The Herald

Trinity Lutheran Church Havertown, PA October, 2015


Dear Trinity,


I am writing on the heels of an exciting time in faith where pilgrims from all over the world are getting ready to gather in Philadelphia to focus on family and faith. It has been wonderful hearing local news and even the national news programs focus on faith for weeks leading up to the Pope’s visit to the United States. His visit is encouraging Christians both Roman Catholic and Protestant.

Are you ready to grow in your faith? Are you ready and able to make small and perhaps even some large changes in your life to accommodate God’s Word? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and serve in the name of the One who has given us life?

I hope your answer is “Yes” or “Amen” because God’s desire for His children is that we would all mature in our faith. Like all human relationships, our relationship with God needs to be nurtured so that it can grow. We can nourish that relationship by learning more about God, living in community with other Christians, worshipping together, encouraging each other in our faith, listening to biblical teaching, and sharing the burdens and triumphs we experience in our faith journeys. As we do these things, we grow into more mature disciples, or students, who love and follow Jesus faithfully.

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.

2 Thessalonians 1:3

It is my prayer that God would increase our faith by making some simple practices in our life. These are simple ways to grow in our faith with faith-filled conversation with another Christian. Reading scripture, sharing our lives, praying for each other and blessing one another.

FAITH5™ is a simple, easy-to-implement faith practice, perfect for incorporating into your routine for five to fifteen minutes a day. When done over time, the FAITH5™ carries the power to enrich communication, deepen understanding, aid sleep, and promote mental, physical and spiritual health. The five steps are:

SHARE your highs and lows

READ a Bible verse or story

TALK about how the Bible reading might

relate to your highs and lows

PRAYfor one another's highs and lows

BLESS one another

My Prayer for You as our congregation adapts to Faith5 this fall…

Lord Jesus, increase our faith as we learn to depend on You and trust You more and more. Help us to crave Your Word: to read it, to talk about it and make life connections to your Word, and to daily pray for each other, and bless each other on our way so your Word can truly become part of our lives. We long to be doers and not just hearers. Lord, we desperately need more of You and less of ourselves. Thank You for Your faithfulness in always keeping Your Word.

In Christ

Pastor Littleton

The Bible is the book worth knowing…

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Short term Bible Study

October 21 -November 4th at 7 pm.

Our Study will be a 3 week Bible study and reflection on prayer beginning at 7 pm for three Wednesday evenings beginning October 21. This will be a topical study on the subject of prayer with a heavy emphasis on practical personal application. This three week course will examine the nature of prayer as described in the Scriptures, apply what the Scriptures teach about prayer to our own prayer lives, and hopefully inspire us all re-discover prayer to be a wonderfully joyous faith practice.

Come on out for a faith fellowship that connects us with one another and with our Lord. We will offer short term classes throughout the year – Come and let’s grow together in faith.

The ELCA Systems Academy

In late August Bishop Burkat invited Pastor Littleton to be the Synod’s Representative at the ELCA Systems Academy in Chicago at the ELCA Church-wide office. This is a great honor as Pastor Littleton will be joined with 14 other people already trained in family systems to think critically about theology and the church as we understand what it means to be the church in the 21st Century. Pastor will travel to Chicago at the expense of the Synod 4 times a year over the next four years to meet with the same 15 who have been hand-picked by their Bishops to help the church make systemic changes as we live into our future. Her first trip will be Monday October 12 to October 14th. Please pray for the 15 who will meet that they will be led by the Holy Spirit so that important and necessary actions and understanding can take place so that our churches may more effectively be faithful to serving the Lord.

First Communion Classes

At a meeting for parents the First Communion class schedule has been set for 2015. The First communion class along with a parent will meeton Saturday’s at12:30 -1:45in the Activity Room.

Class dates are:October 10, 17, 24 and the 31. On the 31st the class will also have their rehearsal and bread making session and will conclude at 2:30 PM- still giving them plenty of time for trick or treating.

The students will reflect on their baptism, The Passover, Jesus last supper and Lutheran understanding of the sacrament. The youth will make their First Holy Communion onNov 1 at 10:45 AM. Any young person 3rd grade or older who has not been instructed in the sacraments are invited to attend the classes. Feel free to call Pastor Littleton for more information.

TRINITY will offer Cross-GenerationalSunday Fun Day beginning October 11 at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings. Please join us!

What is Cross-Generational Sunday Fun Day?

Family Sunday Funday is a cross-generational learning experience. It focuses not only on our children and their knowledge of the Biblical stories, but also focuses on specific waysthat our families and adults can themselves learn the stories of our faith. Equally important, we also will learn specific ways to practice and pass on Christian faith to the next generation.

What is meant by "cross-generational"?

It has been observed that the Church very well may be the last place in our society where multiple generations of people still intentionally gather on a week-to-week basis. We believe this is a beautiful God-given tool. Here the experience of the ages meets the enthusiasm of youth. We seek to be intentional about establishing those relationships across the generations. In so doing, concern, love, and care grows. As public, professional educators will note, there is a definite correlationbetween havingmore positive adult relationships present in a young person's life,equating tomore key benchmarks of learning and growing being achieved. It is no different in the Church.

Much more so, as with any learned skill set, the lessons learned in a cross-generational approach are not only for the children involved. The intent is that the lessons and skills learned on Sunday mornings are "portable" for the adults, as well. The real laboratory for faith is at home over the course of a regular week.

Who should come toCross-GenerationalSunday Funday?

Our hope for this cross-generational Sunday School is that we will not only have present our children and their parents and/or the adults most concerned that these children grow into their faith, but also for older adults, singles, our eldest generations, and those younger family units who do not yet have children,

We will be serving a lite breakfast too!

Yes, we Lutherans love to eat and so we will begin each Sunday Morning with some light food at 9:00 AM. We know the kids like French Toast Sticks and we will have fruit cups, Oatmeal from time to time and of course it would not be Lutheran without the Coffee Pot on.

Schedule: 9:00 AM - Help yourself to a light breakfast and as a family do Faith5 discussion

9:20 - Songs of Praise

9:35 - Bible Story

9:50 - Family Friendly Faith Activity

10:10 - Prayer

10:15 - Blessing

Come and give it a try!!!

Please Pray for… Bill Bast, Jere Young, Dot Winkler, Bob Smith, Maryann Hunsicker, Bill Uber, Ruth Smith, Tony Gagas, Phyllis Silverstein, Dorothy Plantholt, Jan Romano, Lee Zampetti , Nancy Gerstenkorn, Don Cornman, Nancy Cornman, Peg Starr, Kathy Donnelly, Barbara Polk, Mike Gerisch and Susan Haines.



October-2015- Lots of happy little people here at Trinity this month! The children were so glad to see their old school friends from last semester. Little people make the biggest changes over the summer. They come back taller and more mature!

This school year we have some additions to our day. We have Mrs. Heinerich’s gym classon Mondaymorning, and atTuesday’slunch bunch. Miss Jessica’s yoga class is flourishing at Lunch bunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mrs. Simpkins and Mr. Dave continue to bring us music and movement once a week with a “blessing”.

We have printed, painted, graphed, traced, peeled and even baked some delicious apples this week. The data from our survey suggested that red apples are the most popular.

Lots of children brought their favorite Teddy Bear to school for Teddy Bear Day. Some were Super Heroes, some wore tutus, some wore red hats and had a sign “Take good care of this Bear”! The best part of the day was when the Teddy Bears gathered in the middle of a parachute and went for a toss in the air when the children shook the parachute with all their might.

Preschool at Trinity is fun!~~Miss Marian


The Fallen Christian’s Hymn

Perusing the internet, I stumbled across an article about listening to music written by fallen Christians and further, a reader questioning whether or not it was a sin to listen to this music. It provoked an interesting discussion about what we value most: the music, the lyrics, or the person who wrote them? I invite you to read more for yourself:

Listened to anything good lately?

I invite you to try Benjamin Britten’s “Behold the Lamb.” Based on the poem, Jubilate Agno by Christopher Smart, Britten’s 17-minute cantata is exciting and frenetic, but also beautiful and lyrical at times, despite the odd poem. (Smart was in an asylum when he wrote the poem.) Let me know what you think!

Adult Choir Has Moved!

We always have fun, but now we just enjoy each other’s company a bit earlier---we’d love to have you join us on WEDNESDAY nights at 7:30 p.m. We hope that this change in time and day will also support the Wednesday night Bible studies that Pastor is holding later in the fall. Come out for both!

And on a personal note…

School started and the hectic craziness of all it encompasses took over my household a few weeks ago. In the midst of finding the right calculator, going to open houses, and figuring out a bus schedule, I forgot to pay the mortgage. Let’s be clear, I’ve NEVER forgotten to pay the mortgage. Ever. I stood sheepishly at the bank the day after my two week grace period expired, getting a grandmotherly scolding from the teller, and a $44.00 penalty to boot. Seriously, I was pretty upset since September is stretched anyway with all of the extras. So let’s just say when I was at Kohl’s later that day exchanging a pair of shoes that I mistakenly thought would fit my daughter’s foot (as a side, it was 2 ½ sizes too small. Hooray for summer growth spurts), the clerk happily told me that the leather clogs my daughter “just had to have” were now on sale for $21. The difference from regular price? $44.00. My small reminder that God’s got this, and that He will provide, no matter what. ~~Kirsten Halker-Kratz

Worship Schedule Change

Beginning on

October 11, 2015

8 am- Worship in the first 8 pews

9:00 am –Sunday Funday - Intergenerational

Faith and Breakfast Program

10:15 am – Choir Rehearsal

10:45 am – Worship

Halloween Party

October 29th5:30-7:00 pm!

Come dressed up for a romping good time.

Candy, spooky games, and fun for all ages!

Show your and your child’s costume skills and

win our Best Costume Award!!

Pizza will be served!!

For ages 18 months and up


to Trinity’s


Please join us for an evening of fun for the whole family!

WHERE: Social Hall, Trinity Lutheran Church

WHEN: Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 4-8 PM


  • Delicious catered 3 course dinner (Appetizer veggie tray, hot roast beef with rolls, salad, roasted potatoes with green beans)
  • Popular dessert contest (Desserts provided by attendees)
  • Cake walk tickets (Come learn what fun a cake walk is!)
  • Games with prizes for the children
  • Square dancing for all!
  • Photo booth

SILENT AUCTION - ongoing during the event. How does that work? Please see the following page.

BUY A TICKET (available after church and in the church office)

Other ways you can help are also on the following page.

COST: $15 for adults, $10 for youth (13-17), $5 for children (6-12) and

FREE for children 5 and under.

Your purchase will help us reach our goals of enjoying an evening of fun and camaraderie with friends and family while raising $1000+ for Trinity and the Life Center.




Ways you can help with the Hootenanny & Silent Auction

  • Make a cake for the Cakewalk!
  • Bring a dessert to enter into the dessert contest!
  • Help with Set up or Clean up!
  • Staff the Photo Booth or Kids’ Games!
  • Sign up at either entrance to the church, in the church office, or by contacting Emily Moser or 804-304-1842.


  • Donate (by October 15) a service you are willing to perform.
  • On the night of the event, we will have a display table where attendees can bid on the donated services.
  • Each service will go to the highest bidder who contributes his/her bid to the fundraiser.
  • Ideas for services to donate -

2 hours of babysitting for $20

Put up/take down Christmas lights

Cleaning (wash items in china cabinet)

Pet walking/sitting

Make a searchable database for church members

Wrap Christmas presents

Give a lesson (music, foreign language, pickleball, …)

Something not on the list -- Turn your hobby into a service to support the Hootenanny and Trinity!

  • For more information about the auction, please contact Debbie Maguire or 484-477-6095.


On Sunday, October 18th, 2015 the Save Our Shelters (SOS) fundraising committee, sponsored by the Community Action Agency of Delaware County (CAADC), will hold its second annual Harvest Moon Dance.

Where: St. Philomena Roman Catholic Church

41 E Baltimore Ave, Lansdowne, PA

Parking entrance is on Highland Ave, next to Dunkin’ Donuts

When: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM (The Eagles are not playing!)

What: A relaxing evening of listening and dancing to the standards of the 30’s and 40’s.

Why: To raise funds to help our local homeless families and individuals.

Tickets: Cost is $25. Includes: Admission, Dancing, a great DJ, and a light supper catered by Justine’s Cuisines

Additional donations requested for wine and beer, or BYOB.

How can you help?

Buy a ticket – from Ann or Tom Shiffer or on line at

Make a donation-Tax Deductible

Donate some homemade “pickup” style desserts

Place a business or memorial ad in our ad booklet.

For more information go to or contact Ann Shiffer @ 610-853-1484 or


Flyers are posted throughout the church. Feel free to ask for some from Ann or Tom Shiffer. Last year we raised over $3000, and everyone had a wonderful time. Both NBC and ABC telecast our event on the news. Please join us this year! Check bulletin boards for flyers and ad information. Thank you.

Catch-Up Sunday – October 18th

Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become perfect, but I press on in

order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus… Ipress on toward the goal…”

Philippians 3:12, 14.

Financial Goals:

In a church’s life, as well as an individual’s, we have goals and dreams.

Trinity has ongoing ministry goals and dreams. We can barely exist from week to week or we can “press on” and thrive toward our ministry plans without the financial resources to do God’s Work. . We have before us an opportunity to notonly continue our ministry plans that are already in place, but to move forward and to THRIVE.