HUB Bus Stop Guidelines for Magnet School Programs
The HUB bus stops for the Magnet School Program that are located at the various school campuses will be governed by the same rules, regulations and guidelines as a regular neighborhood bus stop.
Accordingly, the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) are responsible for the safety and security of their children at the HUB stops at the school(s) for both the morning (AM) and afternoon (PM). The school(s) that hosts HUB bus stop locations is not responsible for the supervision of the students at the HUB bus stops.
Parents and/or legal guardians should remain with their children at the designated HUB bus stop location in the morning (AM) until the school bus arrives. There are no provisions for parents and/or legal guardians to drop-off their children in the morning and drive away, leaving children unattended on the school campus. Parents and/or legal guardians should be at the designated HUB bus stop location in the afternoon to receive their children from the school bus.
Parents and/or legal guardians of elementary school aged children do have the option to enroll their children in the “Kids-Plus” program at the elementary school for childcare services in the morning and/or the afternoon either at Coltrane-Webb Elementary School, Patriots Elementary School, or at the designated HUB bus stop elementary school location. However, these children must be escorted into the school in the morning and out of the school in the afternoon by/ the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s).
The children of parents and/or legal guardians that utilized the option to use the Kids-Plus program in the morning and/or afternoon at the elementary school hub bus stop campus will be escorted to the hub bus stop location in the morning and/or from the school bus in the afternoon.
All hub bus stop issues, such as complaints and student discipline problems are the responsibility of the Magnet Schools’ Bus Supervisor. Hub stop administrators or designees should notify Magnet School Bus Supervisors of issues regarding behavior and/or supervision.
Special Guidelines for the Elementary Magnet School, HUB Bus Stop Locations
If a parent or legal guardian is not at the designated elementary school HUB bus stop to receive his/her child from the school bus in the afternoon, the following action(s) will be taken by the Bus Supervisor at the elementary magnet school:
First offense:
A warning letter will be sent to the parents and/or legal guardians and information will be provided about the Kids-Plus program at the elementary school level.
Second offense:
A warning letter will be sent to the parents and/or legal guardians explaining that another offense will result in the hub bus stop privileges being revoked and information will be provided about the Kids-Plus program at the elementary school level.
Third offense:
The parents and/or legal guardians will be informed that HUB bus stop privileges will be revoked unless the child is entered into the Kids-Plus program at the elementary school level.