Morning Worship Service

10:55 A.M.

June 4, 2017




INVOCATION Taylor Crumley



“Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus”




SCRIPTURE READING Jeremiah 29:11-14

(Pew Bible, Pg. 656)



“I Know the Plan”

SCRIPTURE Acts 3:1-10

(Pew Bible, Pg. 911)

MESSAGE Dr. Gary McCollough

“Have You Got Any Change?”


“Jesus is the Song”



Welcome Visitors ! We are pleased to have you visiting with us today. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please take a moment to fill out a visitor’s card located in the pew in front of you so that we may have a record of your visit.

Immediately following our worship service we would like to invite everyone here today to join us in the Fellowship Hall for a luncheon welcoming Taylor and Kevin Crumley.

Opportunities of the Week

Sunday 9:30 Prayer Time

9:45 Called Business Meeting –

Elect At Large Members of

Nominating Committee

10:00 Sunday School

10:55 Morning Worship

(Graduate Sunday & Associate

Pastor Installation)

5:00 Journey

Monday 7:00 VBS Meeting – All Those That

Will Be Helping In Vacation Bible School

(See announcement on insert)

Wednesday 6:45 Prayer Meeting

7:30 Chancel Choir

Thursday 2:00 Ann Graves/Pearl Johnson Mtg.

Saturday 10:00 Prayer Walk Event

(See announcement on insert)

Sunday 8:30 Hands and Feet Meeting

9:00 Prayer Time

9:30 Regular Business Meeting

10:00 Sunday School

10:55 Morning Worship

Called Business Mtg. – Deacon Nominations

(See announcement)

5:00 Journey

Upcoming Events

June 12 – 16 Vacation Bible School, 8:30 – 11:30 am

12 Good News vs. Flat Springs, 7:45 pm

14 Prayer Meeting, 6:45; Chancel Choir, 7:30 pm

FSYC Practice, 6:30 – 7:30

15 S.A.M. – Haley Bales Steakhouse, Bus Leaves

At 4:45

Flat Springs vs. First Baptist, 6:30 pm

18 Father’s Day Breakfast Hosted by WMU,

8:30 am

19 Mission Prayer Circle, 7 pm

21 Prayer Meeting, 6:45; Chancel Choir, 7:30 pm

25 Church Council Mtg., 9 am

Bridal Shower for Sarah Bradford, 2-4 pm

(See Announcement)

Movie Night, “The Insanity of God”, 6 pm

26 Dorcas Sew Day, 9:30 to 3:00

27 Deacon’s Meeting, 7 pm

28 Prayer Meeting, 6:45; Chancel Choir, 7:30 pm

High School Graduates

Chase Erford Grace Christian

Madelyn Rose Lee County Senior High

Ryan Wilder Lee County Senior High

College Graduates

Taylor Crumley Campbell University

Divinity School

Sarah Bradford Eggers Campbell University

Local Missions Collections

Through the month of June we will be collecting supplies for HAVEN, Lee County’s facility for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Priority needs include paper products, feminine hygiene supplies, and fresh food. Bins are labeled and located in the little kitchen for paper products and feminine hygiene supplies. Please do not delay. As supplies come in, they will be delivered. Also, if you have extra goodies from your garden, HAVEN will be grateful for the produce. Drop it off at HAVEN or call Stephanie Bridges or Maureen & David Aycock. Fresh eggs, milk, bread, and meat are welcome as well. HAVEN stands for Helping Abuse and Violence End Now and is located at 215 Bracken Street. Learn more by visiting 24 hour Crisis Line 919-774-8923.

Mid-June through July, we will collect for local homeless shelters (sunscreen, lip balm, reusable water bottles, men’s socks, etc.). Mid-July through mid-August, we will collect teacher and student supplies for Deep River School. By mid-October, we will reach out, again, to Deep River School to help with Christmas and new year needs. If you know of other local hardships, let us know by contacting the church office or by reaching out to a member of WMU or Baptist Men so that we can plan a response.

There will be a called business meeting on June 11th at 10:55 am to nominate deacons and on July 9th to elect deacons. Please review the Deacon Covenant the church approved (copies available) and begin praying for who you should nominate. The current deacons are not eligible: David Aycock, Tom Luck, Davis Harris, Bill Cotten, Tony Ragan, John Quiggle, Randy Keck, Donnie Hickman and Lewis Kelly. (David Aycock, Davis Harris and Bill Cotten will be rotating off this year.)


June 25

2:00 – 4:00

Sarah Bradford and Josh Eggers were married yesterday. Let’s get them cooking by bringing items to STOCK THEIR KITCHEN PANTRY. Share your favorite dish, snack, dessert or side dish recipe and the non-perishable ingredients to make it.

Nursery Workers:

Sunday Morning:

11:00 Joey & Shana Thomas

Next Sunday:

11:00 Diane Moore & Mary Lou Gregory

Our Deacon Ministry:

Deacon Of The Month – Tom Luck

David Aycock, Chairman-2017, Tom Luck, V. Chairman-2019, Davis Harris, Secretary-2017, Bill Cotten – 2017, Tony Ragan-2018, John Quiggle-2018, Randy Keck-2018, Donnie Hickman – 2019, and Lewis Kelly - 2019

Children’s Church:

06/04/2017 Russell & Laura Marks

06/11/2017 Dustin & Lauren Mitchell

Dr. Gary McCollough, Pastor

Taylor Crumley, Assoc. Pastor Family Ministry

Jimmy Allen, Minister of Music

Kathy Seal, Church Secretary

Regina Mangum, Organist Gail Luck, Pianist

Flat Springs

Baptist Church

4148 Deep River Road

Sanford, NC 27330

(919) 775-5922

Flat Springs Baptist Church is a family of believers who seek . . .

to Glorify God,

to Guide others to Christ,

to Grow in our faith, and

to Give of ourselves.

Installation Reading for Taylor Crumley

Pastor: Today we come to begin a new chapter in the life of our church. We come to accept the gift God is giving to our congregation. We believe God has lead us to this day and to this person. Today we begin the journey with Taylor Crumley as she serves our Lord at Flat Springs Baptist Church as the Associate Pastor of Family Ministry. We do not hire a minister but instead we call a minister. We recognize every minister that is worthy to serve really works for God and is called to a church as a divine assignment. Today, we accept God’s assignment for Taylor.

Search Committee: We have prayerfully sought God’s direction as we have searched for the one our Lord was preparing to serve here. We believe Taylor Crumley is that person, and we are grateful to God for leading us to her.

Congregation: We welcome Taylor into our congregation and thank God for assigning her to our congregation. We commit ourselves afresh to God to be the very best church we can be, and we commit to work with Taylor as she leads our family ministry.

Taylor: I now come to commit to our Lord that I will faithfully carry out the ministry that God is entrusting to me. I covet your prayers, partnership, and participation in the ministry with our families, youth and children.

Search Committee: We prayed for God to call the minister God was preparing to serve with us.

Taylor: I prayed for God to send me to the place of service where God wanted me to serve.

Congregation: We prayed for God to send to us the one we needed to serve our community and beyond.

Pastor: We all prayed for God’s will to be done.

All: We thank God for allowing us to walk together in ministry at Flat Springs Baptist Church. May all our efforts be a faithful testimony to our Lord as we together carry out God’s divine assignment for our church.

Installation Reading for Taylor Crumley

Pastor: Today we come to begin a new chapter in the life of our church. We come to accept the gift God is giving to our congregation. We believe God has lead us to this day and to this person. Today we begin the journey with Taylor Crumley as she serves our Lord at Flat Springs Baptist Church as the Associate Pastor of Family Ministry. We do not hire a minister but instead we call a minister. We recognize every minister that is worthy to serve really works for God and is called to a church as a divine assignment. Today, we accept God’s assignment for Taylor.

Search Committee: We have prayerfully sought God’s direction as we have searched for the one our Lord was preparing to serve here. We believe Taylor Crumley is that person, and we are grateful to God for leading us to her.

Congregation: We welcome Taylor into our congregation and thank God for assigning her to our congregation. We commit ourselves afresh to God to be the very best church we can be, and we commit to work with Taylor as she leads our family ministry.

Taylor: I now come to commit to our Lord that I will faithfully carry out the ministry that God is entrusting to me. I covet your prayers, partnership, and participation in the ministry with our families, youth and children.

Search Committee: We prayed for God to call the minister God was preparing to serve with us.

Taylor: I prayed for God to send me to the place of service where God wanted me to serve.

Congregation: We prayed for God to send to us the one we needed to serve our community and beyond.

Pastor: We all prayed for God’s will to be done.

All: We thank God for allowing us to walk together in ministry at Flat Springs Baptist Church. May all our efforts be a faithful testimony to our Lord as we together carry out God’s divine assignment for our church.

Installation Reading for Taylor Crumley

Pastor: Today we come to begin a new chapter in the life of our church. We come to accept the gift God is giving to our congregation. We believe God has lead us to this day and to this person. Today we begin the journey with Taylor Crumley as she serves our Lord at Flat Springs Baptist Church as the Associate Pastor of Family Ministry. We do not hire a minister but instead we call a minister. We recognize every minister that is worthy to serve really works for God and is called to a church as a divine assignment. Today, we accept God’s assignment for Taylor.

Search Committee: We have prayerfully sought God’s direction as we have searched for the one our Lord was preparing to serve here. We believe Taylor Crumley is that person, and we are grateful to God for leading us to her.

Congregation: We welcome Taylor into our congregation and thank God for assigning her to our congregation. We commit ourselves afresh to God to be the very best church we can be, and we commit to work with Taylor as she leads our family ministry.

Taylor: I now come to commit to our Lord that I will faithfully carry out the ministry that God is entrusting to me. I covet your prayers, partnership, and participation in the ministry with our families, youth and children.

Search Committee: We prayed for God to call the minister God was preparing to serve with us.

Taylor: I prayed for God to send me to the place of service where God wanted me to serve.

Congregation: We prayed for God to send to us the one we needed to serve our community and beyond.

Pastor: We all prayed for God’s will to be done.

All: We thank God for allowing us to walk together in ministry at Flat Springs Baptist Church. May all our efforts be a faithful testimony to our Lord as we together carry out God’s divine assignment for our church.





There will be a very important VBS meeting on Monday, June 5, at 7:00 in the WC Harward Sunday School classroom for all teachers, assistants, musicians, puppeteers and youth who are planning to work in VBS this year. Our schedule is very different from previous VBS classes and we would like to go over the changes. If you cannot attend, please see one of the VBS Committee members: Julie Cameron, Karyn Gaines, Darlene Jackson, or Carol Smith.

S.A.M. – Haley Bales Steakhouse

There will be a S.A.M. sponsored trip to Haley Bales Steakhouse in Siler City on Thursday, June 15. The church bus will leave the church parking lot at 4:45 for 5:30 reservations. There is a sign-up sheet in the atrium.

Dear Church Family,

Tophia always loved her church. We would like to thank you for all the prayers, cards and visits over the years. She especially enjoyed when the S.A.M. group would come to the nursing home to sing and share with the residents at Oakhaven. Thanks so much for the food shared with us and all the acts of kindness shown to our family at our time of loss. We will always remember how good God is to us all. Thanks again.

Love in Christ,

Neil and Ruby Medlin





There will be a very important VBS meeting on Monday, June 5, at 7:00 in the WC Harward Sunday School classroom for all teachers, assistants, musicians, puppeteers and youth who are planning to work in VBS this year. Our schedule is very different from previous VBS classes and we would like to go over the changes. If you cannot attend, please see one of the VBS Committee members: Julie Cameron, Karyn Gaines, Darlene Jackson, or Carol Smith.

S.A.M. – Haley Bales Steakhouse

There will be a S.A.M. sponsored trip to Haley Bales Steakhouse in Siler City on Thursday, June 15. The church bus will leave the church parking lot at 4:45 for 5:30 reservations. There is a sign-up sheet in the atrium.

Dear Church Family,

Tophia always loved her church. We would like to thank you for all the prayers, cards and visits over the years. She especially enjoyed when the S.A.M. group would come to the nursing home to sing and share with the residents at Oakhaven. Thanks so much for the food shared with us and all the acts of kindness shown to our family at our time of loss. We will always remember how good God is to us all. Thanks again.