WNA Mtg. 9/24/16

Present: P. Weber, K. Wisnefske, P. Varga, D. Prium, N. Miller, S. Schaus, M. Crist, M. Leadholm

Welcome: Kris

Recorder: Sue

Opening meditation: Joy of Every Loving Heart, Weber

Minutes: June- (?), July (Megan), August (Patti) all to follow

UPDATE SINCE MEETING: June 27, 2016 minutes posted on website – July and August to be posted ASAP

October Conference: 10/21. Madison Marriott West in Middleton (Maryfran)

- Working on getting an RD. Tentative - Erika Anna. Peg may have an alternate RD. We need to do more networking with other professions.
UPDATE SINCE MEETING: Erika Anna confirmed.

- 5 raffle baskets - Nursing Everywhere, A Clean House, Auto-Auto-Auto, Gift Basket, Sweets from WI and Beyond. Tots $1 or 6/$5.

- Registered


- Agenda:


Diabetes Review, APN

To WNA to network with other RNs - WNA programs, hpt update

Changing World of Nutrition - RD. Diabetes and hot focus.

Other? Transitional Nursing poster presentation (Deb Z?), dates for next FC Basic Prep course,

- Tables: WWHF, Health Literacy-Steve Sparks, WWWP, Free to Breathe Peggy, Living Compass Scott Stoner

- Cost: $50 (WNA) $60 others. Target 50-60 participants

- 8:45-3:30

- CEU's - 5.0

- All need to help to get the word out.

FC Foundation Course. (Deb P.)

- Good to have at WNA office. Recognize need to take around the state as needed

- Dates - consider April and/or August. Easter is 4/16. 3/17&18 - 3/31&4/1? 8/11&12 - 8/25&26? WNA develop a SAVE THE DATE (Megan)

- Location: Do spring in Madison, fall in GB.

- Speakers: Patti – same and Ethics, Sue – Communication and Beginning Your Practice, Peg – same, Kris – same, Deb P. – same, Deb Z. – Documentation and Legal. WWHF include with Starting Your Practice or Resources.

- Cost: $400 (WNA member), $450 others

- All need to help to get the word out.

WI Nurse Update: Articles due 11/8. 2017 FC course dates (DP), FC conference review (MFC), Free to Breathe (Peggy), BP program (KW).

Westberg/Church Health: Reorganization and partner discussions in progress.

ANA: Discussions related to "wholistic" vs "holistic." FC Scope & Standard being developed by HMA. Concerns should be communicated on yammer.

WNA: Office move is complete.

WWHF: WWHF GV dates to come, will be Later July. Celebrating 25th anniversary during 2017. Regional events in progress. Online training coming.


- Patti: Developing doctoral program at Alverno

- Deb P.: Grants, transitional care efforts

- Nora: (see WWHF)

- Deb Z.: Willing to do presentations on Transitional Care. Graduated, Herzing position.

- Kris: Monroe clinic renovations in progress, grant for education program 10/22.

- Maryfran: 20th anniversary and education program, daughter presented re non profit efforts.

- Peg: busy with groups and supporting PN's.

- Sue: Abuse Response grant work SE WI area.