Course Syllabus

Course Name: Animation

Course Number: CIT24

PEIMS / Service ID: 13008300 CIT24

Credit: 1 Credit

Prerequisites: BIM I recommended

Potential Industry Certifications:

Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) in Flash

Course Description:

Students will learn the concepts, tools, and techniques you'll need to create their own animations, web experiences, and mobile applications.

Student Evaluation:

·  50% Assignments/daily work/daily quizzes (minimum of 10 assignments per six-weeks)

·  50% Test Average (minimum of 3 tests per six-weeks) (including weekly tests, major tests, district common assessments, other types of assessments)

The average of three six weeks grades and semester exam will determine semester grade. The three six weeks average is weighted at 85% and semester exam is weighted at 15%.

The semester exam exemption policy will apply when appropriate. See the High School Course Guide for more details.

Computer Software:

·  Adobe Flash CS6

·  Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

·  Adobe After Effects CS6

Instructional References:

The Web Collection Revealed, Delmar Cengage Learning

The Video Collection Revealed, Delmar Cengage Learning

My Graphics Lab, Pearson

Teaching Strategies:

May include any or all of the following: lecture, board work, demonstration, return demonstration, classroom exercises, discussion, examination, oral presentation, group projects and reading assignments.


Since our lessons are considered labs, a student needs to budget time for tutorials when absent. Tutorials will be held Tuesday and Friday mornings at 7:15 in CL2 and Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons. Computer Lab CL4 and CL5 and the Library will also be available various afternoons.

Proposed Lesson Schedule:

All dates are subject to change depending on the class progress and levels of student understanding. If a class is not ready to progress, we will alter the flow of instruction to insure adequate levels of understanding.

Fall Semester

1st Six Weeks

Welcome/Introduction/ Flash

2nd Six Weeks

Flash and Flash Certification

3rd Six Weeks

Premiere Pro

Spring Semester

4th Six Weeks

Premiere Pro and Premiere Pro Certification

5th Six Weeks

After Effects, Audition, Encore

6th Six Weeks

After Effects, Audition, Encore

Supplies Required for Portfolio:

One 1-inch three ring notebook

Instructor Contact:

Leah Stanley

(903) 839-5551

I have read and understand the Digital and Interactive Media syllabus.


Parent / Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date


Print Student Name

Please register your e-mail addresses with me (see information below):

Provide student’s name, grade, subject, and class period on the subject line. In the body of the e-mail put your name and the best daytime number to contact you. See Example:

Subject or RE: Jane Doe, 9th, BIM, 3rd Period

E-mail body:

John Doe cell # 713-555-1212