Code / KFA3KR / Year of study / 1st Master study
Course teacher / Pausic Jelena, associate professor / Credits (ECTS) / 3
Associate teachers / Vladimir Ivancev, assistant professor
Jeremy Todd, asistent / Type of instruction (number of hours) / L / S / E / F
30 / 15
Status of the course / Elective / Percentage of application of e-learning
Course objectives / -To learn basic concept of kinesiology rehabilitation
-To learn concept of healing
-To learn appropriate application of various therapeutic exercises techniques
-To learn specific applications of therapeutic exercises on all segment of musculoskeletal system
Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course / For this course entry competences are:
English course and Kinesiotherapy course minimum grade 4
Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes) / -Describe the principles of therapeutic exercise in the rehabilitation;
-Demonstrate techniques of therapeutic exercise and functional training;
-Formulate a rationale for the application and modification of therapeutic exercise for specific injury;
-demonstrate patient education;
-Communicate outcomes of the therapeutic exercise.
Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus) /
- Week – Lectures: Concepts of rehabilitation and concept of healing (3 hours)
- Week – Lectures and Exercises: Various types of therapeutic exercises (ROM, Joint mobilization, Soft tissue mobilization, stretching, facilitating stretching, (3 + 2 hours)
- Week – Lectures and Exercises: Various types of therapeutic exercises (muscle strength, power and endurance, PNF diagonal patterns, proprioception exercises and exercises for impaired balance) (3 + 2 hours)
- Week – Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Spine and Sacroiliac (3 hours)
- Week – Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Shoulder and Arm (3 hours)
- Week - Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Elbow and Forearm (3 hours)
- Week – Lectures:: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Wrist and Hand (3 hours)
- Week - Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Foot, Ankle, and Leg (3 hours)
- Week - Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Knee and Thigh(3 hours)
- Week - Lectures: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Injuries of Hip (3 hours)
- Week - Exercises: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Spine, Sacroiliac, Hip (3 hours)
- Week - Exercises: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist (3 hours)
- Week - Exercises: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Foot, Ankle and Leg (3 hours)
- Week - Exercises: Specific application of therapeutic exercise: Knee and Thigh (3 hours)
- Week – Presentation of assignments (2 hours)
Format of instruction / ☐ lectures
☐ seminars and workshops
☐ exercises
☐on line in entirety
☐ partial e-learning
☐ field work / ☐ independent assignments
☐ multimedia
☐ laboratory
☐ work with mentor
☐ (other)
Studentresponsibilities / Are to do two assignments, one of them group experimental work, and second individual practical training, class attendance and written exam.
Screening student work (name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course) / Class attendance / 0.5 / Research / Practical training / 1
Experimental work / 0.5 / Report / (Other)
Essay / Seminar essay / (Other)
Tests / Oral exam / (Other)
Written exam / 1 / Project / (Other)
Grading and evaluating student work in class and at the final exam / Grades are from 1 to 5 : grade 1 (below 59%); grade 2 (60% -72%); grade 3 (73% - 82%); grade 4 (83% - 90%); grade 5 (91% - 100%)
Class attendance: 15%
Experimental work: 30%
Practical training: 30%
Written exam: 25%
Total: 100%
Required literature (available in the library and via other media) / Title / Number of copies in the library / Availability via other media
Houglum A. Peggy (2001). Therapeutic exercise for musculoskeletal injuries, 2nd ed. Human Kinetics. / 1
Presentation package of this course / 20
Optional literature (at the time of submission of study programme proposal) / Kisner C, Colby LA: Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques, 5th Edition, F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA., 2007.
Quality assurance methods that ensure the acquisition of exit competences / Final exam and activity on the exercises.
Other (as the proposer wishes to add)