Great Bedwyn NDP

Record/Actions from Meeting in Bristol (21.10.16) between Nick Wilkinson (NW) (GBNDPWG) and Jeff Bishop (JB) and Cleo Newcombe-Jones (CN-J)(Place Studio)

Actions To Date

GBNDP Open Day on 8 October successful in attracting good cross-section of local residents, in displaying much information and collecting comments, and in Q&A discussion of major points, leading to clear preferences for where development could and should not take place in and adjacent to the present Settlement. NDP can have ‘locally defined policy on affordable housing allocation for local people’.

Possible policies discussed 21 October(for discussion at next NDPWG meeting – date to be arranged)

•Amended Housing Development Boundary to allow limited infill to the east along both sides of Brook Street and for limited development at the Brown’s Lane paddock.

•Including site allocation for Brown’s Lane paddock (junction - mini roundabout) and small play area?

•Community facilities policy - including protecting existing facilities (identify and map these), and supporting a potential extension to the Community Centre (Village Hall) on Frog Lane.

•Possible Local Green Space designations - Church Field,both Playing Fields and allotments. In light of existing protections, are these all worth pursuing? The landowners also need to be identified and have the opportunity to comment on the designation.

•Landscape policy and key views to be defined (AONB policy already applies).

•Heritage policy – relate to Conservation Area and Listed Buildings.

•Aspirations - improved play areas in the village (including fixed equipment and natural play); longer-term aspirations for some land adjoining school playing field to the north of the village; retirement/care housing difficult to define, but carers need homes.

•Policy relating to the waterways and future wharf development?

•Design policy for extensions/infill? (updateVillage Design Statement?)

•Identify brownfield/re-development sites, to ensure within extended Development Boundary, and rough estimate of potential total number of buildings, but do not specify individually.

•Identify sites for employment and light industry at the two farms (Brail Farm and former Pig Farm off Brook St.).

•There appears to be a genuine potential for a Community Land Trust (CLT) to take forward the Brown’s Lane Paddock site.

•A formal option generation and assessment will be needed in the NDP for any development sites. Consider too Developer contributions.

Next Steps:

•FormaliseNeighbourhood Area Designation. Action: Parish and Wiltshire Councils.

•After designation, apply for Locality Grant. Action: Place and NDPWG.

•After designation, meeting with Wiltshire Spatial Planning Team (SEA/HRA, contact info for Reg 14 consultation). Action: NDPWG and Place.

•After designation, meet with AONB Partnership. Action: JB to find a contact name.

•Arrange a next stage meeting with Trevor Cherrett about the CLT option.Action: Parish Council if agreed.

•Continue with Consultation Statement and recording activities. JB to provide advice once the NDP is designated. Action: GBNDPWG/Place.

•Send all current available information (eg. ecology) and material from event (including display material and notes of the discussion) to Cleo and Jeff.Action: Sec/GBNDPWG.

•Providethe GB Parish Online password (or other link) to Place to use to look at the available maps from Wiltshire. Action: Sec/GBNDPWG.

•If required, update/review Village Design Statement to ensure it covers areas of new infill and site allocation at Browns Lane.Action: GBNDPWG Building Sub-Group.

Further material requested by NW for Building Sub-Group Work

Local Green Space Designations

•Local Green Space Proformabeing forwarded separately to Building Sub-Group.

•Examples of Local Green Space Report -

Site Assessment

•Need to assess sites that you have rejected and outline why they are not suitable, e.g. Jockey Green, as well as the ones we want to allocate

•JB will provide a Site Assessment proforma either using or perhaps adapting that used by Wiltshire.

Example methodology for settlement boundary review

Example Plan which changed settlement (housing development) boundaries and identified a village hub with a presumption to support a re-build/extension of the Village Hall:

Housing Evidence

•SHMAA - Strategic Housing Market Assessment used to identify housing need figures at a district wide (Wiltshire level), considers both affordable and market housing need.

•Housing Needs Assessment - These are produced at a Neighbourhood level and can support rural exception sites or underpin an understanding of local need and justify small scale allocations in Neighbourhood Plans.

Planning Use Classes

Industrial is typically specified as B2/B8