Highlands Middle School

2014-15 Course Syllabus

Periods5, 6

Instructor: Ms. Donnelly


Course Description:

This class is a 10 week investigation in video production, digital photo manipulation, and web design. Through individual and group projects, students will gain knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, iMovie, digital cameras, and several web design programs. Using the elements and principles of art, this class explores the digital communications industry and graphic design. Projects include logos, advertisements, and commercials, and an online portfolio or digital presentation.


Students will

  • Understand basic terminology used in film production/broadcasting and fine art
  • Create and manipulate digital images using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Produce videos in various formats and production styles
  • Create a website that contains their projects and blogs
  • Learn to work with other students in a creative team
  • Write several personal blogs on topics ranging from favorite movies to internet safety

Required Materials:

  • Notebook or binder
  • USB Flash Drive, at least 1G
  • Pens or pencils
  • Student MacBook. We will also use HHS computers that run Adobe Photoshop thus a flash drive is necessary to transfer files.

Course Content Timing:

  • Flip camera intro/iWeb intro 1 week
  • Chase Video 1 week
  • Introduction to Photoshop 2 week
  • Websites 3 weeks
  • Digital Citizenship/Blogs 1 weeks
  • Music Video 1 week


Students will be evaluated on class assignments and activities including but not limited to the following:

  • Classroom projects
  • Participation
  • Homework
  • Independent and group projects
  • Quizzes and Tests


All projects are in class work with the exception of the filming of the two group video projects. Filming for the group videos is homework and must be done outside of class. Students will be given several days, including a weekend, to complete the filming.

Class Procedures and Expectations:

  1. Each student is required to have, in class everyday, a notebook or binder with paper, and a writing utensil. Each student will need to have a flash drive – 1 GB or higher recommended.
  1. Upon entering the classroom, place all book bags under desk. Do not leave bags out on desk.
  1. Your grade will be based on class participation and group co-operation, test grades, class work, graded work, studio work, and projects. (Team projects will amount to a substantial portion of your final grade.)
  1. Be to class on time or have a legitimate pass. You need to be in your seat when the bell rings. Remain in your seat until the bell rings for dismissal.
  1. No food or drink allowed.
  1. Keep the rooms and studio clean and orderly. Return all equipment to their proper places. Report any problems immediately.
  1. Although the table arrangements may encourage socializing, your complete attention to the subject matter is expected while you are in class.
  1. No other class work is to be done in class.***
  1. Do not write on desks or tables.
  1. Cell phones – DO NOT use in class… This includes text messaging.
  1. Be respectful of your classmates/teammates and teacher. Disrespect will not be tolerated.

August 13, 2014

Dear Parents,

HMS is excited that your child has the opportunity to participate in our new Digital Design Class. We will be making full use of the new student MacBooks in this class. Additionallystudents will have access to digital video cameras and HHS laptops running Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Your child will have an opportunity to “check out” a Flip or Sony Sport camera to complete the filming of the two group video projects. They may also choose to use their own high quality cellphone (iPhone) for filming, assuming the footage can be easily uploaded. However HMS does provide cameras for each group.

In addition to video projects, your child will createa personal website/online portfolio. This digital portfolio will serve as a culmination of the digital projects created during the quarter. The digital portfolio will not be published on the internet and will only be accessible via the login your child will create with their school email address.

Many of these sites used in this class require students to create an account to use. Where creating a teacher account for students to use is possible, that will be done. Sometimes, however, these resources require a sum of money to create a teacher account and that may not be feasible. Often students can create a free account that will serve our purposes here at school. Whatever the case may be, if your child is under the age of 13, he or she, must have your permission to set up an individual account. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires any child under the age of 13 to have parental consent to sign up an account. To be in compliance with COPPA, for your child to access these sites, I need you to sign this form.

Please sign and return to me tomorrow. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions.

Thank you in advance!

Kristine Donnelly


Child Name


Parent/Guardian Signature