Procedure: Nonconformance and Action
Revision: 0 / Issue Date: 24-07-02 / Page 1 of 2 (plus Reference Page)
/ BY WHENNPWS / Perisher Blue /
/ Commercial Operators / Utility Providers / EMS Committee1 / Identify and investigate the causes of any actual or potential nonconformance with the Perisher Range Resorts EMS / It is the responsibility of NPWS and each stakeholder group to identify and investigate stakeholder specific actual and potential non conformances relating to their operations, and to initiate and complete corrective and preventative action to ensure those non conformances do not recur (in the case of action non conformances) or occur (in the case of potential non conformances).
During the investigation stage carry out the assessment of the identified issue with consideration of the significance (using the likelihood and consequence of the issue).
Where a cause is outside the control of an individual stakeholder then responsibility is jointly shared with NPWS. NPWS will take the lead in addressing the identified issue. / X / X / X / X / X / At any time
2 / Take immediate actions to mitigate specific nonconformances (e.g. any hazardous or potentially hazardous situation) / If emergency response is required, apply Emergency Management and Response System requirements.
Carefully note any actions taken in accordance with Step 3 / X / X / X / X / X / Where possible, as soon as nonconformance identified
3 / Initiate Corrective Action Request by completing Section 1 of the CAR Form and send to your management representative. / Any person may initiate a CAR. CARs may be raised as a result of the identification of any non conformance (actual or potential) arising from:
-an incident or accident;
-a noncompliance;
-an audit or inspection;
-an observation;
-a complaint; or
-any other appropriate means. / X / X / X / X / X / Within 24 hours of identifying nonconformance
4 / Assign individual CAR number to CAR Form and enter details in CAR Register / Give all CARs a unique ID:
Stakeholder name – Year – Consecutive Number
For example, the sixth CAR lodged by Perisher Blue in 2001 would be numbered: PB-01-006. / X / X / X / X / X / Within 24 hours of receipt
5 / Assess proposed corrective and preventive action, record in Section 2, 3 and 4 of the CAR Form and notify personnel responsible for completing this action / Where the proposed action is outside the control of the stakeholder then NPWS are to be advised. NPWS will then assess the level of responsibility and any further action required in relation to the CAR.
When assessing the appropriate action taken consider the immediate action required to address the observed symptom and also the action required to address the root cause, and to ensure there is no recurrence. / X / X / X / X / X / Within three days of registration
6 / Conduct action as identified / Ensure adequate resources are applied to conduct the action / X / X / X / X / X / As specified and at least within two months
7 / Enter details of action conducted (when complete) in Section 4 of CAR Form and send to EMS manager for sign-off / X / X / X / X / X / Within two months of receipt of request for action
8 / Assess effectiveness of the action taken, sign-off Sections 5 and 6 of CAR Form or arrange for further action.
If further action required, return to Step 4 / In assessing the effectiveness of the action consider not just the action taken to immediately correct the observed symptom, but also the action taken to address the root cause, and to ensure there is no recurrence.
Raise a new CAR that references the previous one if the initial action is assessed as inadequate.
Consider advising the initiator that further action is still to be carried out before closure of the CAR. / X / X / X / X / X / Within one week of completion of the action
9 / Notify CAR initiator when complete. / X / X / X / X / X / Within one week of completion of the action
10 / Update CAR Register once CAR is complete / X / X / X / X / X / Within one day of notifying initiator
11 / Provide copy of current CAR Register to NPWS / X / X / X / X / At least every three months during first 12 months of EMS implementation, thence at least every six months (as part of Management Review)
12 / Maintain records in accordance with Procedure - Document Control and Records Management / This includes copies of CARs initiated by your own organisation which your organisation has responsibility for implementing, CAR Forms initiated by your organisation which another organisation has responsibility for implementing, and CAR initiated by another organisation which your organisation has responsibility for implementing. / X / X / X / X / X / Ongoing
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Perisher Range Resorts ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMProcedure: Nonconformance and Action
Revision: 0 / Issue Date: 24-07-02 / Reference Page
To prescribe the methodology employed by NPWS and stakeholder groups to handle actual and potential nonconformances with the Perisher Range Resorts Environmental Management System, and for taking corrective and preventive action for dealing with these nonconformances.
Covers actual and potential nonconformances and for initiating, assessing and completing corrective and preventive action to prevent their occurrence or recurrence.
This Procedure generates the following documents:
-Corrective Action Request Register
-Procedure – Document Control and Records Management
-Form – Corrective Action Request
-Form – Correction Action Request Register
Description of changes / Pages / Authorised by (signature) / DateRevision 0 / 2
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