2.Workplace Skills Plan Forms


1 / Name of Company:
2 / Address:
Physical: / Postal:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
3 / Main Business Activity:
4 / SARS Registration Number:
5 / Company Registration Number:
6 / SIC Code as identified at time of registration with SARS:
7 / If submitted on behalf of one or more companies / affiliates / divisions / departments or establishments, attach a list of their names and addresses, including physical and post addresses.
8 / Total Rand value of financial year end payroll:
9 / Name of Skills Development Facilitator:
10 / Phone number of Skills Development Facilitator:

Copyright  2000 W&RSETAVersion 1.6

All rights reserved

This document is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside of the client organisation without prior written approval from W&R SETA. Page 1 of 9


2.2.1.Form 11.Current employee profile: As at 1 April 2000

Occupational Groups[1] / African / Coloured / Indian/ Asian / White / Total
M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F
Senior officials and managers
Technicians and associate professionals
Service workers, shop and market sales workers
Agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related workers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Labourers and related workers

2.2.2.B.1. Number of persons in each occupational group who received training during the year ended 31/03/2000 (i.e. 01/04/1999 – 31/03/2000)

Occupational Groups[2] / African / Coloured / Indian/ Asian / White / Total
M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F
Senior officials and managers
Technicians and associate professionals
Service workers, shop and market sales workers
Agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related workers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Labourers and related workers
Of those who received training, indicate how many were new recruits during the above period?

2.2.3.B.2. Strategic skills development priorities

For the levy grant year 1/4/2000 – 31/3/2001

B2.1Please indicate the strategic priorities of your organisation and what these will require in relation to skills development. List in order of priority. You may use the strategic business priorities numbers 1 to 14 below OR define your own.

For ease of compiling the W&RSETA Sector Skills Plan (SSP) please indicate which of the following generic strategic business priorities are core to your company’s strategic business priorities. List them in order of priority: 1 = most to 5 = least.

Strategic Business Priority / Priority
Attract, train and retain high calibre employees
Decrease downtime
Gain competitive advantage
Grow market share
Improve quality
Improve service
Grow sales
Improve customer satisfaction
Increase productivity
Increase speed to market
Maintain high levels of growth
Manage acquisitions / mergers
Reduce expenses and increase profits
Reduce rework and scrap

B2.1.1 Qualitative information relevant to skills planning. Please address the followingquestions:

  1. Do you have vacancies that you have been unable to fill? If so, for what occupations and what are the reasons for these difficulties?


  1. Do you anticipate recruiting additional persons during the next 12 months due to business expansion? If so, in which occupational group(s)?

B2.2Education and Training required to achieve the business priorities:

Beneficiaries / Nature of learning intervention e.g. In-house, external training, formal educational institution / Total Cost to Company of Formal Training
Occupational groups / Number / Internal / External
Senior officials and managers
Technicians and associate professionals
Service workers
Agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related operators and assemblers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Labourers and related workers
Total / Total

2.2.4.B.3. Summary of training skills assessment needs

Please indicate the number and characteristics of beneficiaries to be trained during the levy grant year 1/4/2000 to 31/3/2001

Occupational Groups / African / Coloured / Indian/ Asian / White / Total
M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F
Senior officials and managers
Technicians and associate professionals
Service workers, shop and market sales workers
Agricultural and fishery workers
Craft and related workers
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Labourers and related workers
How many of the beneficiaries of training are likely to be persons with disabilities?
Do you anticipate difficulties in undertaking the training you have set out in B2.2 and B3 above? If so, indicate the nature of these difficulties:

2.2.5.C.2(plan) - Planned occupational group training (Optional):

Number of persons in each occupational group who are planned to receive skills training during the year ending the 31/03/2001 (i.e. 01/04/2000 – 31/03/2001). The columns are numbered for ease of reference when used in your accompanying workplace skills planning documentation

Strategic Priority / Skill Priority SOG codes / Number of Beneficiaries Planned (Targets) / Educational Outcome (if applicable)
NQF band / NQF level and associated qualifications
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / EXAMPLE
Higher Education and Research / 8 / Doctorate
7 / Masters Degree
6 / Degree, National Diploma
5 / National Certificate, N4 / N5
Further Education and Training / 4 / Std 10 / Grade 12 / N3
3 / Std 9 / Grade 11 / N2
2 / Std 8 / Grade 10
General Education and Training / 1 / Up to Standard 7 / ABET

Explanatory notes:

  1. Anything below Grade 9 is referred to as the General Education and Training Band
  2. Current school grades 10 – 12 correspond with Levels 2, 3, and 4 on the NQF
  3. Short courses e.g. 2 months part time is not recognised as a ‘level qualification’, which consist of a year of full time study or equivalent thereof.


What quality assurance measures will be used for each of the planned activities?

Give details if any mechanism other than South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) as quality assurance mechanism is to be used.

(See explanation of SAQA Quality Assurance measures in Grant B. Other mechanisms used can refer to SABS Standards or the International Standards Organisation – ISO9000 systems or using a Professional Body Accreditation.)




  1. Although one of the criteria of compiling a WSP is to cover all employees, this does not mean training activities have to be planned for every employee in the year period.
  2. The strategic business priorities in B.2 refers to the interventions needed to ensure the development of the business and all the employees. In detailing your strategic priorities, please pay particular attention to the following:

(a)Linking strategic skills priorities to strategic business priorities of the company

(b)Link the WSP to business and employment equity plans.

  1. The beneficiaries in B.2 should be indicated as total numbers of employees.
  2. B.3 expects a detailed breakdown of the same beneficiaries by race, gender and disability. The number of disabled beneficiaries can be indicated under the column total.
  3. Companies may copy form B.3 (optional) and submit it indicating the number of learning interventions (training courses) per occupational group.
  4. In some instances this planning information may be more insightful and could be used as a reliable source for reporting on the planning of learning interventions – with particular reference to indicating efforts of employment equity planning in the designated groups.
  5. Occupations that my be specific to the organisation, should be indicated under the relevant Occupational Group. “Other” should only be used in relation to one of the Occupational Groups indicated. For example:

Craft and Related Workers / Shopfitters
Other Craft and Related Workers
  1. Additional tables relevant to B.1 to B.3 detailing skill classifications specific to organisations or sectors should be attached.
  2. Tables B.1 to B.3 should serve as summaries of skills development activities as planned.
  3. This document should be the result of meaningful interaction between employers and employees and where applicable this should take place through the training committees or union management structures.
  4. Should the space provided not be sufficient, please attach referenced Annexures.
  5. Should the SDF have any questions or require clarification, please contact our call centre at 0860 27 00 27.
  6. Thank you for your kind co-operation.

Copyright  2000 W&RSETAVersion 1.6

All rights reserved

This document is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside of the client organisation without prior written approval from W&R SETA. Page 1 of 9

[1]Refer Annexure 2 for definitions of the W&RSETA Occupational Groups

[2]See Annexure 2 for definitions of Occupational Groups