AP Juniors’ Fall Semester Vocabulary - The Scarlett Letterand The Crucible

Week 1 _____

  1. duplicity - n - double-dealing, hypocrisy
  2. infamous - adj - having a reputation of the worst kind
  3. languid - adj - slow, sluggish, listless, weak
  4. venerate - v - to honor, to revere
  5. scintillating - adj - sparkling, shining or flashing
  6. remonstrate -v - to protest, to make objections
  7. prolific - adj - abundantly fruitful
  8. predilection - n - preference
  9. mollify - v - to soothe, to appease
  10. implicit - adj - understood but not directly expressed

Week 2 _____

  1. ascend - v - to move upward, to rise from a lower station
  2. exigent - adj - urgent, requiring immediate attention
  3. vicissitude - n - a passing from one thing to another
  4. gaunt - adj - very thin, emaciated, angular
  5. eulogy - n - praise or tribute
  6. abate - v - to reduce in intensity or amount
  7. alacrity - n - prompt and cheerful response
  8. consecrate - v - to dedicate or to declare sacred
  9. voluminous - adj - marked by great volume/ size
  10. gratuitous - adj - given freely, unwarranted

Week 3 _____

  1. wan - adj - very pale and sickly
  2. affinity - n - a likeness, a natural relationship
  3. regimen - n - the regular process, procedure or system for doing something
  4. prattle - n - meaningless sounds, babble
  5. rotund - adj - very plump, round
  6. odious - adj - deserving hate or contempt
  7. loquacious - adj - very talkative
  8. inclement - adj - stormy, severe
  9. despondency - n - depression, rejection
  10. capricious - adj - changing suddenly, fickle

Week 4 _____

  1. dearth - n - a lack, a scarcity
  2. credible - adj - reliable, believable
  3. benign - adj - not causing harm, of gentle disposition
  4. fervent - adj - ardent, showing great emotion
  5. ignominy - n- disgraceful/ dishonorable conduct
  6. grievous - adj - characterized by severe suffering
  7. imperious - adj - extremely overbearing
  8. blighted - adj - destroyed or caused by decline or decay
  9. audacity - n- excessive boldness, daring
  10. laud - v- to praise, to extol

Week 5 _____

  1. forbearance - n - patience, lenience
  2. imbibe - v - to absorb or drink in
  3. labyrinthine - adj - like a maze, very convoluted
  4. expiate - v - to atone or to make amends for a sin
  5. burnish - v - to make shiny or polish by rubbing
  6. append - v - to add in a supplementary manner
  7. amenable - adj - willing to follow advice
  8. fugitive - n - a person who is allusive/ hard to find
  9. evanescent - adj - fleeting, impermanent
  10. calamity - n - a serious event causing distress

Week 6 - SKIP - End of Six Weeks - Study!

Week 7 _____

1.edifice - n - a very large building

2.discern - v - to differentiate between two or more things

3.alchemist - n - one who practices chemistry or tries to turn metal to gold

4.gentility - n - state of refinement, member of the upper class or gentry

5.inauspicious - adj - unfavorable

6.import - n - relative importance, significance

7.propriety - n - correct conduct

8.sagacious - adj - wise, shrewd, very discerning

9.replete - adj - filled to capacity

10.quaint - adj - unusual in character or appearance

Week 8 _____

  1. propinquity - n - nearness; kinship
  2. opaque - adj - not allowing the passage of light, not transparent, hard to understand
  3. malevolence - n - ill will, evil intentions
  4. lurid - adj - sensational, gruesome, causing horror
  5. inopportune - adj - inconvenient, poorly timed
  6. furrow - v - to make wrinkles or grooves
  7. florid - adj - flowery, flushed with color
  8. esoteric - adj - understood only by a select few
  9. despotic - adj - ruling oppressively, tyrannical
  10. depravity - n - moral corruption, a perverse act

Week 9 _____

  1. acuity - n - sharpness of perception
  2. foliage - n - leaves of a plant, leafage
  3. derision - n - scoffing at, mockery, ridicule
  4. buoyant - adj - capable of floating, cheerful
  5. endow - v - to provide with income or property, to supply with a talent or quality
  6. balm - n - a soothing substance or one that gives relief
  7. indefatigable - adj - tireless
  8. extant - adj - still in existence
  9. abase - v - to degrade, to humiliate
  10. enumerate - v –to count one by one

Week 10 _____

  1. abyss - n - bottomless hole, a vast expanse/ depth
  2. portal - n - a doorway
  3. obviates - v –to make unnecessary, to prevent as a result of anticipating
  4. insidious - adj - dangerous in a secret sort of way
  5. palliate - v - to ease pain
  6. revere - v - to honor, to regard with respect
  7. solace - v - to comfort or to cheer
  8. tarry - v - to delay in coming or going, to linger
  9. unobtrusive - adj - not readily noticeable
  10. vista - n - a distant view seen through an opening

Week 11 _____

  1. virtuous - adj - having excellent morals; righteous
  2. torpid -adj - sluggish, inactive, dull
  3. sentinel - n - one who keeps guard as a sentry
  4. posterity - n - future generations, all descendants of a person
  5. oblivion - n - state of being forgotten
  6. mirth - n - gladness or merriment
  7. incantation - n - a spell, written or recited
  8. piety - n - devotion and reference to God
  9. requite - v - to make repayment or to return
  10. superfluous - adj - beyond what is needed or required, an overflow

Week 12 - SKIP - End of Six Weeks - Study!

Week 13 _____

  1. abrogate – v – to abolish, to do away with
  2. begrudge – v – to give reluctantly
  3. effrontery – adj – extreme boldness, audacity
  4. malign – v – to utter misleading reports about
  5. heretical – adj – contrary to church doctrine
  6. ineptness – n – lack of competence or judgment
  7. wily – adj – cunning, crafty
  8. savory – adj – appetizing
  9. resurge – v – to rise again
  10. trepidation – n – fear, trembling, agitation

Week 14 _____

  1. vindictive – adj – revengeful, spiteful
  2. sublime – adj – exalted, noble, uplifting
  3. contentious – adj – quarrelsome, stirring controversy
  4. bemuse – v – to confuse or to bewilder
  5. inert – adj – unable to move or to act, sluggish
  6. formidable – adj – menacing, causing fear or awe
  7. baseness – n – quality of lacking higher values
  8. blasphemous – adj – irreverent, profane
  9. partisan – n – one who exhibits extreme or possibly blind allegiance toa group or cause
  10. methodical – adj – proceeding in a systematic order

Week 15 _____

  1. pallor – adj – extreme paleness, usually in the face
  2. rescind – v – to cancel
  3. conciliate – v – to pacify, to renew a friendship
  4. corroboration – n – confirmation
  5. ameliorate – v – to make better, to relieve
  6. sectarian – n – a member of the sect that is a faction with extreme beliefs
  7. parochial – adj – limited in range of scope, narrow
  8. innate – adj – existing from birth, inborn
  9. beguile – v – to deceive, to mislead
  10. prudent – adj – wise about practical matters

Week 16 _____

  1. adamant – adj – inflexible, immovable, obstinate
  2. quake – v – to shake from shock or instability
  3. reproach – v – to blame for something; a disgrace
  4. confound – v – to cause one to become confused
  5. exalt – v – to glorify, to praise, to raise in rank
  6. deference – n – courteous, going along with the opinions or wishes of another
  7. ingratiate – v – to make an effort to gain good favor with someone
  8. credulous – adj - believing on slight evidence
  9. paradoxical – adj – something that appears false or contradictory but is actually correct
  10. augury – n – an omen or prophesy

Week 17 _____

  1. defamation – n – act of harming another’s reputation
  2. contempt – n - extreme dislike or disdain
  3. propriety – n – correct conduct
  4. ecstasy – n – extreme happiness
  5. junta – n – a group of people who join in running a government (after a revolution)
  6. licentious – adj – lacking moral or sexual restaint
  7. placid – adj – peaceful, calm
  8. autocrat – n – a person with unlimited influence
  9. dissemble – v – to disguise, to pretend
  10. indigenous – adj – native to a certain area

Week 18 – Yea! – Study – End of Semester