Name: ______Date:______
Study Guide on Medieval Japan
Directions: For Part one you are to identify the following vocabulary/important words to know.
Pagodas-tower-like buildings with upturned, tilted roofs
Buddhism –Began in India, came to Japan from China by way of Korea. Buddhism strongly influenced Japanese religion, art and architecture.
· Pure Land –appreciated and worshipped nature, focused on how to be happy life after death.
· Zen-practiced marital arts and meditation to train the mind and promote discipline. Focused on life presently.
Samurai –warriors who fought to the death.
Code of Bushido-code of belief carried by the Samurai pertaining to obedience to their lord whether they have the skills or not to be educated it does not matter but rather discipline should succeed. Ultimately, life will come again to them and they should therefore never surrender and fight to the death. Honor will come in death.
Daimyo-military lords of feudal land
Shogun-titled given to Minamoto Yoritomo the commander of the Minamoto armies who was awarded this royal title.
Shintoism – Japan’s original religion which expressed the love and respect of nature and worshiped spirits called Kami.
Sect - A religious group
Tanka-5 line poetry adapted from the Chinese
Please identify how the following countries were influential to Japan (think about cultural diffusion):
Korea- sculpture, music, and Buddhism was spread lastly from Korea to Japan
India-Stupas inspired Chines pagodas, Buddhism developed here
China-new kinds of music such as gagaku and instruments came to Japan from China, Japanese was only a spoken language. The Japanese had no writing system of their own. Written documents were in Chinese, a language the Japanese had learned from Korean scholars.
What was the importance of the tea ceremony?
It represented that an agreement between leaders was finalized. Similar to a handshake in our society.
What characteristic do Samurai and Zen Buddhists have in common?
They both practice martial arts
What were Japan’s earliest literacy works? What is a Tanka?
-Novels: The best known writer was Murasaki Shikibu who wrote the Tale of Genji. Which is considered one of the great works of world literature. It also is known as the world’s first novel.
Describe a Samurai’s armor and weaponry
Made completely of metal. Samurai’s used swords that were meticulalously made through a very vigorous, high temperature metal working. Many Samurai swords were decorated with objects to represent themselves. Most famously the cherry blossom flower to represent the shortness of their lives.
Below prepare for your essay comparing and contrasting the Code of Bushido and the Samurai in medieval Japan to the Code of Chivalry to knights during medieval Europe. Start with a prewriting activity such as a graphic organizer (venn diagram comparing and contrasting)
Some facts about Samurai “one who serves”
· Fought to the death
· Believed in reincarnation since most Samurai were Buddhists
· Similar to Knights the were to protect their lands and enforce the law
· Nobles formed private armies
· Similar to knights they were given land to protect others
· Both medieval Japan and Europe practiced feudalism which tied into similar responsibilities of both Samurai and Knights
· Samurai fought on horseback similar to knights
· Knights and Samurai used similar weapons such as swords, daggers and bows and arrows
· Samurai had helmets with horns or crests and they wore masks designed to be terrifying