Michael H. Alderman, M.D.

Personal: Date of Birth: March 26, 1936

Place of Birth:New Haven, Ct.

Married:Betsy Feinstein


Electronic mail:


1951-54The GunnerySchool, Washington, CT

1958B.A., Magna Cum Laude, HarvardCollege,

1962M.D., YaleMedicalSchool

1965-66JohnsHopkinsSchool of Public Health - Medical Care

Research Methodology (Dr. Kerr White)

1967-68Glorney Raisbeck Fellow, New YorkAcademy of Medicine

Board Certification:

1963National Board of Medical Examiners

1968American Board of Internal Medicine

1970Fellow, American Board of Internal Medicine

1971Fellow, AmericanCollege of Physicians

1973Fellow, American Society for Clinical Nutrition

Faculty Appointments:

AlbertEinsteinCollege of Medicine/MontefioreMedicalCenter

1968-70Instructor in Medicine, Department of Medicine

1984-Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine

1984-Professor, Department of Medicine

1984-97Chairman, Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine

1997-Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health


1970-76Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine

1976-82Associate Professor, Department of Medicine

1977-80Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center

1977-80Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine

1978-82Associate Attending Physician, New YorkHospital

1980-84Professor, Department of Public Health

1982-Professor, Department of Medicine

1985-Adjunct Professor of Public Health & Medicine

University of the West Indies

1970-71Visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine


1990-91Visiting Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine

Hospital Appointments:

1962-63Intern, Internal Medicine, BronxMunicipalHospitalCenter Assistant Resident, Internal Medicine, Bronx Municipal


1968-70Assistant Visiting Physician, BronxMunicipalHospitalCenter

1968-70Visiting Physician & Associate Director, Dept. of Medicine and

Chief, Renal Serv., LincolnHospital

1984-Attending Physician, Epidemiology & Social Medicine

1986-88Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, BMHC

1986-Attending Physician, New YorkHospital

Other Appointments:

1971-72Basic Science Faculty Council, CornellUniversityMedicalCollege

1971-74Admissions Committee, CornellUniversityMedicalCollege

1971Committee of Mother & Child Health, Jamaican Government1972-76 New York State Committee, US Civil Rights Commission

1972-77Medical Advisory Committee on Hypertension, New York

City Department of Health, (Chairman, 1975)

1973, 77Traveling Fellowship, World Health Organization

1974-New York Citizens for Treatment of Blood Pressure

1974Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation

(AMREF)1978-94 President, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)

1975-79Council on Community Programs, New York Heart Association

(Chairman, 1975)1979- U.S. Delegation to the USSR, Cardiovascular Collaboration,

Problem Area Seven, Arterial Hypertension, Honor

1979-83Program Director, Chronic Disease Care Program, Robert Wood

Johnson Foundation

1981-83Consultant to the United Nations Medical Services

1981-90Chairman, Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)

1985-88National Board of Medical Examiners, Part II Preventive Medicine &

Public Health Test Committee

1985-2002Board of Trustees, SharonHospital, Sharon, CT.

1988-91Chairman, National Board of Medical Examiners, Preventive

Medical & Public Health Test Committee

1988-91Chair, AIDS Subcommittee, Health & Public Policy Committee

NYS Chapter of the AmericanCollege of Physicians

1989-96Member, Nat'l High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHPBEP)

Coordinating Committee1991-92 Member, Fifth National Committee of Detection, Evaluation & Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-V) Nat'l Heart

Lung & Blood Institute1992- Board of Directors, NYC Planned Parenthood Association

1993-Steering Committee of Antihypertension & Lipid-Lowering Treatment

to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)

1996-Board of Directors, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

1997-Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Cooperation (SPARC)

Chairman, Board of Trustees

1996-98President, American Society of Hypertension

1998-2001Publications & Communications Committee, Member

American Society of Hypertension

1998-Member, Association of American Physicians

1998-2008Scientific Council, International Society of Hypertension

1998-2000World Heart Federation Guidelines Committee

1998-2000Steering Committee, OPERA

2000-2003Member, Caribbean Scientific Council

2001Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Fellowship

2003-Steering Committee, ACCORD NIH Study

2003-2006Chairman, CME Committee, American Society of Hypertension

2004-2006President, International Society of Hypertension

Professional Societies:

AmericanCollege of Epidemiology, Fellow

American Federation of Clinical Research

AmericanCollege of Physicians, Fellow

AmericanCollege of Preventive Medicine

American Heart Association, Council on Epidemiology

American Public Health Association

American Society of Hypertension - President Elect 1994-96, Honor

American Society of Hypertension, President, 1996-98

American Society of Nephrology

American Society of Preventive Cardiology

Council on Foreign Relations

Eastern Hypertension Society

The Herman Biggs Society

International Epidemiological Association

New YorkAcademy of Medicine


1971-72Basic Science Faculty Council, CornellUniversityMedicalCollege

1971-74Admissions Committee, CornellUniversityMedicalCollege

1971Committee of Mother & Child Health, Jamaican Government 1972-76 New York State Committee, US Civil Rights Commission

1972-77Medical Advisory Committee on Hypertension, New York

City Department of Health, (Chairman, 1975)

1974-New York Citizens for Treatment of Blood Pressure

1974Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation


1978-94President, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)

1975-79Council on Community Programs, New York Heart Association

(Chairman, 1975)

1979-U.S. Delegation to the USSR, Cardiovascular Collaboration,

Problem Area Seven, Arterial Hypertension, Honor

1981-83Consultant to the United Nations Medical Services

1981-90Chairman, Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)

1985-88National Board of Medical Examiners, Part II Preventive Medicine & Public Health Test Committee

1985-2002Board of Trustees, SharonHospital, Sharon, CT.

1988-91Chairman, National Board of Medical Examiners, Preventive

Medical & Public Health Test Committee

1988-91Chair, AIDS Subcommittee, Health & Public Policy Committee

NYS Chapter of the AmericanCollege of Physicians

1989-96Member, Nat'l High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHPBEP)Coordinating Committee

1991-92Member, Fifth National Committee of Detection, Evaluation & Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-V) Nat'l Heart Lung & Blood Institute

1992-Board of Directors, NYC Planned Parenthood Association

1993-Steering Committee of Antihypertension & Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)

1996-2000Board of Directors, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

1997-Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Cooperation (SPARC) Chairman, Board of Trustees

1996-98President, American Society of Hypertension

1998-2001Publications & Communications Committee, Member

American Society of Hypertension

1998-Member, Association of American Physicians

1998-2000World Heart Federation Guidelines Committee

1998-2008Scientific Council, International Society of Hypertension

2000-2003Member, Caribbean Scientific Council

2004-2006President, International Society of Hypertension

2003-2006Chairman, CME Committee, American Society of Hypertension

2003-Steering Committee, ACCORD NIH Study

New York Heart Association

International Society of Hypertension

Royal Society of Medicine

The Society of Behavioral Medicine

Society of the Sigma Xi-Cornell Chapter

Society of Epidemiology Research

Editorial Boards:

1973-77Health and Society, Milbank Memorial

Fund Quarterly

1973-77Science Year, Field Enterprises

Educational Corporation

1977-84Contributing Editor, International Dictionary of Biology and Medicine, New YorkHospital-CornellMedicalCenter

1977-Cardiovascular Medicine, Group Medicine Publications, Inc.

1980-Cardiovascular Reviews and Reports, Le Jacq Publishing, Inc.

1987-92American Journal of Hypertension

1997-Disease Management & Health Outcomes

1998-2001Journal of Hypertension

1999-American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology

1999-2012American Journal of Hypertension

2002-Blood Pressure

2002-Member, International Board, Hypertension: Screening, Investigation & Therapy

2004-2006Deputy Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Hypertension

2007-Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Hypertension

2007-2012Editor, American Journal of Hypertension


Original Articles in Scientific Journals:

  1. Alderman MH, and Freedman LR. The Direct Injection of E. ColiProtoplast into the Rabbit Kidney. Yale Journal of Biol. Med., 1963;16:157-64.
  1. Alderman MH, and Davis RP. Hyperuricemia in Starvation. Proc. Soc.Exp. Biol. Med., 1965, 118:790-92.
  1. Alderman MH. (Summary Report) White House Conference on Health, November 3-4, 1965, Washington, D.C. Public Health Reports, 1966; 81:111-20.
  1. Alderman MH, Becker EL. A Disposable Renal Biopsy-Needle. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1968; 203:988-89.
  1. Alderman MH, Frimpter GW, Isaacs M, Scheiner E. Glycylproline Peptiduria in Familial Hyperostosis of Obscure Nature. Metabolism, 1966; 81:111-20.
  1. Saville FD, Alderman MH. Deficiency Rickets in New York: Dissociation Between Primary Hydroxyproline and Glycylproline with Treatment. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1970; 125:341-43.
  1. Shah S, Queenan JT, Alderman MH, Schubert E, Winick M. Large-Molecular-Weight Hydroxyproline Human Amniotic Fluid: An Indicator of Fetal Growth. Proceedings Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress, 1971; p. 342.
  1. Isaacs M, Scheiner E, Dimich AB, Frimpter GW, Greenberg E, Alderman MH. Familial Hyperostosis of Obscure Nature. Metabolism, 1971; 20:910-26.
  1. Alderman MH, Cadien DS, Haughton PBH, Johnston MH, Johnson KG. A tudent Rural Health Project in Jamaica. West Indies Medical Journal, 1972; 21:20-4.
  1. Shah SI, Alderman MH, Queenan JT, Brasel JA, Winick M. Nondialyzable Peptide-Bound Hydroxyproline in Human Amniotic Fluid; an Indicator of Fetal Growth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1972; 114:250-54.
  1. Alderman MH. (Special Consultant Report) Health Auxiliaries in Maternal-Child Health, Pan American Organization. Bureau of Population Dynamics, Washington, DC, 1972; pp. 1-39.
  1. Alderman MH, Husted J, Levy B, Minott OD, Searle R. A Young-Child Nutrition Programme in Rural Jamaica. Lancet, 1973; 1:1166-69.
  2. Stoopler J, Frayer W, Alderman MH. Prevalence and Persistence of Lactose Malabsorption Among Young Jamaican Children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1974; 27:728-32.
  3. Alderman MH. Bringing Medicine to the Jamaica Mountains. Physicians World, 1974; 2:55-9.
  1. Reichman LB, Cooper BM, Blumenthal S, Block G, O'Hara D, Chaves AD, Alderman MH, Deming QB, Farber SJ, Thomson GE. Hypertension Testing Among High School Students: I. Surveillance Procedures and Results. Journal of Chronic Disease, 1974; 28:161-71.
  1. Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE. Detection and Treatment of Hypertension at the Worksite. New England Journal of Medicine, 1975; 293:65-8.
  1. Alderman MH, Ferguson R. The Impact of a Family Planning Clinic in Rural Jamaica. West Indies Medical Journal, 1976; 25:11-6.
  1. Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management of Hypertension: Introduction. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976; 52:697-698.
  1. Schoenbaum EE, Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management of Hypertension: I. The Recruitment, Training and Responsibilities of a Health Team. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976; 52:699-708.
  1. Bornia M, Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management and Hypertension: II. the Role of the Physician. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976; 52:706-13.
  1. Alderman MH, Yano K. How Prevalence of Hypertension Varies as Diagnostic Criteria Change. American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1976; 271:343-49.
  1. Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE. Hypertension Control Among Employed Persons in New York City: 1973-75. The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Health and Science, 1976; 52:367-77.
  1. Sealey J, Moon C, Laragh J, Alderman MH. Plasma Pro-Renin: Cryoactivation and Relationship to Renin Substrate in Normal Subjects. American Journal of Medicine, 1976; 296:753-55.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK. Hypertension Control at the Worksite. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1976; 18:793-96.
  1. Alderman MH. Do We Really Know Whom to Treat and How? New England Journal of Medicine, 1977; 296:753-5 5.
  1. Alderman MH, Engelland A. A Research Paradigm for Preventive Cardiology. Cardiovascular Medicine, 1977; 2:621-22.
  1. Alderman MH, Ochs OS. Treatment of Hypertension at the University Medical Clinic. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1977; 137:1707-10.
  2. Alderman MH, Wise PH, Ferguson RP. Reduction of Young Child Malnutrition and Mortality in Rural Jamaica. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child Health, 1978; 24:7-11
  1. Alderman MH, Stanback ME. Long-term Hypertension Control: It Can Be Done. Urban Health, 1978; 9:42-45.
  1. Lee TH, Alderman MH. Malignant Hypertension-Declining Mortality Rate in New York City, 1958 to 1984. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1978; 78:1389-91.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK. Hypertension Control in the Occupational Setting. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1978; 78:1287-91.
  1. Alderman MH, Miller KF. Blood Pressure Control: The Effect of Facilitated Access to Treatment. Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 1978; 55:349-51.
  1. Engelland A, Alderman MH, Powell HB. Blood Pressure Control in Private Practice: A Case Report. The American Journal of Public Health, 1979; 69:25-29.
  1. Alderman MH. Communities with Unusually Short Life-Spans: The Effects of Life-Style Modifications. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1979; 55:357-66.
  1. Seligmann AW, Alderman MH, Davis TK. Systolic Hypertension: Occurrence and Treatment in a Defined Community. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1979; 27:135-38.
  1. Alderman MH, Rafter J, Samet R, Thomson G, Wassertheil-Smoller, S. High Blood Pressure Treatment Facilities: Survey in Greater New York Area. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1979;79:754-57.
  1. Alderman MH, Reader GG. Public Health in China: 1978. The American Journal of Medicine, 1979; 67:3-5.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK. Blood Pressure Control Programs On and Off the Worksite. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1980; 22:167-70.
  2. Alderman MH, Green LW, Flynn BS. Hypertension Control Programs in Occupational Settings. Public Health Reports, 1980; 95:158-63.
  1. Alderman MH. The Epidemiology of Hypertension: Etiology, Natural History, and the Impact of Therapy. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1980; 1:509-19.
  1. Alderman MH. Mild Hypertension: New Light on an Old Clinical Controversy. American Journal of Medicine, 1980; 69:653-55.
  1. Ruchlin HS, Alderman MH. Cost of Hypertension Control at the Workplace. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1980; 22:795-800.
  2. Alderman MH, Melcher L. A Company-Instituted Program to Improve Blood Pressure Control in Primary Care. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 1981; 17:122-128.
  1. Madhavan S, Alderman MH. The Potential Effect of Blood Pressure Reduction on Cardiovascular Disease: A Cautionary Note. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1981; 141:1583-1588.
  2. Alderman MH, Stanback ME. Preventive Cardiology: The State of the Art. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1981;2:247-253.
  1. Alderman MH, Charlson ME, Melcher LA. Labelling and Absenteeism: the Massachusetts Mutual Experience. Journal of Clinical Investigative Medicine, 1981; 4:165-171.
  1. Thomson GE, Alderman MH, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Rafter JG, Samet R. High Blood Pressure Diagnosis and Treatment: Consensus Recommendations vs. Actual Practice. American Journal of Public Health, 1981; 71:413-416.
  1. Alderman MH, Madhavan S. Management of the Hypertensive Patient: A Continuing Dilemma. Hypertension, 1981; 3:192-197.
  1. Madhavan S, Davis TK, Alderman MH. Profile of Hypertensive as a Determinant of Long-term Antihypertensive Medication Needs. Hypertension, Suppl II 1981; 3:242-244.
  1. Alderman MH. Improved Compliance with Antihypertensive Therapy: Lessons from the Worksite. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1981; 2:909-917.
  1. Charlson ME, Alderman MH, Melcher L. Absenteeism and Labelling in Hypertensive Subjects: Prevention of an Adverse Impact in those at High Risk. American Journal of Medicine, 1982; 73:165-170.
  2. Gerber L, Wolf AMD, Braham RS, Alderman MH. Effects of Sample Selection on the Coincidence of Hypertension and Diabetes. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1982; 247:43-46.
  1. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Stanback ME, Davis TK. Relation of Blood Pressure Response to Therapy and the Occurrence of Myocardial Infarction and Stroke. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Suppl II, 1982; 4:251-256.
  1. Alderman MH. When to Treat Hypertension. Comprehensive Therapy, 1982; 8:13-18.
  1. Gerber L, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Coincident Hypertension: Deleterious Effects on Patients with Hyperglycemia. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1983; 83:693-696.

  1. Alderman MH, Melcher LA. Occupationally-Sponsored, Community-Provided Hypertension Control. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1983; 25:465-470.
  1. Nicholson JP, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Teichman SL, Sos, TA, Laragh JH. Cigarette Smoking and Renovascular Hypertension. Lancet, 1983; 2:765-766.
  1. Resnick LM, Laragh JH, Sealey JE, Alderman MH. Divalent Cations in Essential Hypertension: Relations Between Serum Ionized Calcium, Magnesium and Plasma Renin Activity. New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 309:888-891.
  1. Alderman MH, Melcher L, Drayer DE, Reidenberg MM. Increased Excretion of Urinary N-Acetyl-ß-Glucosaminidase in Essential Hypertension and its Decline with Antihypertensive Therapy. New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 309:1213-1217.
  1. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Davis TK. Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease Events by Worksite Hypertension Treatment. Hypertension, Suppl V, 1983; 5:138-143.
  1. Hammond IW, Alderman MH, Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Laragh JH. Contrast in Cardiac Anatomy and Function Between Black and White Patients with Hypertension. Journal of the National Medical Association, 1984; 76:247-255.
  1. Ruchlin HS, Melcher LA. Alderman MH. A Comparative Economic Analysis of Work-Related Hypertension Care Programs. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1984; 26:45-49.
  1. Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Casle PN, Kligfield P, Einsenberg RR, Hammond IW, Miller DH, Reis G, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Standardization of M-Mode Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Anatomic Measurements. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1984; 4:1222-1230.
  1. Schnall P, Alderman MH, Kern R. An Analysis of the HDFP Trial Evidence of Adverse Effects of Antihypertensive Treatment on White Women with Moderate and Severe Hypertension. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1984; 84:299-301.
  1. Alderman MH, Madhavan S. Worksite as Locus of Hypertension Care. Journal of Hypertension, Suppl I, 1985; 3:77-80.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK, Gerber LM. Step-down Therapy for Hypertension: Results in a Community-based Program. Postgraduate Medicine, 1984; 77:89-99.
  1. Lutas EM, Devereux RM, Reis G, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Borer JS, Laragh, JH. Increased Cardiac Performance in Mild Essential Hypertension: Left Ventricular Mechanics. Hypertension, 1985; 7:979-988.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK, Carroll L. Initial Antihypertensive Therapy: Comparison of Prazosin and Hydrochlorothiazide. American Journal of Medicine, 1986; 30:120-125.
  1. Alderman MH. Mild Hypertension: A Rational Approach to Clinical Management. Einstein Quarterly, 1986; 4:18-20.
  1. Alderman MH, Davis TK, Gerber LM, Robb J. Antihypertensive Drug Therapy Withdrawal in a General Population. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1986; 146:1309-1311.
  1. Hammond IW, Devereux B, Alderman MH, Lutas EM, Spitzer MC, Crowley JS, Laragh, JH. The Prevalence and Correlates of Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Among Employed Patients with Uncomplicated Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1986; 7:639-650.
  1. Devereux RB, Hawkins I, Kramer-Fox R, Lutas EM, Hammond IW, Spitzer MC, Hochreiter C, Roberts RB, Belkin RN, Klingfield P, Brown WT, Niles N, Alderman MH, Borer JS, Laragh JH. Complications of Mitral Valve Prolapse: Disproportionate Occurrence in Men and Older Patients. The American Journal of Medicine, 1986; 81:751-758.
  1. Alderman MH. Hypertension Control at the Workplace Corporate Commentary. 1986; 2:1-12.
  1. Alderman MH. The Case for Caution in the Treatment of Mild Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 1986; 4(Suppl 5):S537-S540.
  1. Niarchos AP, Alderman MH, Budner N, Greene A, Ooi WL, Madhavan S. Abdominal Bruit in a Defined Hypertensive Population: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Hypertension, 1986; 4 (Suppl 5):S400-S402.
  1. James GD, Sealey JE, Muller F, Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Laragh JH. Renin Relationship to Sex, Race, and Age in Normotensive Population. Journal of Hypertension, 1986; 4 (Suppl 5):S387-89.
  1. Devereux RB, Pickering TG, Alderman MH, Chien S, Borer JS, Laragh JH. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertension: Prevalence and Relation to Pathophysiologic Variables. Hypertension, 1987; 9 (Suppl II):S11-53.
  1. Devereux RB, Casale PN, Hammond IW, Savage DD, Alderman MH, Campo E, Alonso D, Laragh JH. Echocardiographic Detection of Pressure-Overload Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Effect of Criteria and Patient Population. J Clin Hypertension, 1987; 3:66-78.
  1. Gerber LM, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Waist-to-Hip Ratio as an Index of Risk for Hyperglycemia Among Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of Medicine, 1987; 3:64-68.

  1. James GD, Sealey JE, Alderman MH, Ljungman S, Mueller FB, Pecker MS, Laragh JH. A Longitudinal Study of Urinary Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance in Normal Subjects: Race, Sex and Age Differences. American Journal of Hypertension, 1988; 1:124-131.
  1. Alderman MH, Drucker E, Rosenfield A, Healton C. Predicting the Future of the AIDS Epidemic and its consequences for the Health Care System Of New York City. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1988; 64:175-183.
  1. Alderman MH, Budner N, Cohen H, Lamport B, Ooi WL. Prevalence of Drug Resistant Hypertension. Hypertension, 1988; Part 2, 11(3)II-71-II-75.
  1. The 1988 Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Arch Intern Med, 1988; 148(5):1023-1038.
  1. Marantz PR, Alderman MH, Tobin JN. Diagnostic Heterogeneity: In Clinical Trials of Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1988; 109(1):55-61.
  1. Laragh JH, Lamport B, Sealey J, Alderman MH. Diagnosis Ex Juvantibus - Individual Response Patterns to Drugs Reveal Hypertension Mechanisms and Simplify Treatment (Editorial) Hypertension, 1988; 12(3).
  1. Selwyn PA, Feingold AR, Hartel D, Schoenbaum EE, Alderman MH, Klein RS, Friedland GH. Increased Risk of Bacterial Pneumonia in HIV-Infected Intravenous Drug Users Without AIDS. AIDS, 1988; 2:267-272.
  1. Hammond IW, Devereux RB, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Relation of Blood Pressure and Body Build to Left Ventricular Mass in Normotensive and Hypertensive Employed Adults. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1988; 12:996-1004.
  1. Alderman MH. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Prazosin versus Propranolol as Initial Antihypertensive Therapy. The American Journal of Medicine, 1989; 86 (Suppl 1B):45-49.
  1. Mann SJ, Pickering TG, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Assessment of the Effects of Alpha and Beta-Blockade in Hypertensive Patients Who Smoke Cigarettes. The American Journal of Medicine, 1989; (Suppl 1B):79-81.
  1. Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. The "J" Curve Relation Between Blood Pressure Reduction and Cardiovascular Risk. Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports, 1989; 10(2):24-28.
  1. Kaplan NM, Alderman MH, Flamenbaum W, McCarron DA, Perry HM. Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 1989;2:75-77.

  1. Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H. Treatment Induced Blood Pressure Reduction and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1989; 262(7):920-24.
  1. Ooi WL, Budner NS, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Impact of Race on Treatment Response and Cardiovascular Disease Among Hypertensives. Hypertension, 1989; 14(3):227-234.
  1. de Simone G, Devereux RB, Chien S, Alderman MH, Atlas SA, Laragh JH. Relation of blood Viscosity to Demographic and Physiologic Variables and to Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Apparently Normal Adults. Circulation, 1990; 81:107-117.
  1. Alderman MH, Lamport B. Labelling of Hypertensives: A Review of the Data. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1990; 43(2):195-200.
  1. Schnall PL, Pieper C, Schwartz JE, Karasek RA, Schlussel Y, Devereux RB, Ganau A, Alderman MH, Warren K, Pickering TG. The Relationship Between 'Job Strain', Workplace Diastolic Blood Pressure, and Left Ventricular Mass Index: Results of a Case Control Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1990; 263 (14): 1929-1935.
  1. Marantz PR, Kaplan MC, Alderman MH. Clinical Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure in Patients with Acute Dyspnea. CHEST, 1990; 97:776-781.
  1. Resnick LM, Gupta RK, Gruenspan H, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Hypertension and Peripheral Insulin Resistance: Possible Meditating Role of Intracellular Free Magnesium. American Journal of Hypertension, 1990; 3:373-379.
  1. Alderman MH. Management of High Blood Pressure to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. HMO Practice, 1990; 4:45-51.
  1. Alderman MH, Lamport B. Moderate Sodium Restriction: Do The Benefits Justify the Hazards? American Journal of Hypertension, 1990;3(6 Pt 1):499-504.
  1. Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H. Blood Pressure Reactivity Predicts Myocardial Infarction among Treated Hypertensive Patients. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1990; 43(9):859-866.
  1. Lewin A, Alderman MH, Mathur P. Antihypertensive Efficacy of Guanfacine and Prazosin in Patients with Mild to Moderate Essential Hypertension. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1990; 30:1081-1087.
  1. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey J, Laragh JH. Association of the Renin-Sodium Profile with the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Hypertension. New England Journal of Medicine, 1991; 324(16):1098-1104.