D3-TQS 2




D3-TQS 2

This TQS applies to the provision of student learning opportunities in the workplace that are explicitly planned, integrated and generally assessed as part of a student’s study enabling them to demonstrate achievement of work-based competencies and/or learning outcomes, usually as part of an accredited module. These learning opportunities may arise from either voluntary or paid work experiences/placements.

This includes the following:

  • Learning opportunities in the workplace organised by the University.
  • Learning opportunities in the workplace sourced and organised by the student.
  • Sandwich courses or other types of work experience.

But excludes:

  • Work-Based Learning (WBL) when it is evidenced retrospectively (typically claimed by the RPL process).
  • Short term and/or informal activities where a student spends time at an organisation as an observation opportunity, i.e. company visits, insight days and work shadowing (similarly, these may be paid or voluntary activities but for the purposes of this TQS, this is not their defining factor).

This TQS is not mandatory for students who are implicitly learning in their existing job role and those on other short term/informal opportunities as outlined above, however the guidance still may be relevant and it would be good practice to consider the TQS wherever applicable, and definitely for opportunities that require Schools to ensure the quality of the student experience.

This TQS is in addition to any PSRB standards/requirements.

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Quality Handbook Section D3

D3-TQS 2


Any proposed activity in the workplace at courseor module level will need to be fully addressed at approval to include, at least:

  • A definition of the type of activity.
  • A statement of intended learning outcomes.
  • An indication of any credit attached specifically to the work placement, when it is part of a course.
  • The assessment strategy.
  • A definition of responsibilities and roles in the support and management of the learning experience as regards both the University and the provider.
  • A confirmation that due diligence procedures are in place for the proposed arrangement which aims to periodically check the capacity of the provider to continue to fulfil their designated role in the arrangement. These will differ and be determined by individual arrangements.
  • An exit plan, which ensures that the student can complete their module in the event that a delivery organisation, support provider or Partner withdraws from, or that Teesside University decides to terminate the arrangement.

If the workplace activity involves the employer/provider in supervision, monitoring, assessment or other similar activities, then there needs to be a clear and explicit agreement regarding this. At approval, the following should be provided:

  • Mechanisms for the review and evaluation of these activities.
  • Protocols for resolving any operational issues.
  • Necessary staff development as a pre-requisite to undertaking these roles.


Schools should have in place procedures for the evaluation of the workplace experience by collecting feedback from all students and providers (providers may be sampled appropriately).

Such feedback should contribute to the appropriate stages of Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement, e.g. subject, module and courselevel.


Schools and Departments should ensure that they make use of appropriate and adequate administrative systems for the tracking and administration of students learning in the workplace, i.e. contact details, hours and location, using electronic methods where possible. This may vary depending on the activity.


a)Schools and Departments should ensure that all staff with designated responsibilities are fully familiar with and make appropriate use of the following University documents:

  • Student Placement Policy.
  • Health & Safety Checklist for Providers.
  • Health & Safety Checklist for Tutors.
  • Health & Safety Guidance for academic staff visiting the workplace.
  • Student &Library Services (SLS):Using Other Libraries.

b)In addition to the above, Schools and Departments should ensure that they develop explicit criteria for use by staff in determining whether or not a proposed student activity in the workplace offers appropriate learning opportunities, e.g. an audit tool or similar (see formsAnnex 1TQS 2: Audit Checklist: Student Learning in the Workplace for guidance).

c)Similarly, Schools and Departments should make available appropriate and full information to both providers and students. See formsAnnex 2 TQS 2b: Student Learning in the Workplace Provider Handbook Checklist and see formsAnnex 3 TQS 2c: Student HandbookChecklist of Minimum Requirements offer useful checklists of minimum requirements. Schools can expand upon these templates; determine the most appropriate methods for making them available; and vary terminology to suit their specific circumstances, and so on.


Schools should determine an appropriate pattern and frequency of monitoring to include visits and other mechanisms as appropriate, such as email contact with a nominated person, telephone and Skype tutorial or other equivalent method, etc., to support students in their progression whilst learning in the workplace.


In the event that students are allowed or encouraged to locate their own workplace learning opportunities (not their existing workplace), then:

  • Students should be given guidance as to the relevant criteria, advice on the process they should follow and access to appropriate information, i.e. information on writing letters and CVs.
  • No student-found activity will be confirmed as an appropriate setting until such time as it has been accepted by the School as fully satisfying its criteria (see Section 4b).


Schools and Departments should ensure that all students returning to the University to complete their studies on completion of a workplace learning activity are, as a group, given a specific debrief/re-induction where appropriate.


Schools and Departments should ensure appropriate staff development for all staff involved in supporting students in the workplace via:

  • The use of Personal Development Review (PDR).
  • Access to appropriate components of the Staff Development Portfolio, and/or access to any specific development events designed by the University to support staff involved in this process.
  • Processes of support, guidance and mentoring within teams for all relevant staff.
  • External development opportunities, e.g. via: ASETIntegrating Work and Learning


It is recognised that there may be areas of subject provision where, for particular reasons, certain aspects of the TQSs cannot be adopted. In such cases please refer to Section D3 of the Quality Handbook: Threshold Quality Standards (Section 1.2).

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Quality Handbook Section D3