This paper presents statistics on the volume of road traffic (in vehicle-kilometres), compiled from the data that national authorities submitted voluntarily to Eurostat in 2008 and 2009. This data collection, the availability of data and their quality are described in an accompanying paper.
Eurostat already disseminates a large part of the received data. Users may access them for free by visiting Eurostat’s web site (, clicking on ‘Statistics database’ on the left-hand side and navigating to the branch Database by themes / Transport / Road transport / Road traffic of the dissemination tree.
Moreover, Eurostat has published a Data in Focus (DIF) dedicated to statistics from this data collection[1].
The paper consists of two sections. Section 1, by far the largest of the two, presents the main statistics derived from the data. Section 2 gives an overview of the published DIF.
1.Statistics on road traffic volumes
In this section we present the main statistics derived from the data of the voluntary data collection on road traffic volumes. We repeat all tables and charts published in the aforementioned DIF (some of them slightly modified) and add several more.
Table 1. Road traffic volumes on national territory by type of vehicle in million vehicle kilometres, 2008.
Notes: LT, IE, DE, NO: data represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories;
DK, CA: data represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
HU, SE, RO: do not cover mopeds. Data for motorcycles and mopeds represent only road traffic by motorcycles;
US: reference year 2007.
Figure 1. Shares of road traffic on national territory by type of vehicle (excluding motorcycles and mopeds) in million vehicle kilometres, 2008 (%).
Notes: Shares shown exclude other motorised vehicles since they are not covered by many countries;
DE, LT, IE, NO: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories;
DK: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
CA: did not report figures for buses and coaches and goods vehicles;
US: reference year 2007.
Figure 2. Shares of road traffic on national territory by type of fuel in million vehicle kilometres, 2008.
Notes: Passenger cars: aggregate comprises DE, FR, IE, CY, LT, LV, NL, NO, PL, RO, SE, DK;
Goods vehicles (MPW <= 3.5T): aggregate comprises CY, FR, UK, IE, LT, LV, NL, NO, PL, SE, DK;
Goods vehicles (MPW > 3.5T): aggregate comprises FR, IE, LT, LV, NO, PL;
DE, IE, LT, SE: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories;
CY, NO: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
RO, UK: reference year 2007;
Table 2. Road traffic volumes on national territory by type of road in million vehicle kilometres, 2008
Notes: FR: covers only passenger cars and goods vehicles;
RO, UK, HR, LV: do not cover other motorized vehicles;
FI: covers only passenger cars, buses and coaches and goods vehicles;
US: reference year 2007;
Figure 3. Shares of road traffic on national territory by type of road in million vehicle kilometers, 2008
Notes: FR: covers only passenger cars and goods vehicles;
RO, UK, HR: do not cover other motorized vehicles;
FI: covers only passenger cars, buses and coaches and goods vehicles;
US: reference year 2007.
Figure 4. Shares of road traffic on trans-European networks in million vehicle kilometres, 2008 (%)
Notes: LV: covers only passenger cars;
RO, UK: do not cover other motorized vehicles.
Figure 5. Shares of road traffic of passenger cars on national territory by age of vehicle in million vehicle kilometres, 2008
Notes: PL: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
SE, NO: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories.
Figure 6. Shares of road traffic of goods vehicles on national territory by age of vehicle in million vehicle kilometres, 2008
Notes: LT, PL: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
DE, SE, NO: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories;
DE: shares represent vehicles with MPW greater than 6 tonnes.
Figure 7. Shares of road traffic of passenger cars on national territory by age of driver in million vehicle kilometres, 2008
Notes: CY: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
SE: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories.
Figure 8. Shares of road traffic of passenger cars on national territory by gender of driver in million vehicle kilometres, 2008
Notes: CY: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on national territory;
SE: shares represent road traffic of national vehicles on all territories.
2.Data in Focus: Road traffic volumes in 2008
Eurostat published on 17th March 2010 a Data in Focus, with title ‘Road traffic volumes in 2008’. This is the first publication dedicated to statistics on this particular area.
The DIF contains three pages of tables and charts and one page of methodological notes. The tables and charts correspond to the following tables and charts of the present document:
–Table 1
–Figure 1
–Table 2
–Figure 3
–Figure 4
[1]DIF no 9/2010, entitled ‘Road traffic volumes in 2008’, available at