Pages 48 & 50
1. Key lines 7-9 on page 48
2. Walk up to the window, look outside and tell your classmates a short weather forecast.
3. Key lines 4-6 on page 50.
4. Stand up; grab a blue cloth and put it on the head of the person to your right telling them what a good look that is for them. Return the blue cloth to the shelf.
5. Key lines 4-6 on page 48
6. Stand up and balance your book on your head for 5 seconds.
7. Key lines 7-9 on page 50.
8. Turn to the person to your left and pat them on the back telling them they’re doing a great job.
9. Key lines 13-15 on page 48.
10. Stand up, shake your hand and tell yourself Good Day.
11. Key lines 10-12 on page 48.
12. Stand up and do 5 jumping jacks, counting out loud to 5 as you do them.
13. Key lines 1-3 on page 48
14. Look at the clock and proudly announce what time it is to your classmates.
15. Key lines 1-3 on page 50.
16. Stand up and do the chicken dance one full time through.
17. Key lines 10-11 on page 50.
18. Insert a header – include your name and pgs. 48 & 50.
19. Print your document, pick up from the printer, place face down on the table and pat yourself on the back telling yourself what a great job you did.
Pages 48 & 50
1. Key lines 10-11 on page 50.
2. Stand up and do the chicken dance one full time through.
3. Key lines 4-6 on page 50.
4. Key lines 1-3 on page 50.
5. Look at the clock and proudly announce what time it is to your classmates.
6. Key lines 7-9 on page 50.
7. Walk up to the window, look outside and tell your classmates a short weather forecast.
8. Key lines 7-9 on page 48
9. Turn to the person to your left and pat them on the back telling them they’re doing a great job.
10. Key lines 10-12 on page 48.
11. Stand up and do 5 jumping jacks, counting out loud to 5 as you do them.
12. Key lines 1-3 on page 48
13. Stand up; grab a blue cloth and put it on the head of the person to your right telling them what a good look that is for them. Return the blue cloth to the shelf.
14. Stand up and balance your book on your head for 5 seconds.
15. Key lines 4-6 on page 48
16. Stand up, shake your hand and tell yourself Good Day.
17. Key lines 13-15 on page 48.
18. Insert a header – include your name and pgs. 48 & 50.
19. Print your document, pick up from the printer, place face down on the table and pat yourself on the back telling yourself what a great job you did.