Line Item Invoice View Page

This page displays once the invoice document hyperlink is clicked in the Doc Id column. The system will open a new window, be sure to close this window when reviewing is completed. This window contains four pages which allow the user to view document detail and impertinent information. The pages are:

  • Invoice – displays the invoice detail.
  • AP Doc Status Inquiry – summarizes invoice and payment information.
  • AP Items Received - allows the user to compare the items invoiced against the items received.
  • Freight/Acct Summary- summarizes all accounts that were used for the items and freight on the invoice.

Each page will be discussed separately.

Invoice page

This page will either be identified as Line Item, Computer Assisted, Blanket Order or Free Balance Invoice. It displays the document detail specific to the selected document.

The print below is the view of a line item invoice. Since there is so much detail, it will be discussed in sections.

Header Information Section

This section defines the information that is in the header of the invoice.

The table below defines the fields displayed in this section.

Field / Description
Mode / Mode of the document - this will always be ‘Inquiry’.
Doc / Identifies the document as an invoice and displays the FIS document number that was assigned by the system.
Dept / Six-digit department number that was entered on line-one on the Purchase Order that the invoice is applied against.
FY / Fiscal year the invoice was entered into AISystem.
Type / Identifies the invoice type.
Enc ID / Encumbrance number of the Purchase Order that the invoice is being applied against.
Status / Status of the document. Valid status are:
  • Complete – The invoice has received all approvals and is waiting for terms to be met or has been paid.
  • Disapproved – The invoice was disapproved by the department or Central Area.
  • Incomplete – The department or Accounts Payable used the SAVE As Is button during processing.
  • Open – The invoice needs additional approvals.
  • Purged – The invoice was canceled by Accounts Payable prior to payment.
  • Rejected – The invoice has been rejected by the department.
  • Sent – The invoice was entered by Accounts Payable and sent to department. The department has not taken the appropriate action.

Changed By / Denotes who entered the invoice.
Date Changed / Date the invoice was entered into AISystem.

Created By/Changed By Section

This section defaults to a collapsed mode; but can be opened by clicking on the arrows. It identifies the person that entered or changed the invoice along with their telephone number and a date/time stamp.

Field / Description
Name / Identifies the person(s) that entered or changed the invoice. Note: ‘Processing Batch’ denotes that the invoice is for a preferred vendor and was automatically loaded by the batch system.
Campus Phone / The campus phone number of the person(s) that entered or changed the invoice.
Campus Box / The campus box number of the person(s) that entered or changed the invoice.
Change Time / The date/time stamp when the invoice was entered or changed.

Line Item Invoice Information Section

This section identifies the vendor information, terms and image indexing information.

The table below defines the fields that are displayed in this section.

Field / Description
Vendor ID / Six-digit vendor number.
Addr # / Identifies which payment type address the check will be or has been mailed to the vendor.
Invoice No / The invoice number the vendor assigned.
Invoice Date / The invoice date assigned by the vendor.
Vendor Information / Displays the vendor’s information that payment was/should be mailed to.
Multi / Denotes if the invoice has multiple accounts for distribution.
Terms Rate / Discount terms
Days / Vendor payment terms
Send / Denotes if Accounts Payable did a manual ‘send-to’ on the invoice.
Exp / Indicates whether or not funds used for distribution on this Purchase Order have expired. Valid Values are:
  • Blank = No funds have expiration dates
  • 0 = the fund will expire this month.
  • 1 - 9 means the fund has been expired for the number of months displayed.
  • An asterisk denotes the fund expiration is greater than 9 months.

F/A / Freight Codes. Valid values are:
  • Blank = No freight codes were entered on the Purchase Order.
  • N = Freight is not allowed as separate charge.
  • Y = Freight can be charged as a separate item.

Quote / This field denotes if the Quote flag was activated when the Purchase Order was entered. Valid values are:
  • Blank or N = The department did not use the Quote field when the Purchase Order was entered.
  • Y = The department completed the Quote field on the Purchase Order.
  • C = the order was placed using a punch-out vendor in Marketplace.

Image Index / Displays the imaging number assigned by Accounts Payable to the Invoice or Credit Memo document.
Invoice amount / Total invoice amount charged.
Freight Amount / Freight amount charged on the invoice.
Payment Explanation (printed on check) / Displays the memo that either Accounts Payable or the department entered to list on the check stub next to this invoice number.
Remarks (Not Printed on Check) / There are two sections – Accounts Payable and Department. This is a free flow field that allows either area to enter comments or remarks about the invoice. For instance, AP might state why the invoice has routed. The department could use this area for their rejection remarks.

Line Item Invoice Detail Section

This section displays the item(s) ordered on a line item invoice along with the unit price and total cost. It will also show if any other items have been invoiced on additional invoices.

The table below defines the fields that display in this section of the invoice.

Field / Description
Item / Refers to the item number(s) on the Purchase Order.
Quantity / Quantity ordered for each item on the Purchase Order.
Unit / Unit of item ordered.
Price / Unit price of the individual items entered on the Purchase Order.
Description / Description of the item.
Item Cost / Total item cost = (Quantity X Unit Price).
Quantity To Date / The sum total of all units invoiced prior to (and excluding) the invoice currently in process.
Quantity Invoiced / Number of items being invoiced on this invoice.
Invoice Amount / Total cost for this item.
Unit Price / Unit price of the item.
Trailing Docs Button / Takes the user to the Trailing Document page where they can view existing or enter a new trailing document.

AP Doc Status Inquiry Page

This page displays a summary of document and payment information.

The table below defines the fields that display on this page.

Field / Description
Invoice ID / This is a dynamic field and will change based on the selected document. Valid values are:
  • Credit Memo for Credit Memos
  • Invoice ID for invoices
  • PO number for Purchase Orders and Change Orders

Invoice Date / Date of the invoice.
Routed / Denotes if the invoice has been routed. Valid values are:
  • Y = Invoice has been routed
  • N = Invoice has not been routed

Code / Document code. Identifies the type of invoice the user is viewing. Valid values are:
  • LI = Line Item invoice
  • CA = Computer Assisted Invoice
  • IB = Blanket Order Invoice
  • IF = Free Balance Invoice

Doc ID / FIS document number assigned by the system when the invoice was entered.
Prepared By / Identifies who entered the invoice.
Status / Invoice status. Valid status are:
  • Complete -The invoice has received all required approvals.
  • Purged - The invoice was canceled by Accounts Payable prior to payment.
  • Matched - The invoice has received all approvals and is just waiting for payment terms to be met.
  • Paid - The invoice has been paid.
  • Rejected - The invoice has been rejected by the department.
  • Sent - The invoice was entered by Accounts Payable and sent to department. Valid values are:
  • The invoices was entered by Accounts Payable and sent to the department. The department has not taken the appropriate action.
  • The invoice is in an ‘Open’ status and still needs approvals.
  • Incomplete – The invoices was accessed and not finished properly. The ‘Save As Is’ button was used.
  • Disapproved. – The invoices have been disapproved by either the department or a Central Area department.

Type / This is a dynamic field that changes based on the type of document. Valid values are: Change Order (CO), Check Request (CR), Invoices (IN) and Purchase Orders (PO) can have multiple types.
Dept / Six-digit department that was entered on line-one in the Purchase Order that the invoice is applied against.
Change Date / Date the invoice was last changed.
Image index / Displays the imaging number Accounts Payable assigned to the invoice.
Vendor Details / Displays the vendor’s payment address information.
Encumbrance ID / Valid values are:
  • Purchase Order Encumbrance number for Purchase Orders (PO), Invoices (IN), Receiving Report (RE), Change Orders (CO) and Credit Memos (CM).
  • For Free Balance Invoices, this will be the FIS document number assigned to invoice.

Check No / The check number that paid the invoice.
Check Redeposited?/Check Cancel? / This is a dynamic field and denotes if the check for the invoice has been cancelled or re-deposited. If the check has been canceled, the field will display Check Cancel otherwise it will read Check Redeposit.
Payment Due Date / Date payment is due to the vendor; scheduled by the system in accordance with payment terms.
Check Date / Date the check was issued.
Redeposit No / This is a dynamic field and works in conjunction with the check Re-deposited/Check Cancel field. It will display the FIS document number for the corresponding action. If neither action was taken, the field will be blank.
Redeposit Date / This is a dynamic field and works in conjunction with the Check Redeposited/Check Cancel field. It will display the date for the corresponding action. If neither action was taken, the field will be blank.
Goods Received Date / Date goods were received.
In Process Doc Type / Identifies the type of document that is blocking the Purchase Order.
Related Doc No / If a Purchase Order (PO) is blocked. The system will display the document number blocking the Purchase Order.
In Process Doc Id / If a Purchase Order (PO) is blocked. The system will display the document number blocking the Purchase Order.

AP Items Received Page

This page allows the user to compare the items invoiced against the items received. This page only displays when viewing Purchase Orders and Invoices. It does not display when viewing researching Travel Advances (TA), Travel Expense Reports (TR) and Check Requests (CR).


The table defines the fields displayed on this page.

Field / Description
PO No / Encumbrance number of the Purchase Order.
Invoice ID / FIS document number for the invoice that is being viewed.
Inv Date / Invoice date.
Vendor / Vendor’s name from the Purchase Order the invoice is applied against.
Item No / Identifies the item number(s) on the Purchase Order.
Item Unit / Unit ordered (e.g., Ea for each, Doz. for dozen)
Description / Description of the item.
Qty Invoiced / Quantity that has been invoiced.
Qty Received / Quantity that has been received: Note: ‘Automatic’ denotes the computer did the receiving. A numerical value denotes that a ‘Receiving Report’ was entered into the system for this Purchase Order.

Freight Acct Summary page

This page summarizes the accounts that were used for the items and freight on the invoice. Since the majority of the fields are the same as the line item page; the table below will only define those fields in the Accounts section located at the bottom of the page. Note: This page only displays when viewing an invoice.

The table below defines the fields that display in the Accounts section of the invoice.

Field / Description
LC / Ledger class that was charged.
Dept / Six-digit department that was charged in the account.
FundCode / Three-character fund code that is populated by the system if a valid fund number is entered in the Fund field.
Fund / Fund being charged.
SC / Sub class being charged.
Obj / Object being charged.
SR / Special Reporting code – can be alpha or numeric.
Zero fund / Zero fund being charged.
Invoice Amount / Amount charged to the account for items on the invoice.
Freight amount / Amount being charged to the account for freight.
Encumbrance Change / The change in amount that resulted from the entry of an invoice.
Ex: The item was for $50 and the invoice was for $75, the encumbrance change is $25.
Fr Encumb Change / If applicable, displays encumbrance changes for freight charges. Ex: Freight was not encumbered and there was a $5.00 freight charge, encumbrance change would be $5.00.