Reaching Africa Investments: Zimbabwe December 2014

Dear Family and Precious Friends!

“The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate, Slow to anger and Rich in Love! Praise the Lord, oh my soul, praise the Lord”

Thank you for making our trip to Zimbabwe possible! It was a privilege to see our precious friends again, for a short visit: 26 December 2014 to 2 February 2015.

We did more than 4000km. We went with Eddie’s mom’s Tazz. We were definitely less visible and saved a lot on fuel. We were only stopped twice by traffic police. With both stops, they were friendly, looked at our paper work and wished us a safe journey! Favour!!

We had cloudy weather all the way, and 4 days of non-stop rain! What a blessing! Zimbabwe is beautiful! Green! We saw water in some rivers for the very first time! God is opening the flood gates of heaven! We will continue to pray until the Promise He gave us is fulfilled!

We managed to visit 7 of our now 30 congregation during that week. We started in Kamativi, close to Hwange, travelled back to Bulawayo and then up to Chinoy, then to Sem Levi (close to Harare), and our last stop was in Banket.

We met many new faces! Some of them have been in our church for years.

The poverty was once again overwhelming. One of the orphans in Jesse’s care reached puberty. It broke my heart. She asked me for cotton, and that is how the conversation started. Sanitary items are rare, expensive and a luxury. This led us to spend time on the maize fields. I spoke to her about everything on womanhood. Her big brown eyes just listened. Dear Lord Jesus, please walk this road with her!

Eddie could assist Jesse with management challenges and the ongoing court case. They had meetings for hours on end. That gave me time for Bible study alone with Peggy and the kids. We did all 5 chapters of James. I also took the gap to talk to the twins (who will be 16 in February 2015) about their hormones and God’s design…

Justin is now 7 and much more familiar with us. With most of the traveling he was in the car with me and Eddie. I enjoyed him very much! He even learned some Afrikaans.

God willing Jesse and Peggy will visit us from 23 January to 2 February to join the celebration of our 5th wedding anniversary, Eddie’s birthday and 2 yearsfull time on the mission field.

Please pray that we will impact them in a new way while they are here! That God will arrange every appointment and conversation! Our hearts desire is that they will really experience a new dimension of God.

Please continue to pray for

  1. Restoration in Zimbabwe
  2. Favour
  3. God’s provision
  4. God’s direction for exactly what He wants us to do this year
  5. Our dream is to assist one teenager from Zimbabwe every year in South Africa, starting this year. Education, accommodation, clothing, toiletries etc. If you know people who know people who can assist, please put them in contact with us.
  6. The translation of the Bible school material for training in Mozambique.
  7. We also want to start with a mission station in Mozambique where the training can take place, the initial amount needed for this is R300000.

May your 2015 be filled with a new hunger for more of God! John 17:3 “… and this is eternal life, that you may know God…”

Eddie and Moira