I- Examination Committees (art. 69-71 RE&E on definition competences) & Announcement of examination results via KU Loket(*)
Programme / Date of meeting / Announcement of resultsMaster in Criminology / Wednesday 15/02, 09h15 / Wednesday15/02, from 19h00 on
Master of Law (Double Degree-Zurich Univ.) / Wednesday 15/02, 13h00 / Thursday 16/02, from 19h00 on
Master of Laws (LL.M.) (60 ECTS) / Wednesday 15/02, 17h00 / Friday 17/02, from 09h00 on
European Master in Soc. Security Law
Summer School Social Security / Wednesday 15/02, 17h30 / Friday 17/02, from 09h00 on
Exchange (Erasmus) students / Wednesday 15/02, 13h00 / Thursday 16/02, from 19h00 on
(*) All students will receive an e-mail (KU Leuven student e-mail account) indicating that his/her results are available.
You are kindly requested to wait until having received this e-mail in order to avoid overloadingthe system.
Just make sure that there is enough capacity in your mailbox!
III-Discussion of the results and right of access
Students who request it shall have access to their examination scripts as annotated by the examiner.The law faculty will inform via a (link to be announced) on the data & hour for each course. For courses where there is no information, students are requested to e-mail the teaching professor for a meeting within the seven calendar days following the official announcement of the results. Take this period into account when planning your holidays!
Students are also welcome to contact their study advisor and ombudsperson on the obtained results and implications in their study file (binding study advice, ISP…).
IV- Compulsory registration before 13 July for taking exams during the third examination period (August-September)
Contrary to what happens during the first (January) and second (June) examination sessions, students willing to take examinations during the third (August-September) examination session MUST register for it.
For detailed info, click hereunder:
Kind regards,
Law Faculty - Students Administration Office