GWRRA Region FTeam
Southwest Region
Member Recognition and Appreciation Program
Starting date January 1, 2012
This program has been developed in Region “F”un to honor, recognize and thank the members who have given to their Chapter, District, Region, GWRRA and/or a member in a way that was above and beyond what was expected.
Who can receive this recognition: any member, couple or group of members
Who awards this recognition: The Director
How to administer this program: The Director at the Chapter level will honor a member each monthly, quarter, as they see fit. They will be given a pin and certificate, pin will be provided through the Region Store. The recognition should be at the Chapter Gathering and/or special event, and should be a great celebration. The Director should honor that recipient by stating what it is that earned this recognition.
The Director at the District level will honor a member each quarter or semi-annually or annually, the Director’s choice. The recipient will be given a pin and certificate, pin will be provided through the Region Store. The recognition should be at the District Convention and should be a great celebration. The Director should honor that recipient by stating what it is that earned this recognition.
The Director at the Region level will honor a member each semi-annually or annually, the Director’s choice. The recipient will be given a pin and certificate, pin will be provided through the Region Store. The recognition should be at the Region Convention and should be a great celebration. The Director should honor that recipient by stating what it is that earned this recognition.
There is no competition here so there would not be an annual award following the awards throughout the year. This is just a recognition program to say thanks and promote the positive that a member, couple or group of members has contributed.
Making a difference and having fun 1 member at a time!