Directions for Behavior Modification Project, Part 2. Be sure to review pages 119 - 123 in your book. You will be doing steps 3 through 5 for this part of the project.

1. Choose an APPROPRIATE goal. Look at your baseline dataBthese data will inform your choices when you set a goal. Your goal should be challenging but not unrealistic or impossible. For example, if you are not exercising at all, it is unrealistic to expect yourself to begin exercising 4 times a week for an hour. Choose a lesser goal that is more attainable. Once you meet your first goal, you can always make it harder later. If you need to revise your goal as you progress, that is fine.

In your write-up of part 2, be sure to clearly indicate what your goal was. Also, was it a daily goal? Weekly goal? Etc.

2. Design your program.

A. Set up a reinforcement schedule. You need to be specific about when you will receive your reinforcers and under what conditions.

$Small, frequent reinforcers are probably more effective than large distant reinforcers, especially for habits and difficult behaviors to change (like stopping smoking).

$You do not need to spend money to reinforce yourself. You can use enjoyable activities as reinforcers (spending time with friends, taking a study break, watching your favorite show on TV, etc.).

B. Address your antecedents and consequences.

In your write-up, you will need to explain what you used as a reinforcer and under what conditions you could earn the reinforcer. Be specific. You will also need to explain how you tried to address the factors that contributed to or maintained the behavior you were trying to change.

3. Execute your program. Collect data for 4 weeks. Provide a table or graph of the data.

 Explain these data in your write-up: are there noticeable patterns, did you manage to change your behavior, how do your average units of behavior compare to the baseline averages, etc.

4. Evaluate your program. Did it work? Very importantBwhy or why not??? If it didn=t work, what factors would you change to make it more effective?

5. For the part 2 write-up, please begin with a summary of your target behavior in one sentence. Also, you will need to turn in your part 1 paper with the part 2 paper.

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