using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Cause/effect graphic organizer (Partially completed by teacher)
Word/picture bank
Phrase bank
L1 text and support / Cause/effect graphic organizer (Partially completed by teacher)
Word/picture bank
Phrase bank
L1 text and support / Cause/effect graphic organizer
Adapted text
Word bank / Cause/effect graphic organizer
Text within grades 9-11 complexity level
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 5
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read to understand the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases as they are used in a text using a Vocabulary Frame or technology support (Word sift). / VU: Multiple meanings of a key terms, idioms, collocations, noun phrases
LFC: Complex sentences, compound verb tenses
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read to determine and analyze the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in a text in L1 and/or high-frequency figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in a leveled text in English. / Read to determine and analyze the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in L1 and/or general figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in a leveled text in English. / Read to determine and analyze the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in an adapted informational text. / Read to understand and analyze the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in a text within grades 9-11 complexity level. / Read to understand the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words and phrases in a grade level text.
Learning Supports / Online support (dictionaries, visuals, thesaurus, bilingual, word sift)
Content-based word wall
Vocabulary frame
L1 support/Cognates
Leveled text / Online support (dictionaries, visuals, bilingual, thesaurus, Word Sift)
Content-based word wall
Vocabulary frame
L1 support/ Cognates
Leveled text / Online support (dictionaries, visuals, bilingual, thesaurus, Word Sift)
Adapted text
Content- based word wall
Vocabulary frame / Online support (dictionaries, thesaurus, Word Sift)
Text within grades 9-11 complexity level / Online support (dictionaries, thesaurus, Word Sift)
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 6
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument using graphic organizer and L1 support. / VU: Exposition, argument
LFC: Complex sentences, conditional clauses
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read to analyze and evaluate of the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument from an L1 text and/or from an illustrated, leveled text, using a single word or phrase to represent key ideas and match to visual representations. / Read to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument from an L1 text and/or from a leveled text, using phrases or sentences that represent key ideas. / Read to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument from adapted text using simple, related sentences with repetitive grammatical structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Read to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument from text within grades 9-11 complexity level using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure used in an exposition or argument from grade level text using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Graphic organizer (semi- completed by teacher)
Word/picture bank
Phrase bank
L1 text and support
Leveled text
Visuals / Graphic organizer (semi- completed by teacher)
Word/picture bank
Phrase bank
L1 text and support
Leveled text / Graphic organizer
Adapted text
Word bank / Graphic organizer
Text within grades 9-11 complexity level
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 7
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness, or beauty of the text.
Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text) the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. For that reason, all 4 standards are included. However, teachers should only cite the specific content used. / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view or purpose and how the style and content impact the text by marking the text, using an outline and think aloud. / VU: Transitional words, vocabulary used to persuade, central idea
LFC: Complex sentences, conditional clauses
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view and how the style and content impact the text in L1 and/or use single words that represent key ideas to match visual representations of an illustrated, leveled text. / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view and how the style and content impact the text in L1 and/or use phrases within formulaic structures that represent key ideas to match visual representations of the leveled text. / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view and how the style and content impact the adapted text using simple sentences with repetitive grammatical structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view and how the style and content impact the text within grades 9-11 complexity level using complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Read to determine and analyze author’s point of view and how the style and content impact the grade level text using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.