In the Name of Allah, the companionate the merciful.

Al Khalifa Abdullah Secondary School . October test

Name : ……………………………………………………………. 3rd class

Question : 1Draw a circle round the correct answer

1-The author of Treasure Island is:

a) Charles Dickens b) Alexandra Dumas c)Robert Louis Stevenson

2- The captain’s name is:

a)Black Dog b) Tim c) Billy

3- Tim’s age was:

a) six years old b)eleven years old c) twelve years old

Question : 2 Write short answers for the following questions:

1-Where do Jim Hawkins and his parents live?


2-Where was the Admiral Ben bow Inn Location?


3-How does old Pew die?


Question: 3Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences about people in the story:

1-Sun – the - from –brown- was- face -The captains.


2-leg –one- with- a man - Watch for.


3-“ a poor – blind- man -Will – help- anyone?”


Question : 4Number the following sentences in their correct order to give the outline of the story.

( ) The arrival of black Dog

( ) The arrival of the captain.

( ) The arrangement of Jim’s father’s funeral.

Please turn over the page►►►


Women should be given practical help and encouragement to participate in both economic and social development. For example in many countries in the world, women farmers have been allowed to get bigger areas of land, bank loan and technical help in order to produce more and better crops. This has resulted in both good income for the family and good supply of food for the area. As well as practical help, women need to be included in making decision about what happen in their country. In the Sudan, for example, we hear that women issues are part of the 10 years strategic plan.

(A) Now answer the following questions using short sentences:

1-Should women be given practical help to participate in economical and social development?


2-Why do women farmers have been given bank loans and bigger areas of land and technical help?


( B )Draw a circle round the letter of the best answer:

1-loan means:

a) money b) land c) farm

2- The expression “ women need to be included ……. Etc.” means:

a) need to participate b) to make life comfortable

c) To do their jobs better d) to supply food

3- The underlined pronoun “ their” refers to:

a) issues b) decisions c) women

4- To give women farms and technical help. This will result good income for:

a) herself b) the family c) the area d) (a, b, c)

( C ) In not more than 20 words summarize the above paragraph


Good Luck

Mr. Salah Adam Abdullah
